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 No.7779[Last 50 Posts]

What if we did one of those collabs where one person each reanimates a scene and it all gets spliced together? We can do Deel 1 for this

>any style goes. you can animate in scratch, gmod, real life paper. creativity is key
>no porn/fetish obviously
>characters HAVE to be maya/coco/mymy



File: 1705680721882.jpg (79.61 KB, 1024x937, f75ac394-f3a2-459d-93d9-06….jpg)

I'd participate, where would we do this?


For me discord would be easiest and most organizable, but raiding and causing chaos could happen, i could just make it invite only


should i also recruit people on youtube? i know theres people that will probably join


>der cord
You can literally organize on this thread you retard


File: 1705682268828.gif (496.37 KB, 657x657, 1704296848475.gif)

i'm willing to participate in this. not gonna fucking 'cord though, let's do cytube instead. i set up a 'tube just for this


How the fuck would you organize on cytube of all places? im gonna just go with discord because i have an idea on how to organize it and im not gonna make it harder because of your hate boners


But ill make a compromise, ill make a list of scenes soon that anyone can take, and we can just talk here


File: 1705682834238.png (39.97 KB, 1176x735, 1700908635103.png)

>How the fuck would you organize on cytube of all places? im gonna just go with discord because i have an idea on how to organize it and im not gonna make it harder because of your hate boners


File: 1705683062679.gif (385.87 KB, 255x255, 1704965971178.gif)

>cord le good


Ok i think Trello is a good place i just gotta learn how to use it


doing stuff like this would definitely result in someone getting doxxed or ip leaked or whatever so dont do this. let's use this thread instead and use the cytube if you needed to private message for whatever reason


You can see ips on cytube dont do that


yo, i would also like to participate!


you can't. it encrypts them like 4XX.h+Y.zWe.h+X


alright ill make a trello thats view only so you dont have to login, once i make the list everyone can pick a scene and start


deel 1 is the coaliest one though. have you thought of doing other deels instead?


tsmt pick a deel that has vera in it


deel 6 kinography



Deel 6 then


deel 6 is full gem so lets do that instead



File: 1705685422353.jpg (69.37 KB, 750x1280, IMG_20230917_225404_944.jpg)

Napoleonic idea tbh


Sure but im still making the list
you can have that since it fits with how im cutting it


so hold on, how many parts is the deel going to be?


potential zarty saver. I'd like to participate but no cord please


So which series have you chosen?


no cord
deel 6


File: 1705686561471.png (103.02 KB, 775x849, 1700029580391.png)

Glitsterald idea that I want to happen, but given the current size and "quality/quantity of output" by fellow zaryans, this is looking like an almost impossible feat. Unless we try and recruit more people to join the zaryan/reanimated cause, this is looking about as likely as Massa dropping episode 2 of 'lig in the near future.


dude, this is just one deel and we are going to be a bunch of people. with this gem, we can potentially recruit more people for more prjects in the future.


split it already


im excited to see what u guys come up with


brimmy demoralizationerald


im thinking of making a youtube post
right now it wont take more than 30 minutes


While I agree deel 1 is the coaliest, i think we should do it anyways. Might as well start at the beginning. Also it sets us up to continue onto deel 2 and so on if this project is successful. Plus it has iconic moments and all the character introductions. Gotta think long term, 'zaryans, it sets up the future of this project the best.


lets be honest we will probably do this only once and it might not even get finished. so might aswell just do the best deel


Tsmt, imagine how fucking glemmy it would be to recreate the end credits of Deel 6 but replace all the paypig people with zaryans who contributed to the gem that saved the Zarty.


File: 1705687155966.jpg (49.9 KB, 474x524, 093032.jpg)

"You meant gorillions of nazi greetings, Hitler on the background and "TND" on everything we'll see?"


Zaryan Zaryan Zaryan
Zaryan Zaryan Zaryan
Zaryan Zaryan Zaryan


File: 1705687334441.png (118.15 KB, 1500x1500, 1702391007329.png)

>janny pin


It'll take a bit longer since the file sizes are too big, sorry


I would like to ask if it is possible to slightly change the number of frames per second? From 100 to 50 for example.


Only the length of the scene matters


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>lets be honest we will probably do this only once and it might not even get finished
I disagree. In any case, how about we make a strawpoll with each of the 6 deels and see what people think?


Okay, 25-30 frames per second will be enough


let's just do 6 because im a SLF and it's just the best deel doe. most of the deels are uneventful


>how about we make a strawpoll
botfags, you know what to do


>because im a SLF
can't argue with that. But if you're worried about uneventfulness, the entire first half of deel 6 is Maya's hallucination of having friends followed by her island monologue. That's 2 minutes of nothing before anything happens. I'm happy with whatever doe, last thing I wanna do is derail or divide the effort. Everything will probably be decided anyways once that Zaryan is done splitting the scenes.


