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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707351466329.png (89.76 KB, 321x311, mymy.png)


Mymy won
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1707441895403.jpg (211.61 KB, 600x878, 1707410883400.jpg)


None of us look like this


Mymy won


I look like that


Mymy won

File: 1696864643898.jpg (25.6 KB, 1030x1024, 927d115fb94c68a14953670354….jpg)



>eventho its made for Coomerpaper Engine


barely covering any screen coal


File: 1707674491595.png (45.23 KB, 214x255, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.png)



schizocord woke up


epic troll, upvoted

File: 1707674344385.webm (16.48 MB, 1080x1080, MayaHyperborea.webm)


New toss


This 'toss is relatively old, dough


0nly trve patriots knows


C418 gem


Old toss albeit


ancient restored relic

File: 1707667582653.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.65 MB, 624x640, VID_20240211_165332_126.webm)


Cocomelon incident


NAZ coal

File: 1707654096652.png (115.07 KB, 640x584, ClipboardImage.png)


>Geert Wilders, if you can hear us, please. Please save me, Geert Wilders, please. I'm asking you. Please save me, please save me. Please get these refugees away from me.


File: 1707655266430.jpeg (244.66 KB, 526x802, IMG_1423.jpeg)

>President Geert.. if you can hear us please save us! This is the Netherlands!! This is our land!!
>Yall im bout to have a panic attack….
>This is our country! Our country!!
>This is awful! Geert please save us!!


someone hecking draw or animate one of these two with mymy

File: 1707657600017.png (3.85 MB, 4500x2500, 1696446007723-1.png)


Imagine if you were a normal/oldfag who happened to stumble upon zellig back in 2018 and decided to join Massa's der 'cord to see the progress of the show. Then one day a bunch of severly autistic users called "soyteens" start getting attached to it and shill it around in 4chan's /qa/ board and a site called "The Sharty", they join the server en masse and start posting DNB, 'cado, 'p, soyjaks, etc.
Would you hate the Sharty's existence for getting attached to this show if you never found out about it from the site itself?


Yes. (Chad wowjack)


Yea, almost everyone would.
But we don't associate with 'p, gore and cado spammers. And it's a shame they don't know and refuse to know


i never really thought about it, damn are we the problem? no this can't be…..


File: 1707659543963.gif (80 KB, 128x128, mymyDuizelig.gif)



Yes. This is what we call perspective

File: 1707618979244.png (2.07 MB, 1750x1319, mayaspade.png)


6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Has Massa ever even specified what happened to them?


BBC albeit
they got blacked


File: 1707624536036.png (246.37 KB, 682x1500, 115 - 1girl blushing maya ….png)

Mymyist psyop, Mayafags forever


File: 1707629708173.png (2.37 MB, 1310x1847, (2022-05) MayaBestelt.png)

spread the maya truth


File: 1707660383983.jpg (38.32 KB, 600x800, IMG_20231205_113854_759.jpg)

>"Gud whitee dead whitee nnn shiieeet"
>probably shitskin chimp

File: 1707630735169.png (74.52 KB, 1021x746, ClipboardImage.png)


total mymy victory


File: 1707631254097.jpg (33.19 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)



you killed coco you fucking bastard
you fucking fucker kys in niggerhell


you fucking monster

File: 1707618202730-0.png (193.03 KB, 1000x500, Quara.png)

File: 1707618202730-1.png (1007.12 KB, 1920x1080, CocoComputer.png)

File: 1707618202730-2.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 2018-04-27_2.png)

File: 1707618202730-3.gif (579.05 KB, 384x216, Amber.gif)


I went ahead and parsed through any and all files Massa sent in his 'cord serv. I picked out the ones that looked the most interesting, or anything to do with 'zellig's development throughout the years. There's probably things you've seen reposted already elsewhere, but I saw some stuff that afaik have never been shared here or in /co/ like in picrels. There's probably some other interesting stuff I missed like any links to anything or messages sent in inaccessible channels since this was done manually (Massa doesn't post that much thankfully), but I thought I'd share some interesting zellig history with you all here.
Download: soyjak.download/f.php?h=1Kts10Gr&d=1
28 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1707630450825.gif (1.64 MB, 500x500, maar animatie duurt zo lan….gif)

My personal theory is Massa scrapped this to make the history of Drenthe a singular piece of paper because he thought it'd be funnier


not sure if the other guy had the same problem. but the issue for me is my internet provider won't let me go onto the link to download it


coal internet provider
find a free proxy that will give you data for around 450 MB


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File: 1707645495440-1.png (358.83 KB, 1920x1080, image6.png)

File: 1707645495440-2.gif (19.19 MB, 1000x562, image46.gif)

File: 1707645495440-3.png (227.7 KB, 999x562, image38.png)

On the topic of Zellig development history, here's the download to all of the images from the .docx scripts: soyjak.download/f.php?h=1lxCkVJ_&d=1
You may have seen seen some of these images already since they were included in paypig mirrors like MEGA, but considering they were embedded in these scripts and not easily and openly accessible, I don't blame you if you never saw some of these, especially Deel 6's script. Fucking thing is impossible to open and scroll through and is nearly half a fucking gig because of all the .gifs and images sparsed throughout.


this is much more convenient to organize

File: 1707504543427.gif (1.75 MB, 710x710, 1696792614604.gif)


I gotta say its really well made and the feel is done right, I felt really bad and uncomfortable killing the characters because of the looks of horror on them and Coco made me super sad. Speedrunning this would be fun

-the fucking Audio Jungle watermark on the gunshot, howd you leave this in
-walking feels a bit slow
-loading the game takes long and theres no indication that its loading

In conclusion: gemerald, but it might be taking stuff too far considering the controversies of school shooting games (might ruin zellig rep)
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File: 1707545546386.gif (1.95 MB, 600x800, IMG_4762.gif)

>>9257 yes pls!


>one my coding skills are better
Just go for it. You'll learn along the way, it's always like that


File: 1707581202083.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1181x1470, FDC54FB0-1C7F-4DF3-A148-0….jpeg)


Thanks guys. I’ll go for it!!

Holy shit perfect. Massa is a gemmed fl preset user I should have recognized them!


I love how erratic the shaking is, that it's actually random and not just a loop.


i'm so sorry coco. i'm so sorry

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