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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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This is a conspiracy

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[07:13:25] tndenthusiast: yo
[07:13:28] Anyone on?
[07:25:49] Gotta go but to clarify I'm here cause I'm doing research on the dark side of the community for a friend who's doing a video on ongezellig.
[07:27:45] I'm looking into massas bitcoin donater from tennessee, any known recordings of massa meetups or his streams, the gussy wussy shit, foenkies gestapo ass harassment of people from different servers, and any other dark shit I don't know about.
[07:28:07] I'ma go to bed but I'm going to leave this tab open, if you have any info and are willing to tell me then thank you.
[21:34:20] nvm I gotta close some tabs out to get some ram, I posted the same thing on the zellig board.
[21:34:25] thanks for reading this though


I know this has to do with that kid who made the thread making a video about 'lig drama, but still, marge


I still cant get over how they are trying to research about kuz, wait untill they find out about all the bullshit related to him


no arrow


Cytube chat log from the reanimation thing


he's going too deep
kuz isn't real medicate

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Happy (((Clara's))) (((international))) day, goyim, and good swimming, (((Rosa))).


Joowish invention. But c'mon Mymy would still like being gifted flowers


finally mymy has her patented niggerwiggle on the top of her head

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Planning to post Coco everyday on this thread
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all the same IP btw


So true!


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I looked at the entire thing
I got a few dozen Coco pictures now
Thank you 😊


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long ropey noodle arms

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Would (you) let a orange colored jap-in-denial Dutch Nationalist mock your ethnicity and bully you day-in, day-out of school until graduation?
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If she were to do that, I would firmly discipline her with my left hand firmly on her throat and a Käsekrainer in my right hand. Once I’m done with her, she will be a good, subservient little girl.


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you'd what


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>he genuinely doesn't know about the nsfw board


meds now cob


I could fix her

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>Why is Mymy a don Cossak??
Just because I said so ok??????!
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what uniform is that?




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Drew Maya today


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Should we try to include more things to our culture? For example, would you consider watamote zaryan/lig culture (since Maya is basically dutch tomoko)?
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tsmt. School shootings are zarty culture


What similarities? Even between Maya and Tomoko there are lots of differences kek


tranime will bring more troons


I would say that the base idea of the main character being isolated from the rest of the world is one similarity. They struggle when it comes to interacting with people and their views of how society öÖö functiones are twisted by media/other forms of literature (and lack of interaction with reality, duh)

Sure, there are differences (obviously :p). Their goals differ a bit in the sense that Tomoko wishes to "be popular and sociably desired" from the begining. Maya, however, has made up this illusion of "i will be happy when i am completely alone", while at the same time subconsciously questioning whether or not this is something to be desired (her actual wishes being more aligned with Tomoko's). In a way, you can view Maya as potenitally Tomoko with extra steps.
Also, Maya gets help from others in the begining, while Tomoko is complitly isolated from in the start of her story (she eventually finds "help" from others).

There is the problem that we dont really know that much about Maya (besides what is told to us in the pilot/2 comics) compared to the "more developed" charatcer of Tomoko. So a very deep analasys of these two is hard.

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Does anyone have archives of massa's streams on his dutch patreon only site? I wanna watch them.

Also is it true someone had coco's va squash a melon with here thighs?
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After talking with my friend we've come to the general conclusion you guys are right on this.

Would it be fun to stir the pot and send a bunch of angry haters to massadonia and have them shit on foenkie? Yes with extreme prejudice.

Would it be fun to get the attention of hardcore sharty members and zellig diehards who might dox us? No not at all.

We'll keep gathering evidence untill we feel we've gotten everything we could have possibly gotten. And then were shelving the project, only releasing it once something major happens, or enough time has passed and the video wouldn't serve as a way tocause outrage but rather be a message to the staff and Massa himself to get there fucking act together.

Thank all of you thought for your info, opinions, and honesty on our project.


It also wouldn't be fun to ruin anyones lives or fuck the fanbase over harder than Massa has recently.


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Kys stupid scrub, the time for action is now, if you're not willing to ruin lives then rope yourself faggot


Retard 15 yo cord user woke up


what the fuck did I just read? op smoking crack

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Is this recognizable as Mymy?


A little bit


Yeah but slant her eyes a bit and draw her sidebangs (the bangs either side of her fringe, idk hair terms)


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She looks like squirrel

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hello soyzellig I plan to watch Ongezellig for ten hours straight, if anyone could give me the full 20 min pilot so i could constantly keep watching it over and over and over and over again that would be helpful cheers

- Me


meds will kill this patient



but i dont wantttttt the ai dub


>>12374 ai english dub kills the charm..
here u go


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