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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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There are three types of sexual paraphilias, they are:

pedophilia – sexual attraction to prepubescent people.
hebephilia – sexual attraction to people in early puberty (from 11 to 14 years old).
ephebophilia – sexual attraction to people aged 15–19.

Why am I writing this? Because I think it should be explained that some people who like the sisters and their friends too much are called wrongly. The correct term is simply a pervert, not a pedophile.
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It;s still abhorrent and disgusting and damaging either way, so it doesn;t matter what we label it


Still a perversion and horrible so TPD THD TED


This is an old meme. "Erm well actually it's ephebophilia guys, stop calling me a pedo for being into minors"


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what the sigma


Moved to >>>/qa/4618.

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Haven’t posted on zarty in a while


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Also, who made this image?



awwww she is so cute and wholesome! now draw her tnd killing niggers ripping apart niggers with a chainsaw total nigger tnd


drawGOOOOODDDDD do this


Ruthensky made that /co/al

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>cordtrannies raid the site for 10 minutes
>zoot just deletes them
What do they think they'll achieve with this? Some prints on their #general ?
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lol i raided an ib @negan come laugh with us in vc


fix it to say "failraided the site"


File: 1715619374569.png (279.81 KB, 853x480, failraid.png)

Here you go.


Shoutout to my mods, they are the real niggas! <3


Moved to >>>/qa/4600.

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for the ongezellig reanimated collab or something
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zoooooooot my request does NOT look automated
mario knoppers are you still here the project is about to be finished hellloooooo


zoooot fix the sticky it keeps telling me my request looks automated


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i cant post either so ill say the thing i just wrote up here

Hey there, i'm still here

I started a rework on my scene months ago but im a lazy selfish little fuck so I've barely worked on it

As for the other scenes, I might free up the scenes that were taken by ppl that then went radio silent, also I could replace one of the filler scenes with something that's not as time consuming

(pic rel is not everything that I've done)
<Your request looks automated; Post discarded.


p.s. love you cytube zaryan ❤️❤️❤️


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thank you and can you maybe please update the trello?

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>/co/ (Axis unwholsome vibes doe) starts strong and is unbeatable early/mid game. They spam low tier brimstone OC and have reached a lot of people. They get beaten by the zarty late game

>The Zarty (Allies) are week in the beginning, but late game they have made high quality gemeralds. The good guys win the war (JUST LIKE THE HECKIN AVENGERS!!1!!!)

>Massadonë (Comintern) is full of troons and is waiting to colapse on it's own. /co/ tries to invade der cord to try and connect itself with Massa. Zarty helps Massa kill all /co/omers and then THE 'OLD WAR STARTS!!!! ÖÖÖ

what you guys think? :3


also now that I think about it, we should make one of those TNO edits ;3


soyerald even doe missing arrow


Gemmy textpost, I wonder who would be yugoslav rebels and nazi colaborants, not all rebels were commies, and not all colaborants were nazis


Yeah usueheuurueyeueueueyey


The bumostroke that saved the zarty

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Second Beatles cover!


Any critiques at all will be velcome




Maya and Coco look weird


Nice post Austin



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what do (You) want to see when you open soyzellig.party? what does a good day on zarty look like for you?
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more raids, OC, some autistic discussion


i want to see activities and people saying that my art is gem or something idk


People having a discussion about Ongezellig or posting art. Also when people post on /brabant/.


People posting autism/wordswordswords gems. Also people posting on /brabant/.


lots and lots of mymy appreciation

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i love fans
i love the feeling of a fan blowing at my skin, and also the sound is very calm and relaxing
for like, 5 years now i havent been able to get a good nights sleep without a fan on
i got a brand new one the other day and im happier than ever

(no this isnt a fetish, i just really like fans)
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as a valid transfem ongezellig fan i approve of this cute gemmy :3


keyed blogpost





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we should just let sharty keep doing whatever the fuck to zellig cause they are too retarded to understand that its only a few people

they will forget about it in a week and everything will go back to normal after they realize it's a falseflag 'cord operation


The obsessed faggots are falling for the discord op on purpose, they're teaming up with cord because it aids their rhetoric
also kys namefag

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Is that your OC?


Woahjack coal


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fixed it


Still no beard


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