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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707504543427.gif (1.75 MB, 710x710, 1696792614604.gif)


I gotta say its really well made and the feel is done right, I felt really bad and uncomfortable killing the characters because of the looks of horror on them and Coco made me super sad. Speedrunning this would be fun

-the fucking Audio Jungle watermark on the gunshot, howd you leave this in
-walking feels a bit slow
-loading the game takes long and theres no indication that its loading

In conclusion: gemerald, but it might be taking stuff too far considering the controversies of school shooting games (might ruin zellig rep)




also it'll feel weird browsing zarty in school which is hosting this lol


just dont use /v/, its not like anyone will find out


we need make 3d version


>-walking feels a bit slow
Just played it and I think what it needs is an option to run
Amazing game doe, props to everyone who's involved


/v/ is the ruby that saved the sharty from poopmy


>Audio Jungle watermark
My heart fucking dropped when I read that
I took the gunshot from some other project I was working on without much thought and evidently speakers don't provide the same audio fidelity because as soon as I put my headphones on I could hear it clear as day, I'm sending zoot a fixed version presently
Slow walking is for the atmosphere and no loading screen is for artistic integrity or however I leave in a watermark. If you think loading times here are bad you should see newgrounds
funfact: I also made the gif in the OP




CoderGOD we love you, thank you eternally for making this eye blinding gem


And thank (You) for being my audience! Big thanks to Zoot too for being the draftsman and host


Game has been updated


I fucking love the fact that mymy shakes less than on the others when she's aiming at the nigger. or maybe thats just my personal observation


That's funny but she actually shakes less after each kill, it's not nigger specific I'm afraid.


schuckz, codergod make it so that she doesnt shake when aiming at the nigger
>do as i say nowww!


I don't wanna bother Zoot with incessant patches


I think we should be able to have a shootout with the cops


File: 1707522357106.png (142.5 KB, 360x289, 1699124332105.png)

mymy won


now we need a wholesomerino transhearted ‘zellig game for all ages. Maybe ill make one once my coding skills are better. I’ll make my own soundtrack too so can anyone tell me what instrument/ samples are used for the ongezellig soundtrack, mainly the music that plays when the kids are riding the bike when coco waves at them.



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>>9257 yes pls!


>one my coding skills are better
Just go for it. You'll learn along the way, it's always like that


File: 1707581202083.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1181x1470, FDC54FB0-1C7F-4DF3-A148-0….jpeg)


Thanks guys. I’ll go for it!!

Holy shit perfect. Massa is a gemmed fl preset user I should have recognized them!


I love how erratic the shaking is, that it's actually random and not just a loop.


i'm so sorry coco. i'm so sorry

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