Blud thinks stuff happens in a slife of lice anime :skull:


what exactly is deel 1 though at what part does deel 1 end and deel 2 start


deel 1 ends before the computer lands at the school



deel 1 ends with Coco on Maya's PC and deel 2 starts at the school scene



yep that's nice. 7 is taken by me, i'm the cytube guy. contact me there if needed. which one do (You) take though OP=?


how do i call dibs on a deel?


i didnt take anything yet but ill do something for sure
just tell me



you should maybe add mp3's of the scenes too for audio reference


i did, its in attachments



Also, i think I will go for 8. How does trello work? How do we communicate and send stuff?


we'll just talk here i guess, but anoninimity is an issue since i wanna know whos doing what


Alright then, I will enable namefaging on /zellig/. The other namefags have calmed down at this point.


yeah should be good


File: 1705690705481.gif (2.83 MB, 1200x1200, 1705315719133.gif)



namefag test


nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger




File: 1705690793640.png (563.11 KB, 709x713, Screenshot (1).png)

Ill take #5


Sure gimme an alias


it's just getting started




i think ill take scene 2, i have an idea for it


OP come to the 'tube i got something to say


Is anyone already doing scene1? If not can I do it?



fuck my autism, i meant yes to yes you can do it


Ahh fucking sickkkk alr I'll get to work then


I ll take scene 9,i have an idea


ok give name


File: 1705693159622.jpg (325.6 KB, 1080x604, Screenshot_20240119_133822….jpg)

Wait actually, how are we gonna handle this scene? Just have one person reanimate Maya on the toilet with other people redrawing the memory painting bits?


i can do these parts


alright that would be nice


if this is a WIN then ill do another with more scene cuts because literally half the world is asleep


Could I redraw one of the flashback scenes, preferrably Maya looking at Coco and her nigger in distain?


Idk how to namefag.


ok. i'll do the gym one and the first one then. i think it would be funny if you made maya's face chudlike in yours


i know its a little too soon to be asking this stuff, but are we thinking of setting a soft deadline for motivation? what do you guys think is an appropriate time?


K give name


A month should be enough time


File: 1705694895988.png (32.92 KB, 1225x1085, 1667244291325.png)

Wait, what are you guys doing? I just came home




Reanimating deel 6, theres 9 scenes and 3 are untaken


I decided to take fragment from 3:09 to 3:30 upon myself, let's see what comes of it


Sure, I can do one, let me see…


sorry zoot took that


I can do the sixth one


k give name



this is important
your video should be in 16:9 ratio


Should we make it 4k like from Deels 4-6 as well?


1920x1080 or something like that


just dont make it square or vertical ratio.. it would look ugly if everyone's aspect ratio was different. 1920x1080 seems like a good standart for everyone


At 30 or 60 fps?



wont matter, video length matters


what matters is the video's length. e.g if your scene is 25 seconds just make it 25 seconds. the FPS is your choice



If this is going up on the 'Tube, then we should be caustious on making it too chuddy for YouTube, lest it gets jannied for "le hatespeech".


I would not suggest 60 fps. 60 fps for 25 seconds of animation is a lot of work, unless youre doing 3D or something.


Then I take scene with Coco's remembering about Mymy's "presentatje", ok?


that's taken too just check the trello currently only 4 and 10 is not taken


maybe, ask oltean


would you like it if ruthenski took the part with the flashback or you already have an idea for that


What are the 4 and 10 parts? Give me timecodes pls


4 is 1:16 to 1:52
10 is 3:59 to 4:28


I decided that 1:16-1:30 is mine


ehh sure i can split it


The flashback? Yeah, that's fine by me


Oops, I can't read, guess i'll do it



The whole scene 6 i mean


Ok I'm take a flashback


so you'll do 1:16 to 1:30 and the scene 6 flashback?


He can do that


What do you mean? That scene 4 is yours or what, i don't understand


Marge moment
You can do the flashback of scene 6
I'll do the rest of scene 6
Also fuck phoneposting


I'll try reanimate 6 flashback scene and then we can discuss about 4 scene (it's unoccupied yet)


you took scene 4 doe >>7906


Oltean sayed I have to take 6 flashback, so I'll do it. That's all.


oh ok


If you want to man, I'm not forcing anybody


saying this just in case
you are not limited to the 3 artforms i mentioned in the rules section


today was a very gemmy day for the zarty. im going to sleep now so i cant accept animator requests


Ayt gimme updates


File: 1705712601201.jpg (22.11 KB, 367x367, 3CVfPP5G_400x400.jpg)

dibs on scene 4


File: 1705712760529.png (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, powmaya2.png)

I steal scene 10 please


Gem. I know nothing about animation and can’t draw but I’m happy to help in any way I can. Let me know what I can do


looks like we're gonna have to chop up the splits a little more?


