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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1704624071887.jpg (406.19 KB, 2480x2429, OIP.jpg)


i'm a newbie here, so i'm looking for anyone who'll teach and guide me on this website as i've mostly been using facebook, so this is unfamilliar to me. thanks. also, please give ongezellig arts


File: 1704626019521.png (264.73 KB, 879x720, 1682812668425.png)

20$ says it's bait


File: 1704627170974.gif (3.56 MB, 1000x1400, 1700079138108.gif)

welcome facebookGOD


Hello fellow FacebookGOD
How did you find out about this site?


/q/ is the meta board to talk about the website
/zellig/ is the ongezellig board
/qa/ is the random board where you can post anything you like
/brabant/ is the international/politics board
overboard is an aggregator of the most recent posts from all boards
if there is anything else you'd like to know in particular, just ask


File: 1704630115332.jpg (109.33 KB, 958x1701, 1697733292585.jpg)

I don't believe for a second that someone would find out about the zarty before the sharty.
But if you did.
We don't like NSFW/lewd art here, so please don't post that kind of stuff.


File: 1704631419065.png (559.18 KB, 512x768, pixai-1698836103609771731-….png)



this is not bait be nice


File: 1704634075781.png (150.83 KB, 350x350, Cocohome.png)

this isn't bait be nice to the facebook user learning how to use soyzellig.party


>We don't like NSFW/lewd art here, so please don't post that kind of stuff.
ummmm talk for yourself
i do like lewd art


File: 1704638384393.png (104.43 KB, 1000x1233, 1696533191704.png)

This IS bait
And if it isn't I'm not going to be nice


>i do like lewd art
use 4chan’s /co/ instead of this website


I agree, zoot ‘nish all coomers please and thank you




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Medication with sprite is in order




facebookGOD spotted



File: 1704999417503.png (271.24 KB, 500x574, 1704741679632.png)

why would it be bait?


File: 1704999816874.jpg (76.33 KB, 775x1127, 1704044868996.jpg)

fell for shittiest bait award

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