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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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vat if Mymy was a sisa and she would only chase nerds
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>implying mymy wasn't sisa



science? fauci? oh my. oh my my


would actually be cute if she didn't have the boon lips


cute since she has the boon lips

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Glory to the zarty
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it cannot and im too lazy to post photo of it


it takes a while to load


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retrofags unite


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the feels, man…



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Is it true Coco's VA (Merel) came to one of those "Massa Meetups" and smashed a watermelon with xer thighs? What the fuck?
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Screenshots? I didn't download this normieshit


Use picuki. Also its ik_drink_inkt not ik_drinkt_ink.


We must protect the girls from nigger hands


Just gib da link, ok?


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>Be english
>Live in england
>Go to cafe
>Order chips
>Get crisps
How does this misunderstanding even happen, id understand if i was in america or whatever but no
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marge i thought they were the same thing


What kind of Café serves potato chips anyways?


>Be english
>Live in england
>Go to cafe
>Order chips
>sorre sar, it is ramadan, we don't sarve food at this time of day, come back after sunset


(((they))) are trying to change your culture
also this isn't zellig janny rape and move this thread


Moved to >>>/qa/3679.

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>freshly bought some stroopwafels from lidl
>no coffee to drink them with
>only have peppermint tea which makes me violently sick afterward (probably because it's fucking tea, ew)
what do i do?
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Let it rest over a cup of warm Milk. Then eat it and enjoy the molten caramel, while occasionally washing down the bites with warm beverage.


suicide :/


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only option tbh


>eating raw loaves of toast le bad
1st worlders I…


>toast tastes… LE GOOD
secondworlders i…

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Left Mymy one, sometime this year I'll get it, and I'll let the zaryanation know has soon as I get it.
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109 zaryans you dumb FAGGOT!


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"ohhh, it is another fanfic character of a known yt zaryan. She is Jewstralian or somewhat"


Oy vey, mate

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make this but with the pirate girl please

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mym y




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true lmao. felt awkward drawing below the neck if I wasn't actually going to draw a neck


no doubt it looks good, better than anything i could muster.

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Hello fellow Zaryans! Does anyone know what the girls foot sizes are?
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transgender hands typed this dust



Zoot crush his skull


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Mymy: Mymy is asian and back in the ming dynasty or whatever they, did a thing call foot binding which is custom of breaking and tightly binding the feet of young girls to change their shape and size. pretty disgusting right, but anyway this implies that asians have abnormally big ass foots.

Maya: the average women shoe size in Belgium is 6.5 but everyone knows that Maya is Indonesian. so by doing quick maths, it would be a estimated of 8.9.

Coco: It is scientific proven that walking barefoot would increase your foot size, and knowing that Coco live in South Africa. she would barefoot from time to time. meaning by doing the scientific method, Coco foot would be 11.1.



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You namefags are fucking retarded, just get yourself a tripcode and no one can fake you

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Just add #Key after your name.
Like this: Zaryan#Key and the tripcode will appear.
>new namefag appeared


don't tell them


maybe we should get rid of the namefield or tripcodes so namefags are eternally falseflagged which is gemmy


I was gonna ask if this site even supported trips


its a imageboard retard
zoot do this

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yeah okay so maya simulator cancelled cause some of yall niggers just putting out false info about my game fuck i am not making anything else about my game and no i am not trans
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What did moki mean by this..


New 'Stonetoss' political webcomic.





mass replyfag

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Coal or bedrock?
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Belgstone that destroying the Zarty


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Antimatter spawned from the deepest darkest singularity of a supermassive black hole


maya is canonically a 'phile so this drawing is actually a shining trvthstone thoughbeitever though


CookedHaitianSkinAndFlesh Nigger Coal


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>maya is canonically a 'phile
>you WILL not question this

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…a Dutch cartoon with a dedicated English 4chan-style forum to it?
Passion is passion i guess.
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it was made by a legend, it should be bumped


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Gem, forgot about this


soyzellig is an alt chan, chud


yeah, but we are sharty like, not 4chan like, black trans queen

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thank you to the zaryan who gave me that video. here is my attempt at ascension, https://youtu.be/BX1FSXRcTn0?si=wggQsLXDvkqVup4Q

- Me
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so….. fvcking…… zased……



Congratulations on your self-torture section.
1 hour in you still good, 2 hours still kinda holding on, 3 hours in and beyond is just pain. Good therapy for ADD.


its real trust


yeah these 10 hour videos do this thing where the first section (1-3) hours is slow, the mid section (4-6) is fast and then the (7-10) is slow. But I had fun and it was worth it for Maya, Mymy and Coco

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Hi zaryans, i am working on a 'zellig sparta remix
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It's too expected

