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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1715658822037.png (61.69 KB, 775x849, 56426 - SoyBooru.png)


Dutch: ongezellig
German: ungesellig
Soyspeak: 'zellig
English: asocial; unsociable

Wait; this is not right. How come the English variant is so different from its xister languages?

Despite English belonging to the West Germanic language family, alongside Dutch, German, and Soyspeak, the translated words are significantly different. This divergence is because the words did not derive from pure (Aryan) Germanic roots but rather from what is known today as Middle French.

Historically, English was entirely Germanic until the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. Afterward, the Norman French became the ruling class of England, causing English to mix with Middle French. This is why modern English contains many Latinate words and deformed spellings.

However, there has been propaganda to revert English back to its Aryan roots. In 1966, a chud named Paul Jennings published a series of articles titled "1066 and All Saxon." These articles unfolded a version of English that might have existed had the Norman Invasion failed. This led to decades of events that would make Jennings's propaganda successful. The resulting type of English is known today as " *Anglish*. " Examples of Anglish include "rainshade" for umbrella and "godlore" for religion. Imo these words are arguably better than xeir English counterparts.

This raises the question: what would the word "ongezellig" be in pure Aryan English, aka Anglish? Let's find out!

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mad because us germanics are better than you froggy fuckers


Be the change you wish to see


File: 1715895985831.jpg (238.61 KB, 1024x1024, irl_ai_gen_soyjack.jpg)

Latinate jewel


>the heckin french ruined my tongue
you do realise how french you sound saying this anglochud


Fucking geg

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Coco and Mymy holding the Nazi flag


File: 1715927810975.png (126.62 KB, 1479x2129, Mymy with stalhelm and a S….png)



Thank you so much for posting this gem

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Just some gems


File: 1715952089748.png (623.42 KB, 1011x1364, TND.png)

Uncensored version of my edit


Posted it again award


Thanks for posting it

File: 1715648842673.jpeg (937.48 KB, 1170x1770, IMG_1606.jpeg)


Will you buy?
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Apparently Foenkie said he doesn't approve of people trying to make a business solely around ongezellig but would tolerate fan merch otherwise


who the fuck cares what foenkie approves or not


Well he was speaking on behalf of massa


isn't massa dying or something?


I wont be able to even pay bills today doe

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File: 1715711204563-3.webm (10.52 MB, 1080x1920, blend_dem_peebs.webm)


3D peeb model just for you because I love you.
do whatever you want with it.


File: 1715711408526.png (7.24 KB, 66x94, Babyimp_.png)

forgot to include the .blend file because im retarded award



>those videos
maya abuse is in style this season


maya abuse won…




you turned her into a wine cork

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im not a zaryan kys faggot


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i like pingas thoughie

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>talented in art, still his art gets disliked by his teacher somehow
<talented in slideshow presentation making, still her art gets disliked by her teacher
>got rejected from art school
<didnt got rejected from any school, atleast for now


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This joke as zemmy as precious zem mined in the deepest mines of Donbass is

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Post your finished work here, since Zooty Zoot can't fix pinned thread.
Previous thread: >>7779


>inb4 Your request looks automated; Post discarded.



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Activity check, does anyone wanna do twitch raids
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No not really


No, i busy on ohio sigma skibidi grindset fr


no one does it like how the sharty does


>6 derailers in the thread
>2 people actually trying to do anything
>1 person actually looking for streams

btw chat theres this cytube like website called synctube we can watch streams together where itll only show as 1 viewer to the streamers, and itll give us a convenient little chatbox, id host some raids rn but im tired


wait.. issa trvke..

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Who gave the owners of watchpeopledie the idea to add ongezellig emojis? They turned them into fucking furries
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marsey will always be a gem


File: 1715761109837.png (382.88 KB, 800x600, 1689363159772507.png)

>WPD even doe it all comes from Rdrama


mymy cat is so kawaii desu


i have a limited understanding of rdrama but i think theres emoji creators that submit them and they get approved by some janny


wait xhey're kinda sugoi..

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