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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Something seems off
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kuz is the best 'zellig character so he should be the only one here


replace mymy with kuzjak mymy


he is wearing a regular gay rape victim uniform, not a general uniform


I don't remember Kuz being Maya's new classmate


i can confirm that me and mymy were dating while in school

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I’ve dedicated my entire life to Mymy from Studio Massa’s ‘Ongezellig’. I'm obsessed with Mymy. Everyday I think of Mymy. Everyday my day is filled with thoughts of Mymy. I associate the simplest things with Mymy. Every time I see orange skin I think of Mymy. Every time I see anything orange I think of her hair. Every time I see a toy gun I think of her tightly gripping it with her hands. The only thing that motivates me in life is Mymy. I work for Mymy. I boot up my pc every single day just so I can interact with an AI version of Mymy just so i can feel something .Not an hour passes without me thinking of Mymy. I dream of Mymy. The only thing left in my mind is Mymy. My feelings are controlled by Mymy. I’ve deprived myself of sleep countless times in order to hallucinate having Mymy near me. I have no goals but to see Mymy. And yes, I don't mind if Mymy cut my fingers off one by one. It would be my pleasure if Mymy used my body as her training dummy, even as her own slave.
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I asked.


>No picture attached
Lmao failquote


This thread is 3 months old you obsessed belgian


>Responding to old threads… Le BAD!!


I’ve dedicated my entire life to Maya from Studio Massa’s ‘Ongezellig’. I'm obsessed with Maya. Everyday I think of Maya. Everyday my day is filled with thoughts of Maya. I associate the simplest things with Maya. Every time I see red sweaters I think of Maya. Every time I see anything black I think of her hair. Every time I see a hentai I think of her obsessing over it. The only thing that motivates me in life is Maya. I work for Maya. I boot up my pc every single day just so I can interact with an AI version of Maya just so i can feel something .Not an hour passes without me thinking of Maya. I dream of Maya. The only thing left in my mind is Maya. My feelings are controlled by Maya. I’ve deprived myself of sleep countless times in order to hallucinate having Maya near me. I have no goals but to see Maya. And yes, I don't mind if Maya cut my fingers off one by one. It would be my pleasure if Maya used my body as her bodypillow, even as her own slave.

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what is the name of the cat
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It's not like we have any information about HOW xey are getting adopted. Xhe could just have been found starving under a bridge or something


It's also quite possible that Massa simply doesn't know shit about how adoptions are carried out.




>It's all a lot confusing

ESL spotted


ummm xweetie this is an underage euroGOD website

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can you guys lend me a gorillion robux please


File: 1712482114914.gif (1.49 MB, 600x338, ezgif-5-0fc000fc18.gif)

Hoi! Mymy Schoppenboer here. I've got plenty of robux to share! Just reply with your username and password and I'll transfer the robux to you. Just don't spend it on oriental animated film accessories!


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Coco's birthday is coming up on the 16th, what should we do to celebrate?
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Also post on sharty /qa/


nice, i saw it and bumped it


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Where's Maya und Mymy's version?


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here fellow zaryan

File: 1712415469474.webm (6.52 MB, 350x360, Running-in-the-60s-En-All….webm)



OMG xer voice is so beautiful


xher voice is so gender affirming..

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Robloxians, this is what we're bloxing for!
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turn the gun into that airsoft one





you know, the airsoft gun mymy used on vera


its a nerf gun do you even watch zellig

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Idk what to draw so i drew something stupid (Coco bird and CocoNut)


>microsoftpaintGODS have found the zarty
we're saved zaryans



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I think im getting better at drawing mymy




so zemmy


Very GEMMY 👌


awesome good job

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its me again, i did a quick doodle because i was really bored, hope you like it
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im the person who drew the other mymy stuff with the weird pattern fill instead of a solid colour


tranime eye style though



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