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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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 No.30923[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Mymy because she is cute and racist


can i get this art without the swastikas and shiet its kinda cute


do it yourself, you have paint don't you


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thanks zro

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Maybe, I would say “Salutations” or something like this, but I'm not that SalutationGOD.
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>indos were gekoloniseerd by japs and niggers were gekoloniseerd by dutch thats what its about


the map should be SA and Indonesia, not SA and Japan


>because I said so


because it refers to colonisation or something


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Mymy as Brenton Tarrant, Payton Gendron and Juraj Krajčík


Draw her with a shoe on her head

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Happy ending
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R_Terra, please, stop, we all already know you are in love with Coco (evendoe I am too)


You are a piece of shit


Dominatrix is coal
Coco is for reproductive missionary sex after marriage only




Brimstone from niggerhell

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I tried looking up "ongezellig.com" since I remember it was a blank webpage and it had "maya, mymy, coco" as the Tab name, but when I saw it got shutdown I went to the wayback machine to look through the history and ended up finding this blogging website: https://ongezellig.wordpress.com/


I wonder what kind of books did the nazis burned…
Also even if the germans did bad things to poland, many are ignoring the fact that the poles pretty much treated their german minorities very badly.




i hate the normies and fakecels on this site. everyone here must be a bitter truecel with a heart full of hate like me. you WILL never be happy and you will be fine with it


Seems like the average Pole


He's right though. People need no nanny government to shield them fron holocaust jokes or troon books. The idea that some dumber than me official will decide what ideas are dangerous to me is repulsive.

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You get to spend a day with the Ongezellig girls.
What do you do?
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/Calm/ down, nugodcaca, it's Zoot kidding by xis own proxy.


Impossible, Zoot would never




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Zoot was, is and will be doing that. It's over, Zaryan brethren…


I would watch Brenton Tarrant fan edits with Mymy

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Attention, zelligchads:
I'm working on setting up a new zelligbooru.
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we need a 'ru first


No 'p please.


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yeah, that's the point of making a third 'ru




i wonder if OP was XOOT posting anonymously

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is this ib going anywhere ?
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File: 1696120912718.png (115.59 KB, 568x627, maya.png)

thank you little buddy


Zoom out



>sharty takeover… LE BAD or something EVENDOE THAT'S OUR ORIGINS



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Honest question, not trolling, not being hyperbolic, does it beep in her house?
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ok but is she rapeable


they dont have smoke detectors in netherlands thats an amerimutt thing


Erm… can we get a snopes fact check on this one?


>>31437 i have atleast one, and its definitely a smoke detector since i have set it off by accident once


No, her white boyfriend replaces it regularly

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Maya does this


And then she blocks both Coco and Mymy in the pool while removing the ladder

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I like to listen to dutch asmr and pretend it’s Coco comforting me


t. R_Terra


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I made Maya spit BARS


More sovlfvl than 2024 sharty






that ADD coochie got me acting strange

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Anybody have a high res version of this?


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lol I didn’t even check if this thread existed

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> Niknok
Who's there?


File: 1720554918124.gif (977.03 KB, 822x626, chuddy OwO.gif)

>Je bent de zwartste niknok op deze planeet


dilating shartycuck above^^^


^ twp underage poltard larper above



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Wallpapers of /zellig/
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new wallpaper


Team fort


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Gemmy (even when you're a namefag though)

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Literal who reporting in. Zellig and the Zarty have been great so far, but caused me to fuck up my studies in college. I'll take a lil ~1 month break from DoomZellig and Zellig in general to focus on studying. I'll leave you with this gag I had in the back of my mind for a couple months, and I'll also do a request thread (with an open-ended expiry date) when I come back to make up for my absence. :)
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File: 1720626140157.png (110.41 KB, 565x386, WHAAAA.png)

>zelligtroons are glorifying the fact that their animation was almost going to ruin a innocent person's life


>>zelligbrapxisterGODS are le glorifying the fact that their kino gem was almost going to SAVE a innocent person's life from generic normgroid wageslaving


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>Zoot #TopRabbi Just now No.6661488
>Hey zaryans go to ruin a innocent person's life it would be so cool I promise


I had the same thing happen. I discovered zellig during the second half of last semester and I devoted way too much time to the zarty, the 'cords, and making gems for the 'tube that my grades kinda slipped.


Sounds almost like escapism, never go too far down into it

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>you WILL stick Ongezellig stickers all over the world wonders (or the closest thing to one you have near you)
>you WILL pay homeless people to stick Ongezellig stickers all over your city
>you WILL spend hundreds…thousands of dollars, even, paying for ads in the most notable places
>you WILL post Ongezellig Trojan Horses as memes
>you WILL appeal to vunerable demographics
>you WILL produce Ongezellig content
>you WILL learn Dutch, study in the Netherlands, work hard, become a notable figure and use your newfound power to spread Ongezellig
>you WILL tell your friends and colleagues about them. Ongezellig matters more than your image
>you WILL spread Ongezellig
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Advertising the Zarty like that is stupid. It'd be more wise to advertise the show, that way Ongezellig grows bigger, and the ones who'd join the Zarty would still find and join it anyways




Is there a place to get 'zellig stickers?


