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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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He won
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>nuzeltycucks dont know about yosack


I meant nuxitterartist not yos-ACK


Ermmm who are you?




I can smell the poutine from this post

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I hope all my fellow Zaryans are having a very Merry Christmas


gem <3, merry christmas to yuo too!


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Merry Christmas to keyed Christian brothers and sisters from India <3

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Hello Zaryans, it appears that the subreddits are becoming more and more of a cesspool by the day.
>Of course, they're subreddits!
Yes, but there's a fine line that the growing dregs and scums of zelligciety should not cross. We already got a taste of it on Xitter, once a tolerable off-siter place for Zaryans, now overrun with faggots. The signs were already present this summer, with r/zellig joining the discord cabal run by the kikes of r/ongezellig (thank Hoxxitran for that). These people should not feel welcome here, and it's clear we've been slacking if they felt free to call for a replacement of us, the Zaryans, the actual community of Ongezellig. Just take a look at this thread, which contains the opinions of people who discovered 'zellig not even a week ago
Most of these niggers are yurifags themselves, some even draw porn of 'zellig, some are trannies, people who have no place here and that should be rightfully kicked out. That's why I say: take a potshot at them, raid their reddit, do what it takes to make these faggots think twice about pulling a fast one on us. I also know that they browse the Zarty (literally obsessed) and will probably see this thread too, so keep that in mind. Just don't stand there and do nothing, unless you want to see trannies everywhere by next year.
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bait, I spoke to him he's a good guy


Why'd you think I would say something like that Zaryan? I didn't write that


Because you're redditor


Im Zaryan first

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what is the software used to make AI voices of the sisters? Kindly explain as well
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>im stupid


Do you know any good free software for splitting instrumentals and vocals from audio files? I tried couple and they either didn't allow me to download those files after splitting them, or split only half of the audio, or had more vocals in intrumentals file than the vocals file itself


just try x-minus lol


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Massa thanks for everything, its our time to shine.
With this >>52847 post, we can clearly and undoubtedly see that zellig would not continue officially. Its time for us to pull up our boots and pants and continue zellig. CHUD STYLE.
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>oldest post on this IP is from 2 hours ago


VPN award
Geg, it's just the obsessedfag from today is it


If that's all you got from my post you're a fucking retard lol
I didn't even say half of what you said so good on you for being a kike
I said the work of art consists of an artist's vision/genius, and without the original artist any attempt to replicate his art will be a soulless husk/imitation. I said people have to stop coping about the show being dead, no one is going to continue it and no one CAN continue it. How is that demoralization? To think otherwise is delusional wishful thinking.
I also never said "zelligtrannies" or "everyone else hates you", I didn't even say "your shitty show is never coming back", I obviously respect the show to make the previous claim.
That being said, this shit is basic internet banter, who gives a shit? If you get upset at fucking pingas man or shartycucks trying to ragebait you're a reeltranny retard. That's engaging, get with the program and stop behaving like a redditor
day one poster albeit


we will continue it and it will be the greatest thing ever produced for zellig other than the pilot itself.


>wordswordswords I'm still the obsessed faggot who shits up the log demoralfagging and switches VPNs when I'm caught acting like an obsessed massadownie tranny again of zoiets

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You like this cartoon, but would you respect Studio Massa for being able to finish this "short film" in recent years? I sometimes see that you only like and respect the characters, not the author himself.
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Never getting the domain back award



Clitty leak alert, were all drowning


i’ve seen a growing anti-Massa attitude on this site. people believe that he’s taken away their toys by canceling Ongezellig and spread dumb conspiracies about him being influenced by his friends into making Ongezellig more leftwinged.
people have always been somewhat critical of him, but now a lot of people seem to flat out resent him.


who cares what one thinks of massa be it good or bad? We can make our own content if we want to. There can still be a bright future of zellig if the Zaryan fanbase works together


Found zellig's main theme
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>3 minutes to remove (You)


Mobilefag doe


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Every yuri thread is made by either Kate or Lorenzo Yario
Post agugu


'leno won doebeit

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I hate gooning why do I keep falling for it.

