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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1704839700931.jpg (109.37 KB, 958x1701, 122_-_annoyed_maya_nerf_gu….jpg)


Why is Maya so precious and cute…
15 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Pole? Whatever. Both are shit. The colors don't match plus the staps. Also don't ya dare touch my girl with the disgusting Ukrainian emblem of yours.


File: 1704983993563.jpg (291.33 KB, 941x1176, 29387e.jpg)

these uniforms are similar enough, and that minor differences which you'r noticed are quite obvious. And, no, I'm 'larusian.


File: 1705007444339.png (33.47 KB, 645x770, 7654556.png)

>Whatever. Both are shit.


I am not South American DOE


Yeah you kinda right, doe many uniforms from that period look alike.

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This board needs a hero!


OP here, I drew this because I was feeling a bit more euphoric than usual lol. trans rights are gassy rights


they look like they'd be friends


>even though Maya can't have friends


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I would be her best friend

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can anyone with good transparent simple coco/maya images make funny bounce gif on this website https://poyopoyo.gifanimaker.com/ like this, its top right one thanks


>inb4 total oversaturation


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Coal delivery


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poopmy warning


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>the poopmy incident

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i'm a newbie here, so i'm looking for anyone who'll teach and guide me on this website as i've mostly been using facebook, so this is unfamilliar to me. thanks. also, please give ongezellig arts
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facebookGOD spotted



File: 1704999417503.png (271.24 KB, 500x574, 1704741679632.png)

why would it be bait?


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fell for shittiest bait award

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mymyARYANS win yet again
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1704984758287.gif (2.67 MB, 800x500, 60651 - SoyBooru.gif)

Total Japkike Death


>japkike even doe honorary germanix






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I love Mymy so much

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'cuck gem


lol gemmy

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ok how the FUCK do i install vichan-devel, everyone is doing it, can't be that hard


File: 1704969984612.png (94.42 KB, 727x788, ClipboardImage.png)

i've never done it but if the README doesnt lie, this way.


I can try to help you out. Personally, it took me quite a lot of time to get the hang of it and at first it looked very hard. After a while, I realised that i am just stupid and the process isnt that hard lol.
Do you have a domain name and a hosting server?

File: 1696997700483.webm (2.62 MB, 1280x720, Maya is more than just a ….webm)


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I'm pretty sure he was in the thread like two days ago.. He even mentioned us. But he does have a twitter, so we could just shoot him a message, I guess. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.


What did he say about us?



Lots of posts got deleted tho, including the one where he somewhat tried to explain what the sharty/zarty are about. So he might've got banned. My shitposts are still up thoughbeit. There's also some lonelyGOD who singlehandedly keeps the thread alive, so that might be him. I dunno…


I've also linked the wrong post for some reason, meant to link the one two posts above.


Ah I see, thanks!

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the gooner that got /raid/ on his xis ass for making trans Ongezellig porn is back and created a Maya PNGtuber model
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File: 1704935542034-1.webm (11.18 MB, 1920x1080, jenk.webm)


Fucking marge when did this doxx happen?
>Brought to you by der 'cord
Huh??? Gemmy regardless


File: 1704937735732.webm (5.56 MB, 1280x720, 1699405324086-1.webm)

Fucking GEMERALD effort cordDEITIES


the attention seeking ‘cord faggots who made this video should be ashamed of themselves


>Brought to you by der cord
false flag, definitely unreliable info

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Bro am I the only one who noticed that Massa changed the deels and is now calling them parts? Lmao like this is stupid and irrelevant but I haven't seen anyone point that out yet. This could mean that Massa is kind of okay with having a mostly English-speaking fanbase for Ongezellig now??


i know that youtube autotranslates titles while youre on youtube but you might be right


>This could mean that Massa is kind of okay with having a mostly English-speaking fanbase for Ongezellig now??
Meds. He merely wanted to create something for his people, he was never against an international audience.


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Likely that, on both Yandex and bing it says deel. I can't imagine Massa changing it to "part"


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Yeah, "part" is just a translation from google, "deel" remains in the original title

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