Yes, in your own house. Get to work Zaryan, there's still a long way ahead


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there is almost no 'zellig on sharty /qa/ nowadays. remember to post 'zellig at least once a day on sharty /qa/ or zellig will lose
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File: 1720480091342.jpg (22.89 KB, 500x500, YY00YYYYYYY000YYYYYYYY0000….jpg)

Zaryan from the future here, time traveled to this exact moment @ July 2024 to provide you this information, i don't have much time before the power runs out
Soon, Zoot will regret enabling moderators to see IP's
You don't have much time. Just wait till one of the "trusted" moderators here go rogue and leak every poster's IP along with every post made by that IP range. He is collecting and archiving every single post. A drama of unseen proportions is awaiting the soysphere.
Always use a VPN while posting, the exact date this leak is going to happen is s


File: 1720483370360.png (537.63 KB, 1048x1584, ClipboardImage.png)

>Zaryan from the future here, time traveled to >this exact moment @ July 2024 to provide you this information, i don't have much time before the power runs out
>Soon, Zoot will regret enabling moderators to see IP's
>You don't have much time. Just wait till one of the "trusted" moderators here go rogue and leak every poster's IP along with every post made by that IP range. He is collecting and archiving every single post. A >drama of unseen proportions is awaiting the soysphere.
>Always use a VPN while posting, the exact date this leak is going to happen is s


even doe this could happen




That's because no one's left posting on the sharty to begin with

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>I was browsing the 'arty, and the threads were coal-oal-oal
>Moved to /zellig/, and I saw some po-ost-osts
>Some 'teen was making 'ligs
>Posting them, "ZWABAG" he said
>Then the board's gone, no more /zellig/-lig-lig
>Froot mad, Ongezellig was kway culture
>That weren't no coal, that was a shining glistening NAS
>There's a party, a zaryan's paradise
>There's Mymys and Cocos
>And their zems will blow your mind
>There's a party, a zaryan's paradise
>Zoot told us not to blow it
>Let the CP spam subside
>He told me
>Let the frogs ACK it
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Oh I was planning on it, I am experimenting with singing it myself, using a random AI voice and then pass it through a Mymy's or finding a song AI lyrics replacer


This will be the gem that saves the zarty.


what is this based on


Starman by David Bowie, or more accurately David Thoughie


he didnt have anything true because you are keeping yourself away from beliving that he said something true

otherwise stop trying to mindbroke me.

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New ‘toss
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yes but binky stuff wasn't widespread until last month or something


The post that started it all >>22536 btw


was i wrong doe?


it was very gemmy

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>Well done! I’m so proud of you!


She has such a motherly personality


having someone who would tell me how proud they are of me all the time is all i ever want in life


I’m proud of you nigga


I am proud of you but stop living in the fantasy world of zoiets, go rape a girl on the streets, that's how it works nowadays. If you're brown that is

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 No.13185[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is so over. A troon has found out about ‘lig.
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another win for the hacker known as "4chan" and the zellig servers


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>4chan and his acquaintances


4chan getting blamed for shit despite not doing anything relevant for like 6 years will always be funny


when will we have the hacker known as 'zellig :(


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there is a board for this

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how brony fandom started:
>haha guys it would be funny if we all started unironically watching this show made for little girls even though we are not little girls, no one would expect us to be fans of such a show so it's so le random and quirky!
how zellig fandom started:
>haha guys it would be funny if we all started unironically watching this show made for dutch people even though we are not dutch, no one would expect us to be fans of such a show so it's so le random and quirky!
it's so similar
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dutchpill is a consequence, not a cause. Ongezellig is top tier regardless of the language


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on skibidi


>ETL niggerish

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My headcanon on how could Mymy's parents (and sis) look like (based on 2 promo arts by Massa btw)


meds 'ssa only released their silhouettes


I know. Those are just my assumptions on how could they look like and all of them are fanmade (except Mymy's sister)


why is Mymy's mom's hair brown?


Idk, just decided to make it brown so why not

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Shitty ongezellig skit
This is just progress on a low quality shitpost do not expect anything truly entertaining
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So it has been made
Idk how you guys feel about this if you were aware of it


mymy abuse gemerald


MymyAbuseGOD we are soooo grateful you for dis 'em oder epes vi az




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Its so funny that zelligcacas her are so in denial they think their show is a neo nazi right wing show even doe its not even close to being the case. They think that massa is a based alt-right figure even tho hes the opposite of that
Ongezellig was made a by a woke guy who support the LGBT and veganism. Your show is woke. If it wasnt, why are the main character brown and colored shitskins?
>but… mymy is le nationalist white savior!!!!
Massa created Mymy as a character to mock the average brown shitskin who LARP as white nationalist who's idol is hitler. Massa made the character retarded just to mock these retarded chud. He doesnt like you or wants associate with you
Remember that massa's server cried about alt right trolls since 2018
The below image is one of his art who also proves he supports muzzies

Baiterald I kneel
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File: 1718310046167.jpg (64.15 KB, 859x1048, IMG_20240314_211254_506.jpg)

Sadly that I am too ESL to explain you why you are completely not right


obsessed nigger bait


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>Most of edits remove them and make chud buff and attractive. Are you blind?
You obviously don't know…


Someone put Mymy instead of that blonde bitch


It's Coco, nugodcaca…

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Silly parody VS unrepeatable original




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>racist meetup (of zoiets)

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i dont really care about stealing these and i doubt the rest of us do ether, and if you really gotta talk about it then put it in /raid/



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FUCK, DUDES. I recently watched the animated series of my childhood "The Adventure of Jackie Chan" and I had a fucking thought, what if Coco had a tiger amulet? Your thoughts


/co/ tier thread, ong… 💀☠️


Don't Know about that. Sorry


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The power of the tiger amulet is to separate a person into his bad and good side


Something something SNCA

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