Fuck my sinful chud life.
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Here are the Canonical ones-

Autocephalous Churches:
1. Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
2. Patriarchate of Alexandria
3. Patriarchate of Antioch
4. Patriarchate of Jerusalem
5. Russian Orthodox Church (Patriarchate of Moscow)
6. Serbian Orthodox Church
7. Romanian Orthodox Church
8. Bulgarian Orthodox Church
9. Georgian Orthodox Church
10. Church of Greece
11 . Polish Orthodox Church
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


↑ russophilic anti-white npc above me


aryan protestant work ethic enjoyer above


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Let's play a game: what's the race of OP's neighbor?


if you live in an apartment can't you just make a noise complaint to the owner/landGOD


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It's okay, it stopped beeping a little in the afternoon on saturday, all good.

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I can't believe out of everything ever happened to me, zellig has taken a massive toll on my mental health. At home I think about zellig, at school I think about zellig, before sleeping I think about zellig. I cry sometimes and get extremely sad that Zellig doesn't get more episodes. I don't want to come across as a degenerate but the fixation I have for this show is like a drug. I can't go more than an hour not consuming Zellig media. I spend most of my days mindlessly scrolling on this site trying to have conversations with the rest of the fanbase. Never in my life I have wasted so much time on something this miniscule. I have a whole life ahead of me and maybe this is a phase. Maybe I will forget zellig eventually after a few months. For now, I can't focus at anything other than zellig. I skip going outside and hanging out with friends just to see more zellig. I feel weak, mentally and physically. I need a break.
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UPDATE: I feel like a mountain of pressure just came off me after this post. I feel good for now I think. I danced to weebcore music for a solid 45 minutes in my room non-stop. I feel happy haha. God bless our souls.


I am glad you're doing better Zaryan


At least you don't watch 'Zellig 'p. So there's that.


its not that serious you just have autism


Sorry man but the only psychological help I can propose you it's gigaquote your post.

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mymy new character


New poopmy dropped






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agugu mogs


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Since Zelligcraft is absolutely dead I've decided to create Zeltycraft. Send your aternos account names if you want to be able to turn on the server when you want. Server is cracked so you can join on tlauncher or ultimMC
Version: 1.21.1
ip: zelligparty.aternos.me
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in that situation I think we can separate art from artist, I do have a question though, if the server is cracked do I need to install something or can I join it regular Minecraft?


server is cracked, no mods


am I allowed to use a client, or is this vanilla only? Are the rules about cheating are the same as the last server?


i guess you can hack as long as its fun


>On 2z2l, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft

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I is the esl Indian is known the "ongezelling" though tinktick you are big rats I is contempt y'all


You aren't funny


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>You aren't funny


Still not funny


This zaryan makes some of the best edits ever and doesn't get much attention, not sure if he posts here though


I don't trust some offsite people after recent events, sorry but sage


All edits of the original show are gay and cringe


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why so serious


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>>>52800 (You)
>why so serious
Reelscaca would never understand us if he didn't lurk moar. >>52738 >>>/qa/7460

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why did massa choose that name? what does it mean? it's very racist and problematic. "Massa" is how black slaves in american plantations pronounced "master" while talking to their owners.
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With larping everyone knows it's a kind of a play, and weabs, despite their whole retardation, don't believe they are actually Japanese.


Indeed, they act and believe they are better than the Japanese, Foenkie is literally just a larping mudshitskinner weeb for the Netherlands, if that makes sense


The technical term is "transracial" but for whatever reason people aren't delusional enough to accept that but they are when it comes to gender roleplay, so calling it a LARP would be a best fit for this.


wasn't his brony youtube channel MassageGiraffe?


No that one's managed by someone else.

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How's the mayamail animation holding up? I saw a few updates a bit ago, nothing ever since. Is it happening?
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Waiter waiter, another IP that I can use to ragebait on the Zarty please!


turned into one, he used to be keyed


faggot this, faggot that
I dont care, I just want more zellig content


this is just gonna be an faithful portrayal of the Maya mail story right? no goofy memes in it


faithful enough for normies to watch it no problem, with a little bit of Zaryan culture and stealthjaks here and there so people actually believe it was us

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>be studio massa
>don't advertice your show
>don't make any merch
>don't give a shit about international fans
>you don't get the money to continue the pilot and it's bankrupt
>blame the fans for larping about ongezellig as the reason for the pilot going bankrupt

absolute faggot
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this seems to be the same guy
i suspect he’s the one who’s always reuploading Gussy’s art to /co/, and since Gussy posts the vast majority of his art exclusively in Massadonie, it’s almost certain that this guy is a Massadonie member.


