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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>Alone was I, with tender Mymy,
>and all her hair, her style dyed,
>which, I say, did oblige,
>me, to be… quite naaaughty.
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homer and seca


File: 1721005470616.png (546.71 KB, 1027x747, 1715955147101.png)

you don't know the reference?


Everyone is a toddlerDIETY here oldcaca


Someone should draw Mymy as Courage while he makes the exaggerated faces


its that creepy guy from retard dog show with like scary dog or something

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Is mymy a mossad agent? The niggerwiggle theory..
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trvthnvke that made all mymyfags ack themselves


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Stay with me now
>Her adopted sister is a neet who probably uses imageboards & is secretly racist
>mymy knows about mayas porn addiction and references it a few times
>mymy mimics a cia interrogation at the start of the series on maya


Mymy definitely glows. She poses as racist in a caricatural, provocative way and it's only a matter of time she would attempt to radicalise Maya who she perceives as a suitable target to make a terrorist of.


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Oy vey



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post her in this bread
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Cobson, he's a 'jak without soy.
poor little 'mori, about a full year of moderator persecution. I just didn't really care for the porn of prepubescent boys though. MAYBE he lurks here or something


i see your points and i should consider them, maybe i have gone a bit overboard with my puritanism






we hags are aryan

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Can this marrige save the west, chudbros?
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Unfortunately Trump prefers to marry off his children to jews


Idk zaryan seems like OPs picrel shows that


Mymy was raped by trump on epstein island at a very young age


Someone show Barron our parties NOW


Zoot needs to sell the zarty to Barron

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Maya has caught by Mymy at Afghanistan


>mymy is fighting for taliban

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Coco: normie
Maya: brown degenerate
Mymy: Aryan Nazi who attempted a schoolocaust
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Mymy is not aryan, she is japanese, take your meds now


maya is definitely a basedpilled neet but is too shy to admit it
my theory is maya is more racist than mymy


Maya is a chud that baits nutroons on /pol/ like boards


This whole thread is one anti-Mymy samefagging kike


Used goods btw

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Mymy is adorable, and I wish she were a real person every single day. I wish we could've been high school sweethearts. I wish that we could get married. I wish I could've put a ring on her finger. I wish that she would be the mother of my children. I wish we could've seen them grow up to even give us grandchildren. I wish we could grow old and live happily ever after. She would make me happy, and I would make her happy. But alas, she isn't real, and endings like that don't exist. A chud can still dream of this cute orange little tulip >though.
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No. This is coal


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Mymy sure is perfect, pleases the Ego greatly


Mymy may not be real, but maybe there’s a real mymy out there for you


MymyGODs, your response..?

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its over mymyfags…


Mayaist psyop, mymy would never




why the necro bump?


Changing up the 'log so newGODs can see new stuff? We have infinite pages after all

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Coal but it's literally we

Think about it.




>Zellig is NOT a far right indoctrination program run by Studio Massa you WILL cease your investigation!!





File: 1708125993083.gif (1.52 MB, 323x498, 1707883067513.gif)


hi there my name is sarah and im a schizo ask away :3

im trans, jewish, lesbian, antizionist, neoliberal, MayaGOD and palestinian btw

/gen btw

/killnazis btw
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baited somebody award



How long until you give up?




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Does anyone remember a video from Massa where in some part of the video he shows himself (assuming it was him) pointing at a sign outside? He had his profile picture covering his face. I don't remember what the video was about, but I swear I saw it not too long ago. I'm not sure if it was advertisement or something. Is this lost media or am I just fucking retarded?


nice try doxcord



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>is a dutch nationalist
>makes a dutch anime
>0 of the main characters are from netherland
what did massa mean by this doe? does xe have a thing for immigrant girls?
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damn massa is so racist


But that is a good thing doe


the japanese were only a trading partner of the dutch, but then again they had exclusive trading rights after like 1657 so they had close-enough relations.
the case can be made for the others though.


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when you forget that the fanbase is stupid af (nobody would wanna watch the zellig)



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Some fag tore my shilly. :(
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Lmao if true


I think it's the 1st option. There's no way somebody could look at that and tell to himself that it's some gang ad.
Anyways, are ya going to put new ads?You could print the ad from the previous threads and put them in random places.


Probably, I just really hope it doesn't devolve into some kinda feud between me and some unseen resident of my town.


It's almost like a monkey paw wish, the shilly mightve got someone to check out the Zarty but they didn't like it.



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Were almost half way through the 2020's
Hows it been for you?
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Im wasting my days as i've wasted my life and i've wasted my youth


File: 1720951226873.png (139.91 KB, 676x1021, Mymy_Wholesomejak.png)

I love all you Zaryans


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love you


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Everyone moved forward while leaving me to rot



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Mymy with her best friend, Brenton Tarrant
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File: 1720928423094.png (37.41 KB, 627x627, mutt front.png)

>you're a retarded shitskin if you don't know every detail about schizo shooter no. 232492532


Yes, I say this.
And Chudjak is more suited to this particular 'quote that 'mutt is.