Hey just woke up
Sure, i'll need an alias
scene 4.5 and scene 2 flashback #1 is still open


Also doesn't necesarrily need to be in animation software, think of something cool to do


I could do a Minecraft machinima


K only scene 4.5 is open so you can take that


Sooooo almost everythings taken. If anyone wants to split their scene let me know


okay then


the zaryan who took scene 6 might consider splitting it because that scene is the hardest part to animate


There's already 2 people on scene 6, let me work on it for a bit and if I see that I take too much time animating Coco I'll split it up


File: 1705752400716.png (866.92 KB, 1905x1080, 1705752167865.png)

I wasted 4 hours of my life on this… I don't think I can do this, considering my level of "drawing"


you have a month or more still you can finish it


were you planning to make frame by frame animation… effortcord really fumbled with this one. good job though its very gemmy, but it would take ages


What's the deadline? How long can I work on it?


soft deadline is 1 month


Great, should be enough


which scene u gonna do?


I'm perfectionist so I don't satisfied of my work. Whatever, I try to redraw this all. 75 frames it's not a lot I think.


File: 1705758630807.webm (626.17 KB, 1920x1080, zellig7part1.webm)

did the first part of my scene today. tomorrow i'll do the vera part


Any scenes still open? Any way I can help aside from actually animating?


u just replied to the answers to your question






has anyone else started their scene yet?




File: 1705779137666.webm (4.63 MB, 1920x1080, zellig7part2.webm)

stopping here for today, good luck Zaryans


this is so awesome man, gem out of 10


i'm thinking of adding impish swede peeking from under the table


File: 1705779697049.webm (761.37 KB, 1920x1080, test.webm)

heres a very early first half, i made it a bit LOLRANDOM to spice it up because nothing really happens in that scene, also krita desynced the audio but i can fix in editing


>skibidi maya
yep zarty is getting saved


very nice
shes gonna do the skibidi thing during the flashbacks its gonna be funny


the audio desync happens mostly because krita cant properly use MP3 for now. Use WAV files instead, it works fine for me.


omg thank you


ay, no problem.
also i will start to work on my animation around next week, since i need to finish some things first.


2 frames already have been redrawn (I spent most of time on the background), soon I'll redraw all 75 frames (it will be relatively fast).


dude, why dont you make the background on one layer and the characters on another? Im understanding from your posts that you are drawing everything on one layer


Will you keep the jew in the presentation? It's giving me an idea on what I should do…


That's exactly what I did blyat… I draw background separately from 'zelligxisters.


I might take 4.5


namefag thread


You're fvcking nuts


File: 1705929480722.webm (3.55 MB, 1920x1080, SCENE7.webm)

scene 7 is finished
mp4 version https://files.catbox.moe/oekpy9.mp4


glistening gemerald sent by god himself


File: 1705930514341.webm (7.3 MB, 640x360, 1705471912272.webm)



outstanding work!


>1 month deadline? What's that?


File: 1705933461380.png (184 KB, 594x662, 1696103291511.png)

Man I barely got started in making the faces and animating some sketches and people have already finished
Still a gemerald doe


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I am without criticism


File: 1705934135240.gif (1.29 MB, 210x280, 1700010645671.gif)

everyone is this thread is very talented


mazz cord woke up


Rent free






I can barely fathom how this gets made let alone how good it is in just days flat


the thread that saved the zarty


File: 1705992980237.png (254.74 KB, 1000x1000, longwalksonthebeachjak.png)

almost finished a shitty grease penciled 4.5 prototype. Have a few ideas for flashbacks but I'm lazy


File: 1705993998938-0.webm (1.26 MB, 1920x1080, tosse.webm)

File: 1705993998938-1.png (88.35 KB, 1676x604, ClipboardImage.png)

thank you zaryan. if you are wondering about the process, instead of drawing each frame i drew the characters once and rigged the parts that are supposed to move. it makes the animation process a lot easier but its kind of like cheating. i used frame-by-frame animation only on the faces


that's exactly what I was wondering. very smart


does anyone have the original images of those flashback scenes?


File: 1705994682760-0.png (3.23 MB, 3066x1726, (2022-10) Massameid - Flas….png)

File: 1705994682760-1.png (3.71 MB, 3070x1726, (2022-10) Massameid - Flas….png)

File: 1705994682760-2.png (3.4 MB, 3066x1726, (2022-10) Massameid - Flas….png)


also i woudnt really call it cheating. I'd say that with pupets, you get different results then if you drew them key frame by key frame (and inbetweens and extremes and so on)


File: 1706002992701.webm (483.15 KB, 1920x1080, prototype.webm)

Poorly made prototype of 4.5 just to block things out. I swear maya will not look this shitty when I'm done. Ubercompressed because this site marks me as spam if it isnt for some reason


that 3d mymy will look amazing when finished


idk if I'm late or not, but here's the .wav file for deel 6 downloaded and converted directly using yt-dlp and ffmpeg soyjak.download/f.php?h=2I1LDQeO&d=1




File: 1706061467873.png (126.91 KB, 780x601, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's a little snippet for my part. I just gotta rig 2 more models and set up one more scene then I can get to animating


