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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>Vera might actually be a slav
Verabros… is this the Slavic representation we could've asked for?
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File: 1701034542830.jpg (1.1 MB, 1967x2805, sta_op_donbass.jpg)

Vera is a slav who fought in donbass. ????


artwork by massa btw


Mainland Germanics, and Dutchmen especially, are second only to (low-class) Americans in giving people ideosyncratic names. I wouldn't read too much into anyone's name.


she pretty much has the mannerisms of a babushka


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>Mainland Germanics, and Dutchmen especially, are second only to (low-class) Americans in giving people ideosyncratic names. I wouldn't read too much into anyone's name.

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which one of you GENIUSES figured the best place to advertise the zarty would be the fucking 'cuck. I would have been hard pressed to find a worse audience to shill to. Who's the culprit, I WANT NAMES!
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>jarty email


history repeating itself


Sharty have more schizos and foodists than 4chan

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Maya is made for _____
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how's the weather in Italy?


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>satanic trips


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healthy live free from addictions

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oh no no no zelligsisters, whats this


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it gets better

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heh heh test


Moved to >>>/qa/1213.

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How would Mymy interact with other European nationalists?
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There are many Turkish nationalists residing in the Netherlands


oh yeah just like germany


She would interact with my penis.
I'm trans doe if that matters.


Resisting the urge to start a fight rn.


Internet warrior

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Please continue goofing up the thread. It's looking quite gemmy already.


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ay ay capt'n

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jannes deleting gemmy threads


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>jannies deleting gemmy threads


I DEMAND you EXECUTE this COON for conspiracy and treason NOW

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Listen up, Maggots!
The /co/omers and Associal are planing to make a thread on 23rd. Associal is really retarded and has "prohibited" other /co/omers from making/posting on zellig threads. For this lets give 'em a "welcome back hug" to celabrate their return

Our mission is simple:
When the thread drops, we raid it and derail it to oblivion.

We finish the second canvas and posted it there as a "welcome back gift".

Lets give them hell, zaryans.
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Stealth is always an option


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What did you guys do?


Btw new thread to Schizo and Goof up: https://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/140801203


Quads of Marge

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