Fucking geg, how can you be so obsessed


>all together now
Why do all /co/trannies (and probably the rest of 4cuck) literally speak like reddittroons. Jfc just say "Massa isn't gonna make more zellig" and go back to dilating on trooncord nigger.


Because 4chan has been invaded by unironic redditors long ago


Gegerald Thread

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Sharty added /ned/ board or 'zellig and it's under FPEcucks invasion, gem it up or something, or don't if you care about froot datamining you


>if you care about froot datamining you
Thank you for representing us xista

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i need more pics of my Boer princess
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>>52465 thank god they aren't there


there is a itty bitty leaky tiny sissy wh*Te clitty mod deleting all the posts about coco's love for Big Black Cock that's why you dont see them because the mod's sissy clitty juices obstruct your view


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>there is a itty bitty leaky tiny sissy wh*Te clitty mod deleting all the posts about coco's love for Big Black C-AAAAACK!
<BBC means Beautiful Boer Cutie! BBC4BWC!
Attention grabbing images btw (and ensuing attention grabbing ban)


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Dose anyone have a gif of mymy that was made in blender(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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secret rule that disallows frogs


>nuzartycacas don't know why frogs are banned


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frogs are unfairly persecuted


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>frogs are unfairly persecuted


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is this zem or coal
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Pure gemerald


OP is failing college




he probably means the artist

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KEEK zelligfags what is this??


This is what Coco racebaiters look like btw


sage threads coming from the sharty


>mabye if I post the same thing on three different imageboards I will finally become a woman


GEEEEEEEEEG nusoicucks, what's your response to your obsession…..?

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138 THOUSAND LIKES?! (And there are a lot of such videos on instagram now. Apparently, this is why the pilot has such an increase in views)
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I feel you Zaryan, once you start to see how bleak and actually void of anything every other platform is, you'll either retreat yourself into a corner of the internet or log off (and then come back because everyone uses the internet today)


>retreat yourself into a corner of the internet
I wish I could find one that is not dying and is worth using, but it seems even huge platforms like reddit or xitter are becoming more and more botted and dead.


Rulecucked and Jewish, there's greener pastures out there
A huge hugbox but you can send trannies hanging so that's a plus


the Zarty seems fairly stable despite Zoot doing Zooty things, I think the only thing I have left is 'gram for messaging a few friends


It's a nice corner of the internet, yes

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New ‘play
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Russian Babushka ahh phenotype




That face makes xyr look like a Trans Bobby Hill.


lookin ahh


Ongezellig ASMR
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Is this the zellig discord? Send an invite link if so


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Zoot… What is this?


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>inb4 Zaryans stalk the VA's (evendoe if youre subscribed to xer you can see the videos automatically)


I fucking : transheart: having parasocial relationships with random people I have seen online


There are not enough Zaryans obsessed with the VAs, more of us need to spam xheir socials every time xhey post

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>Нет правил которые только на английском обязывают писать
ESL zellig fans rise up
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teri maa ki choot lawde






OP is a R1488L western who has written this post using googeltransleet doebeit.

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
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nigger nigger niger nigger n8gger






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Jak him
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The reason why we can't have fun things


holy shit I thought I was a nufag



Was it true they kicked out most internationals who voted yes to keep the 'cord server edgy because "they were less active" (read probably had a life) than those who voted no? I feel like that should have been one of the things he should've gotten pestered for during his little 'tism shitfit on X besides seething and dilating at people mad at him for liking porn pictures of 16 year olds.


People tend to forget, who knows how much shit he has pulled that we'll never know about

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I like the rules personally


ack now


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sometimes rules are okay, i don't like seeing frog posters or gooners. some people just need to die for the greater good


>It's like…
>Millions… No billions…
>Yes billions must die…


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