We all know that zarty users ALWAYS support da remixes and covers


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I am now on my phone, i posted this on my ps vita (i just did okay!)
the base is sparta emanation ahe (again)


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i really should dig for more samples


File: 1710272023262.webm (6.12 MB, 1920x1080, growl-zellig.webm)

heres a small part of it, i know the sample is very overedited

>Your request looks automated; Post disc-ACKKKKK


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whats your guys favorite dutch cheese recipes


I enjoy Edam on a grilled cheese


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Gouda cheese because it's goud. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Dad level joke that gave me a laugh. GG Zaryian


i love puns that dont work when you say the pun word properly

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i said better not good


>still no simple ongezellig yuri fanfic
>but there are fanfics who see them as pedophiles or furries
ongezellig fandom will never be a gem


the nose adds a bit more depth I guess


File: 1710236968854.png (Spoiler Image, 2.57 MB, 1920x1674, 20231108_182601.png)

>my gooner fanbase doesn't give ME gooner material that I want


well thanks for bumping it then you stupid nigger

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Can't send this to people I know


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>*snifffff* buuububbbuuu…. *sniiiiiifff*


uhh based department?


Based, gemerald


yeah she rejects that tlp because she knows shes built for that 'WC

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My guess is it has to be something related to her parents but it’s seen covered through most of the deels besides 1+2


yeah it def has her parents, poor coco I pray for her every night


she saw her parents getting killed holy shit


This is why I wished that Ongezellig could still continue soon, I need to see Coco's arc and TND 😭🙏


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coco will become the nigger slayer

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i can't post anything. for some autistic reason my posts on /qa/ are flagged as bot posts. is it because i called someone a tranny or something?
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even though kuz was the best admin
soot was just shit all around, never available, just crap.
K♥♥Z was the best, he had peak usership, and loves zellig.
Doll is the absolute worst, by a long shot. Doll was the one who made it against the rules to dox, and he fucked up so bad that the soypocalapse happened under him.
Fr✡✡t is an incompetent idiot, FNAC hasnt been released yet, even though its "been finished for months", hates zellig, and hates us.


>t. Wasnt around during soot era
>t. admin worships because xhe likes the same cartoon you do
>t. ignores the times xhe's been caught posting 'p and 'mt


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>>t. ignores the times xhe's been caught posting 'p and 'mt
thekuz.win thoughever


classic kuzzy, can you blame him however????


Idk I think soot being admin during a time where nearly everyone was a /qa/ poster had something to do with his era being good, since he really was dead a ton of the time and shit hit the fan later on, kuz definitely did better even though everyone can argue about his own adminship being le good or le bad on and on forever
Does it really matter anymore? these times are OVER

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I have been honor to be in a Voral88 video, thank you so much 💋
(I will be commenting using my account usersoy.


literal who?


>>12443 A Gemerald Zarty poster on the tube, A legend among Gems


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what is /zellig/'s opinion on accountancy and the job prospects of accounting?
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no i'm just asking what you guys think of it.
sounds like a pretty good deal, i'd rather that than people-facing roles like salesmen, retail clerks and etc.
that and it being in demand (and likely staying in demand due to more people wanting IT and creative jobs) + usually having an above average salary.


i choose accounting because its like the only thing am half good at and my dad hated me for it


My dad want me to be a accountant because is a "office job/not physical work" or something. Finding this work over here is so hard since jews dominate the field.


You guys should switch dads


Not to be rude or anything but complaining about (((them))) won't get you the job. It's basically what happened to most fags who whine about the chinks and pajeets taking their jobs. Either you hustle for the job or you stay down like a little bitch. It's how the world works. Your call.

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Someone kill this faggot already I cant take it



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i want all the 'zellig gemmie images
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So is Coco canonically 17 now?


16 candles is shown


she is 3 months younger than Maya.


i miscounted lel


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thank you xir

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omg gemeralds



tbh i like the compressed image more, gives off a more gemesque design



can't tell a difference between first and second


look at the glass

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fuck how do you guys fall for your own bait so easily?


You retards you don’t get the implications of this. If any actual tranny gets that in his feed then he might unironically think that zellig is a Troon friendly show and community. Even if not I don’t wanna take the chance especially not with Reddit as a platform. Even if just 1 or 2 it’s one or two too many.
It’s obvious bait but trannies are retards.
If oop is here shut it down or I’ll send ‘apeson to bwc rape you


worst bait award




but what IIIIFFFFFFF zellig becomes more mainstream (or something like that), the invasion of troons is unstoppable

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Here are some ongezellig PS Vita homebrew bootscreens i made


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Extra soyjak bootscreens



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This is a conspiracy

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