File: 1706061695495.png (21.8 KB, 255x250, 1703119338275.png)

it's a clear gem


File: 1706069743231.jpg (178.67 KB, 800x450, myleg.jpg)

gemmy transition, better than the original.


massive gem inbound




someone animate mymy taking BWC


dont do this




Ok so i finished my scene but its too stupid so im considering redoing it, ill post it in a thread


File: 1706417789471.gif (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, zelligsoytan.gif)

heres a second wip snippet


File: 1706419007438.png (23.61 KB, 797x915, uh.png)

>soytan on the 'lig


File: 1706421789315.png (564.04 KB, 900x900, 1688262367247.png)


wwyd if soytan called you cringe



File: 1706622908911-0.png (24.05 KB, 752x558, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1706622908911-1.png (50.57 KB, 750x848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1706622908911-2.png (4.86 KB, 233x155, ClipboardImage.png)

Zoot you can remove the "3" page by archiving it and then deleting it. There should be a row of buttons of to the right when you're inside a page


If you are talking about the trello stuff, i do not own the page so i cant to any edits (it seems that mario has removed it already)


but animaaation takes sooo looong!


Holy science, sharty bbc xister… How do we compete?


File: 1706714522124.png (103.85 KB, 438x451, sketch 2.png)

The final version wasn't as good as I expected. I really didn't expect that it would be worse than the sketch. It's a little upsetting. But whatever, animatje will be finished subsequently even not being so good that I wanted


>>8620 dont forget the red nigger wiggle that is on top of her head or on her chest


I wonder who's going to animate the transitions between slides


File: 1706719451278.png (186.67 KB, 1920x1080, pissbaby.png)

Oh shut up, I'm sure it's more than fine, at least you aren't drawing with the shitiest mouse in existence. If somebody could recommend me a decent, cheap tablet that works with Linux I'd appreciate it
Good question, I don't know how to do them


File: 1706719796839.jpg (131.82 KB, 870x1024, MymyCh.jpg)

Looks alright, can't wait to see ur gems.


It is not the final version, but sketch. Anyway, we'll see our animations after deadline and rated them, idk.


Most shitty 50 dollar tablets on amazon are linux compatible. The best selling one for osu is decent


File: 1706745964454.png (145.23 KB, 468x331, 2024-01-31-160311_1920x108….png)

Swedish mymy's head is mostly done


File: 1706746639365.png (630.01 KB, 1183x1056, 2024-01-31-161613_1183x105….png)

Should I add the beard or no?


your call, gem either way


could you please release these models you make after the collab?


File: 1706764139314.png (248.22 KB, 660x641, 2024-01-31-205717_1920x108….png)

Sure I warn you that my models are horrendously optimized though


File: 1706771931359.png (90.37 KB, 391x240, 1705445735353.png)

why she naked, you pedo?


Thats a swedejak body thoughever.Though I probably will switch out the body with something more mymy-like rather than just doing a swede with mymy's hair


File: 1706791164922.jpg (46.85 KB, 527x584, 2024011582828.jpg)

"Wow xhe so gemmy and cool"


This shit is not getting finished dawg


Nah we'd win


This shit Is getting finished cat


2 more weeks trust the process


hey im still here is anyone still here


please don't kill this project


File: 1707329820847.png (24.79 KB, 500x250, 206 - bed hoodie lying may….png)

I am but I don't have much free time right now. I don't know when the deadline is but I can have Maya's part of my scene done by next weekend (16/17), on the other hand there's a very high change I won't be able to do Coco's part soon unfortunately. The timing of this project wasn't the best for me personally


Im here. I had to finish some other things. Will share some progress soon. Shouldnt take me much time


Don't worry zaryans, take your time. The deadline is only a soft month. You still have 11 days left, and even if you don't finish it by then another month should be plenty of time for all of you.
You're all very talented, I'm sure this will work out.


ill most likely extend since me and everyone is burnt out, im only worried about people leaving and not saying anything


i wont let this bleed out, this will be the best thing to come out of the community


is this zoots trip?



I am in midterm hell right now so its unpredictable for me as well


hope you do well chud


good luck on your midterms zaryan. I just finished two today and my last one is on the 16th so I am very behind on my animation. we WILL all finish it thoughever and it WILL be glistening.


can we do deel 5 next cuz i wasnt fast enough in claiming a part on this one


maybe also theres 1 spot open for a drawing


trQst the plan




if i knew how to animate id 100% join this. I'm gonna need to learn it eventually


you can do whatever u want really, doesnt have to be animation in an art program


Yo what updates do you have?


File: 1707735808930.webm (2.7 MB, 1904x1080, 20240212131748.webm)

I really don't know (((who))) stole the quality of my video, but, anyway, de animatje is af.