No one cares, kike.


Everyone cares, aryan.


File: 1720962267189.png (309.87 KB, 680x806, 1717526601313k.png)

you're a retarded shitskin if you don't know every detail about schizo shooter no. 232492532

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I honestly feel bad for massa. His passion project failed and now he's gonna die from ass cancer o algo.


It didn't fail, he killed it. It could have been profitable and successfull, maybe still can


His fault for being dumb about the monetization
Doesn't really matter the community will carry his show whether he likes it or not at this point


It failed and it attracted the most autistic fanbase

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 No.28900[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's June 24th.
Let's do this, friends. It's been nice knowing you.
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Total Zaryan Life


i am genuinely fucking disgusted




File: 1720929169652.jpg (31.3 KB, 800x700, 1699985656528.jpg)

seething christkek. grow up


>dont do it doe
the best they could come up with geg

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Trump got nicked in the ear, how do we use this unseen historical event to our advantage?


The shooter was Mymy with xher nerf gun


If we weren't a bunch of stupid little babies myself included we could shill our way into 4chan painting the shooter as an Ongezellig fan, that'd be funny right?


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>we could shill our way into 4chan painting the shooter as an Ongezellig fan, that'd be funny right?


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Nigga, this day is NUTS!


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Sorry for this Zelligbros


You better be sorry because I can see that you didn't completely fill in every little nook and cranny. Those white pixels are showing.

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Mymy's voice actress Yuri Jung (formerly Joyce ter Stege) does a K-POOP?????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtVkwW9Yd6Q
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from now on we are starting the Total Zaryan Love project where no one is rude and we all be nice to eachother


Eww gross why does she look like a fucking freddy fazbear robot or something


you look like my left nutsack you frog eating rascal


This is what i found, if this aint it then idk.


Thank you I appreciate your efforts

File: 1720802665776.webm (6.78 MB, 1280x720, lig.webm)


turkish 'lig
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what 400 years of ottoman rule does to an obsessed mf


Hoewel he is right ofzo


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Pic you asked for





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One of the best zems I've had the privilege of witnessing, also that KineMaster logo is just screaming VNBOTHERED GEMERALD in every way possible


gem that saved the entire city of Milan by itself. Kinomaster though…


Stfu, KineMaster é chiavato + finocchio dalla cittá dei finocchi


I'm not from Milan you Arbereshian orangutan


>I'm not from Milan you Arbereshian orangutan o qualcoss'altro de quel genere Malpensa's airport was dedicated to Berlusca

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word is out, massa is working on a new deel
i'm going to boycott ongezellig if he doesn't number it Deel Ϫ
ongezellig would be nothing without /qa/ryans, he can NOT betray us like that
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saw this as the top of the 'log and you got me my hopes so high up.





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Really funny 😁


You got the whole squad laughing.


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Deistvitel`no tonko))



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Oh my zellig, Windows vista ongezellig edition exist




VGH… the nostalgia…






fucking gemmy i love the icons

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This or something



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Mymy as Payton Gendron and Juraj Krajčík
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Don't care, it'd still be a minority. If some guy killed himself over some online animation I hadn't heard of, I'd check it out regardless of being suicidal or not


So you want to get total normgroids to check the FOTM happening and treat Ongezellig as SCARY 4CHAN CREEPYPASTA REDDIT TTS VIDEO because you think that sacrificing even a zaryan's life (arguably the realest, most loyal and only fans) is worth it. Only for the goycattle to totally forget about it and pass onto the next FOTM slop.


Yes, the masses will move on, but you underestimate how many new Zaryans could bloom from that


'cord thread


calm down nigga

File: 1720489818223.jpeg (129.63 KB, 1079x1280, IMG_5496.jpeg)


Mymy is getting lost in the sauce
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^fetish troon above


What is that, what is she doing, it it puke, what is it


stroopwafel juice


I think it's a reference to Kevin's chili sauce scene from The Office


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>inb4 Moved to >>>/raid/
<brapdid space
Can we derail this thread? We must achieve the total /co/omer death by any chance!
or something
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I don't care but we got ourselves into a three way fight, there's shemmy users and frogs at the same time


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soygem is "helping"


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we're back


Took me a while to get the captcha just right


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Not really, a trad soyquote doesn't have the reply in it, unless you're soydueling


let's say it's technically correct


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>Not really, a trad soyquote doesn't have the reply in it, unless you're soyduel-ACKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!


not a shartycuck albeit


total predditor death

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