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/q/ - The Zarty

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Please try to keep cord drama (and any other type of drama that isnt connected to the site) away from the zarty (or atleast dont post it on /zellig/).

This is an image board site, not der cord.

File: 1716153421304.png (73.15 KB, 683x816, ClipboardImage.png)


Zoot what kind of fucking datamine operation are you and sorbs conducting?


IP blocking is fundamentally broken and these lists only harm normal users while not preventing spam.


haven't been able to reply for half an hour now


>schizo thread award


Keeps telling me im in some sorbs.net database of IPs when I try to reply, went to their site and they offer delisting but it datamines you for everything including your piss schedule

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Does /v/ work on mobile? It used to work for me to an extent. I could shoot but not move. Now it doesn't work at all


Yeah no you need a keyboard to play


Good to know

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My ip is listed in sorbia? I'm not even fuckin slavic

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7 weeks of relatively stable growth.


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holy shit we are so back


where are you tracking this?


I wrote a script for archiving threads and extracting post dates.


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Update after a month


File: 1716145162267.gif (515.09 KB, 250x400, 55e494cd-97de-4eb4-bc45-9a….gif)

looking good thank you statisticGOD

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What the fuck kind of policy is this?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


biggest nufag award. they don't repeat IPs


They don't use the same IP, banning them doesn't even do much. All the mods care about is the deletion, which happens instantly with image bans.


If it's a vpn IP it will once again be available to the cp spammers. Best to just perma it and not make yourself vulnerable in the future


You have been heard. I've sent Zoot a code update that will allow for setting different ban lenghts depending on why the image was banned.


Not that it will make much difference. It's purely for virtue signalling purposes so that soytoddlers don't complain as sharty always banned permanently for 'p and that failed at stopping the spammer. I've seen 'p links posted there today.

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What are the other ways to counter automated spam besides captcha and (((Cloudlflare)))? Would a Proof of Work based solution work? Hard to spam when your CPU is literally burning.

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This website desperately needs it. Without the ability to sage, coal thteads get bumped very often


it works doe


Test test i♡nigger




nuzelligcacas I….



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4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I can't since I'm not an Admin and Zoot isn't responding


Zoot should have given me those IPs I guess.


why do these faggots do this anyway since we havie infinite pages


These raiders have probably only spammed the sharty before us which has an limited amount of pages so they think every other chan has a limited page count.


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Seems like the captcha is fixed now.

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Zooooooooot get up your site is getting raided or smth




We count on you, jannysissies…


it's over…


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>another nu/soy/toddler failraid

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