Upd: Iit's by me


hoooooooooly massa-approved high effort gem, it looks so much like the real thing


That's coal tbh

For example, background I just redrew (with my additions as "Mein Kampf" and "Drenthe: feit of fictje?" tho) from original lol


gem gemmity gemerald






oh my science i jumped when i saw nucob…


Heh, that's worth it…


…Soooo, what's the progress you have?


ive been pretty distracted but i wanna finish my part this month
>readit space
also i should have definitely split the deel up into way more parts so 1 part isnt a huge amount of work, but lets finish this


chuds… im so sorry… i need a little more time. I finished my last exam today so i can finally start dedicating some actual time to this. I'm not the last one am I? Are we still waiting on others?


dont worry, I think the deadline is the end of the month, and from what I can tell from the zarty like 3 or 4 scenes are done.


>an entire imageboard dedicated to the dutch tranime
OH.MY.VALID.TRANS.QXWEENS… im so glad of this xommunity!


glad for*
Illiterate nigger learn the language instead of butchering it


File: 1708721082546.png (237.62 KB, 370x768, 2024-02-23-124413_370x768_….png)

My wife mymy is so cute


Too pre… oh, I mean, zretty. Yeah, too zretty…


File: 1708722568357.png (139.65 KB, 788x941, 7310 - SoyBooru.png)


File: 1708738013724.jpg (70.17 KB, 788x941, omgsina.jpg)


if anyone wants to split their scene i can help


If you want to do the Coco's part of scene 6 I'd have no problem


File: 1709073376135.webm (1.69 MB, 480x270, 0000-0618.webm)

Quick low res test render, Mymy's model is done, and Mayas is getting there. I'm working on getting the animation to look less janky, most of my 3d experience is in VFX or rendering stills, so I'm balls at character animation.



its so zursed, thank you blenderchud


File: 1709100450070.png (391.33 KB, 656x838, 2024-02-28_09-06-51.png)

juicy gemi


gem in progress


File: 1709537231848.webm (945.45 KB, 854x480, v1.webm)

Total retard here. Still not done with my scene because of procrastination + unexpectedly having to leave the country for a few days but here's what I have so far. Complete tracerald btw.
Anyways, I haven't forgotten my part. Made a lot of progress past few days. Hope I'm not the last guy.


Yem that made me laugh, where's the running traced part from?


glistening tracerald


cob gem


Gem, but it may be gemmer if you used own art style


I looked up "Running Sakuga" on Youtube and used a clip from I think Kill La Kill.
trvke but unfortunately I am selfish


File: 1709676967448.jpg (188.23 KB, 573x800, queen.jpg)

When the reanimated is finish, where would it be posted? I suppose Youtube


ill edit and upload to YT


What is the current status of the collab?


Ive seen work done on every scene except scene 2 flashbacks and scene 10 I think (which I hope are being cooked to perfection in silence). If we keep this up we'll have the shiniest gemerald made before we know it.


Hi, I would like to say that I am nearly done with my part, the only thing left is editing, so probably expect the full thing soon.


we will wait


File: 1710464222932.png (333.78 KB, 1075x533, 06255ADB-BF4B-4556-8A6D-C6….png)

massa and xer black trans xueen pet foenkie will both -ACK themselves at the sight of this upcoming gemerald


oh my science its been 9 days since last update



Actually over :C


Sorry i couldnt do my scene i was busy taking BBC and gooning but the only way this is finished is doing my scene so everyone better do theirs too


File: 1710796241066.png (60.15 KB, 693x504, Screenshot 2024-03-18 1400….png)

the federal agents at adobe were holding my animation hostage for the past few days but I just fixed it and can continue working now


I have 3 midterms this week and it has been holding me back, I WILL get back on my animation after this week


nice, glad to know the project is just slow and not dead. slow but alive is basically the whole site


once this releases on the ‘tube, it will bring in a large amount of new people to our zarty. It will also generate an insane amount of seethe from the /co/ons, and the massacord.


File: 1710807929973.png (2.26 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

i haven't posted an update yet but i promise im still working on my scene. I've been a bit busy with work and school stuff, but thankfully im not the only one. Sorry for the delay lmao, here's a wip shot


SISA nice work


3dbros… we've been outclassed…


I think you're overblowing it


once this animation is finished the zarty will be saved and Führer zoot will destroy all the /co/omers.


thanks everyone for the moralization motivation posts i wanna finish this now it will save da zellig




nah im sure that massa and co. will be fuming, as massa might be thinking that our side of the zellig, which he considers as bad, has given up/forgot about zellig, but when this releases, he will be reminded that we haven’t given up.


massa lost ZARYANS WON


File: 1711264129694.webm (2.49 MB, 854x480, 5aryan FINAL.webm)

One month late but it is finished. I'm kind of regretting tracing because this project is supposed to showcase creativity, so maybe next deel I'll try to make my own style. excited for finished project, will be a zarty-saver for sure. Also if it's not the right resolution or if the quality is off or whatever let me know and i'll fix it.


OMGSISA and I can finally stop namefagging


Whatever, le nice job. A lotta jokes and memes makes your scene so special or something (i do not know what i have to say except "omg this scene is so attractive")


I am testing this site. 13977


>> this is a test comment >> 7779


File: 1711328810417.png (24.8 KB, 86x120, smol coco.png)

Excellent work 5aryan




Also please render this again to 1080p at least for the best qualitt 🙏


File: 1711346744627.webm (9.28 MB, 3840x2160, 5aryan FINAL 3.webm)

Is this better? This whole exporting and pixeloid business is all marge to me.


instead of making it a webm post the original file on catbox and send the link


is anyone doing the part where coco says "you have one presentation" and curls her hair


this good?
"Oltean" is the one doing that scene, but in his last post >>11114 he said if somebody wants to do "Coco's part of scene 6" he'd be fine with it. So i'm not sure.





skibidi gem


i caught the detail of maya using the transwoman bathroom. she is such a valid trans icon…


'em on the cytube doe


niggerhell coal


aryanheaven gem


if this dies i'm killing myself


This is the only chance to save the zarty from the yurifags..


it wont die, have faith. but we should be prepared to take over a few remaining scenes and finish them ourselves if we really dont get any updates on them in the near future.


I don't know how much I can do, I have a term paper due soon and then finals week. I have about half of my scene done. If other people are lagging behind as well I can continue after my finals, but if I'm the only one then by all means take over for the second half of my scene.


You’re totally good Zaryan focus on school it is (slightly) more important. It really doesn’t matter to me if the project is finished tomorrow or a month from now, as long as it gets done in the end.


>nothing in 7 days
no. it cant be over! NO!


File: 1712510620210.png (893.45 KB, 1920x1080, 6heads_won.png)

Yo mario. I Due to me experiansing a burnout, i will try to finish part of my animation and then send it. Not sure if i would be interested in finishing the rest of the animatie.


it looks great zaryan. take ur time and keep up the good work. the end product will be fulfilling, seeing your animation in sequence with everybody else's


If this doesn't get finished the zarty will be over..


I dont wanna cancel this but this is going nowhere
Should I free up spots for scenes that I know there isn't being work done for?


Also another reason this failed is the scenes are too long, i underestimated how work intensive animation is. Ill rethink this more at home


mario, i will try to fill in the remaining scenes with storyboard type animatics at least. can you give me a list of parts that are missing?


File: 1713178173541.webm (570.71 KB, 600x900, 1ws8527u.vichan.webm)

the absolute fucking state of modern w*stern """""""""""""""""animation"""""""""""""""""


File: 1713179408422-0.webm (5.44 MB, 600x900, VID_20240415_140732_986.webm)

File: 1713179408422-1.png (2.76 MB, 3200x1524, 1702043600517.png)

File: 1713179408422-2.jpeg (122.84 KB, 1053x667, 1697894187872.jpeg)

Shut up fuck up nigga


ermm what the sigma


Yeah the scenes were quite long, but to be fair we had no clue how many Zaryans would be interested in participating. And it's not like more people wanted to participate but couldn't because there weren't enough scenes, 10 scenes was about the right amount. I don't think we need more scenes, I think the deel was simply too long. If we want to move forward, we might have to do half a deel at a time or something.


The amount of work is insane though, like zoot has to fucking make like 3 backgrounds an shiit

attention grabbing text
I really encourage everyone to split your scene if you feel stuck, if u do just post an image of ur progress so i know its you


I'm still on exams n' shiet because im a selfish little fuck. My last one's on the 22nd.


File: 1713266422884.webm (3.21 MB, 1920x1080, scene6filler.webm)

i'll try to make filler animatics like these for the missing scenes. it's better than nothing, we can replace these with high effort versions if they come out.
mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/nbsuus.mp4


File: 1713273194694.webm (10.28 MB, 1920x1080, scene8filler.webm)



gonna update the trello soon



i'll do fillers for 9 and 10 too since no one seems to work on them. might have to do scene 1 too. though we had an ongoing scene1 and it looked very very gemmy, such a shame there aren't any news from that person for 3 months now. i'll try to reuse the few screenshots they posted


i know scene 9 is being worked on but idk how much
scene 10 i have 0 clue on, they havent posted since


Has anyone done a version using irl paper? as like, via actual paper puppets.



How's it looking so far?


I raped zoot in 2015




Zvvt.. is this trve???


uhh it didn't happen exactly that way, and it wasn't in 2015. plus it wasn't even real. we just had a lenghty 'zellig ERP session in which xhe dominated me. (xhe was mymy and i was maya) but it technically wasn't rape because i enjoyed it


Zoot would never do this im literally shaking and crying right now




oh, now they will be posting without images geg


soyzellig dot party group suicide event June 24th Frankfurt airport Hilton hotel 3rd floor


I'll be there DW


File: 1714018405606.png (32.59 KB, 745x563, Untitled878_20240213073030.png)



namefagging and tripfagging will be permanently disabled after this project is completed btw


Also I'm trans btw if that matters


Forgot to use my admin tag like the little faggot i am :3




File: 1714242044818.webm (9.8 MB, 1920x1080, scene10filler.webm)


How long until this zem is finished?


those are fillers.. i'm just filling the missing scenes because others seemingly abandoned them. im doing this so we can finish this project quicker


I know, I'm just curious when all the fillers are done


seems like only scene 1 needs a filler right now because the others aren't abandoned. which is a shame because the guy who was making scene 1 had a very gemmy style and it had soytan in it, i wish xe returned


Sounds like a gem idea


Is there any progress?


File: 1714531041007.webm (823.36 KB, 1280x720, Rescenetest.webm)

Hey scene1 guy here sorry for the lack of updates but I have been trying to work on my part of the collab. To give a update heres a preview of the animation. I'm half way done so Ill try my best to finish soon.


hi inflation nigga


wow this shit is pretty good, I love what you did with the background


what's good cuh


>a real update
We are so back


File: 1714556306440.png (33.62 KB, 828x639, we got a gem here.png)


were so fucking back


today was a TOTAL ZARYAN VICTORY god bless you and your effort. the project stays alive.


the project will be complete when scene1GOD and 3D animationGOD finishes their part.. but we still need the art for flashbacks >>8219
i invite drawGODs to redraw these for the project


Is that actually all that's left? 2 more scenes? Surely there's more we're missing. Or are you including the fillers you made?


yes that is why i made the fillers, because no one was working on those scenes. someone had to do it


File: 1714635533272.gif (17.02 MB, 1280x720, Preview2.gif)

Hey back again heres one last update, I should be able to fully finish the whole thing by tomorrow I just have to basically do one last thing and then I should be good


gem that saved the zarty after 3 months


I'm very excited to see the finished product, yours was probably the one I was most excited for after seeing the first snippet


I should be in the final stretch, but maya's face model is probably gonna be ugly because im a selfish little fuck


ZEM inbound


total project completion and therefore total name field prohibition + total namefag obliteration is coming, namefags count your days


File: 1714875759973.webm (4.3 MB, 1280x720, FinalzelligReanimatedscen….webm)

alright!! IM DONE!! finally finished my part after 3 whole months… enjoy


File: 1714876032940.gif (902.61 KB, 1070x1172, 53640 - SoyBooru.gif)






File: 1714924117962.png (24.8 KB, 86x120, smol coco.png)



File: 1714929636136.png (215.98 KB, 386x676, ClipboardImage.png)



Brown niggerkike hands photoshopped txis


soytan looking at camera, I could swear I saw that posted before
How long have you been working on this?



holy timewindow, 3 months?


>asking how long xhey've been working on it ev&doe xhey explicitly include it in xheir post


Only watched the video, didn't read the text


File: 1715063652756.png (1.07 MB, 2300x1800, 60398 - SoyBooru.png)

blenderGOD… mazutRNS… please finish it we're almost done here


File: 1715112483256.png (935.46 KB, 2070x1198, ClipboardImage.png)


still wroking on it btw ill probably complete it in a few days if I'm motivated enough
<Your request looks automated; Post discarded.


File: 1715114637595.gif (5.66 MB, 640x640, Earn Ongezellig.gif)


The gussy coin…only OGs know…fvw knvw thvs…




As I said, fvw knvw thvs…only a select elite of people understand what a gussycoin is…only the realest ones


basically, it means coco-points. It's more of an insider joke really so ill just replace the coin with a gemstone instead


Fakecel, its not cocopoints…ITS A GUSSYCOIN GRAAAAA


Should we do a cover of Ik ben het maar.




It would work for us because we aren't nu-males though.







File: 1715857198847.png (53.25 KB, 888x849, 'ape'ist.png)

test with an image attached




File: 1715892579236.png (574.07 KB, 688x679, 1715620118112m.png)


It works


File: 1715894065519.png (107.42 KB, 320x522, 1712366015341e.png)

come back oltean or ill RAPE you


File: 1715955147101.png (546.71 KB, 1027x747, 1709758420620.png)

i havent checked this thread in ages can someone update me whats happened so far


3 scenes are finished
3 have fillers
one scene needs more 2 drawings
4 scenes arent done cuz of people being busy or disappearing


File: 1716071893291.webm (5.06 MB, 1280x720, test2.webm)

attention grabbing text
<reddit space
HOLY SHIT… the animatsi is done. just need this to be edited better and for the drawings to be finished




File: 1716090171522.png (633.64 KB, 756x615, c.png)

Where's the other flashbacks!?


File: 1716095038238.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1091, IMG_3644.png)

attention grabbing burger or something like that
Scene 2 is finished, needs 2 more drawings and someone to edit it >>23709

Gonna free up scene 6 and scene 10 + drawing 3 of scene 2 _this week_ because they disappeared. Sorry to have to do this but they've said nothing for months. I know scene4guy/blenderchud/zoot/mazut is still active here and I'd appreciate their input

Total Project Completion and Total Namefag Death guys!


i ate the flashback


File: 1716586633366.png (308.92 KB, 1500x1500, 24C9648A-F285-4F79-A0CA-F2….png)

Where is everyone?
Anyways ill free up the afformentioned scenes now (check trello), anyone can work on them now just don't ghost this please. I'll also take scene 6 unless someone really wants it. I don't think it'll take long


File: 1716728928773.png (411.17 KB, 570x1026, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1716741944838.webm (2.04 MB, 1920x1080, scen6lq.webm)

le scene 6 (hq: https://files.catbox.moe/7bi94i.webm)
>2 rapesons in 1 scene
i can still improve this so give thoughts




gem on the log


File: 1716747480184.png (2.25 MB, 1631x1061, zellig liberation army.png)

bumping this gem and reminding (You) that scenes 10 and drawing 3 of scene2 are open, and (You) ==WILL DO THEM==


File: 1716909223881.png (541.83 KB, 591x587, the_left_can't_meme.png)

>words words words


GEM with prominent rapeson characteristics


File: 1716996643339.png (8.95 KB, 289x280, 1707560076752.png)



File: 1717173703434.jpg (35.27 KB, 852x481, 5d401ac8a1abc_o_large.jpg)


literally this geg


hello, I considered joining the project, does anyone know which scenes are not yet taken?


vvelcome to the animazi


scene 10 and scene 2 drawing 3 like that guy said
using a name in this thread helps too



okay, if somehow beat my depression&autism-induced extreme lack of motivation for anything, I mayyy take scene 10. I have exactly 0 experience in animation, so I'm considering 2 mediums:

-making the whole scene in paint. It would look terrible, but paint would give it a shitpost-like energy and easier way to make characters more gemmy and soy-ish.

-pivot animator. Pivot animations were very prominent in the early days of youtube, and dont look hard to learn.


File: 1717250984918.jpg (131.82 KB, 870x1024, test.jpg)

sweet, hope you'll go through with it, do whatever you'd like


not to pressure you but pivot would be extremely zemmy


File: 1717279154803.jpg (126.73 KB, 1448x2048, 2934094_lidlarts_miku-mymy.jpg)

okay, I decided to take a even more ambitious path. I'll try to make this scene in 3D, in this gemmy absurd style, like in videos of Pamtri or Surreal Entertainment. They base their animation on absurd simplicity of models and movements, so it shouldnt be that hard to make. Today I started learning Blender.


this project is never getting finished is it



trvst thv plvn, chvd


>learning how to do the project during the project
I kneel


I already have basic plans how I want to make it in my head, learning blender going pretty well. So if motivation doesn't leave me, I may manage to make this in a month or 1,5 months. If I wanted to do a normal animation with normal movements etc. I wouldn't even try geg.


May I do the third flashback?


Sorry im late but yes, can u draw though?


File: 1717716072529.png (458.84 KB, 1920x1080, Flashback.png)

Yes, I didn't know if anyone responded but I did post the drawing on my tumblr, but hey, here's this. Apologies if Maya looks male.


What the blud!?


Nice, we'll use this thank you


Hello I'm just checking. Nothing personal.


File: 1718637247861.png (125.79 KB, 1105x289, ClipboardImage.png)

>17 June 2024
>I am forgotten




ok what is this, i'm super late to the party but I'd love to help work on this. what parts are availaballs?


Everything's taken but I'm uncertain for part 4, 4.5, 8 and 9, they aren't talking here


at this point, do literally any of these. We just need to assume they're not getting done and move on.


I got confirmation that part 4 and 9 will be done, need Zoot's confirmation on his part though


big vvin for the zellosphere if trve


File: 1718974011493.jpg (2.12 MB, 2590x1644, IMG_20240621_153616.jpg)

I am still alive btw, dw
I will finish it, trvst the plan patriZts.




File: 1719004052691.webm (4.22 MB, 854x480, ongezellig_collab_entry_9.webm)

Part 9 finished!
>ongezellig if it was on a one dollar budget


effortGOD I knvvl


High effort irl zemeraldstone with handmade shiny coating


File: 1719010145310.gif (1.8 MB, 508x604, soyjaksuicide.gif)

I'm back to working on it, I've been busy and kind of forgot about this project


File: 1719010608851.jpg (217.71 KB, 1280x996, IMG_20240620_004319_607.jpg)

Good lvck ovr xero


JUICY ZEMMMMMMMMMMY which made me kneel. I apologize for doubting
welcome back blenderchud. this is great news, it seems the project is steadily being revitalized. shiny motivationerald.


File: 1719036723916.gif (6.8 MB, 1440x1440, 1711497898012-0.gif)

WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK its crazy how back we are


>Skibidi Toilet episode 58
prehistoric gemerald


File: 1719367521384-0.webm (1.18 MB, 1000x1000, zelligbarbercomp.webm)

File: 1719367521384-1.webm (12.08 MB, 1000x1000, zelligbarber.webm)

I finally did the retopology for maya. The model isnt done yet but its done enough to make this.


I died of spanish shame for the author of this video because he made this video.



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