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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Hello, my fellow Zaryans!

I wish to thank anyone who participated in the canvas project, which was sent to /co/.

The project, even if it was started unintentionally and as a joke, ended up being a gemerald. It has been shown once again that we have the ability to coordinate and creat something beautiful.

After sending the canvas to 4chan, we were greated with applause from men of culture. Of course, there were also some /co/omers who commented yet again on how "soyjaks are le bad and they killed Ongezellig" and how "/co/ will save Ongezellig once they remove any association with the sharty". For this all I'm going to say is the following:


Show them that we are capable of not only bearing fruit, but of high quality as well. This is also what's going to attract the groups of people that we desire for the Zarty and Ongezellig. Any ambitious project/OC shall be supported by the site. I will also try to help with anything else I can (drawing, animation, music ect.).

A current ambitious project is the animation parody "Zigle zogle". If you have an interest in helping out, please contact me at:

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File: 1698139988682.jpg (682.42 KB, 1079x1274, Screenshot_20231024_043132….jpg)

 No.2148[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Zelliged and 'rangepilled idea coming from the 'cuck: https://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/140180932#p140199011
(Few have already been taken however)
247 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How mindbroken are these /co/omers




File: 1698458224928.jpg (212.44 KB, 1079x499, Screenshot_20231028_095613….jpg)

Blud seething that jaks helped make xheir show popular ☠️☠️☠️


File: 1698459682971.png (111.81 KB, 956x140, image_2023-10-28_052114520.png)

yep i think that the seething started


Moved to >>>/chive/253.

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Why is this shit entirely in Dutch? Is massa trying to spread his language and culture? Or is he too esl?
And yes I know there's an english dub.
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It's like a deliberate handicap
ENGLISH is where the moneys at, as well as the community and a possible producer.


English speaking audience is also a bunch of faggot niggers who would take up arms over the Hitler joke or mymy being racist.
It is an Artist's Prerogative to realize his project however he sees fit. Not everything is made for the english speaking world or an international audience and not every creative effort is about maximizing profits (which would more likely hinder creativity).


If Massa had been American he would have been doxxed by Twitter trannies. (Even doe Massa obviously supports gay community)



twitter is for the weak


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old 'toss

File: 1698420974663.webm (17.76 MB, 1280x720, 1698408540009.webm)


Almost gem, but it doesn't use AI Mymy for the voice so Iron for now.


Are you planning to make the voice sound like mymy?
also c shoud be for cobson. this is a kids educational video, it doesn't make sense to put multiple examples for one letter.


Probably not since I didn't make the vid


Has anyone uploaded this to youtube yet? if not ill do it

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I've noticed that there are some gems that can be only found here: https://mega.nz/file/w4EAnKCa#ipW1OtUpIwLrqfsO_6YlkDFStEUpdC1t-EH_3zdgfhA
Should we try to upload them on the 'tube to make them more accessible??


Make a Zellig Party Video Archive probably


Sounds good, althoug we would need to make some cover art for the songs.
Also i realised that i posted the wrong link. Here is the AI mega file link:


File: 1698430923899-0.jpeg (364.31 KB, 1169x1721, IMG_5239.jpeg)

File: 1698430923899-1.jpeg (456.88 KB, 1170x1345, IMG_5242.jpeg)


do NOT waste your money on the gem defender game on steam. devs are anti-zelligNIGGERS
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>So you're telling me… it's a web browser tier game BUT with incomprehensible woahjacks??? AND IT COSTS MONEY?!!?!?!


the devs clitty leaked cause i left a negative review due to the absence of any ‘lig references in the game


We are SERIOUSLY long overdue an actual, up to standards, soyjak game


That's what Five Nights at Cobson's is for thoughie


true true
But its still just a parody game (of high quality albeit)

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New 'toss
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It says there is a page 4 but it doesn't exist


File: 1697651799439.png (1.3 MB, 1671x848, ClipboardImage.png)



Just tested this on an incognito tab and im back to say that when I was logged in the index was bugged, but logged out it was just fine for some reason




Moved to >>>/q/350.

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>Black and brown eyes are the pretty ones, are the pretty ones
>but the ones I like, the green ones, the green ones
>but the ones I like, the green ones, the green ones
Every time I listen to it I imagine Victor Jara wrote this song to Maya since Mymy has black eyes and Coco has brown ones


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Mymy has blue eyes tho, since she is an aryan.

also who is Victor Jara?


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Meds Mymy has black eyes because she is a chudcel asian LARPer
Also Victor Jara is a musician from my country that wrote a song called "green eyes" which I translated and quoted

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post 'zellig videos, remixes, etc


File: 1698285751358.mp3 (6.48 MB, baath mymy.mp3)

Made not too long ago, kind of a wip which is why the middle part switches back to the OG vocals because that part became unlistenable from the AI.
Original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y21UNUo7Wn8


Mymy - Luke Smith [YTPMV]
i made this


File: 1698381971067.wav (27.7 MB, ROY BEE - Kiss Me Again_(t….wav)

Reuploading my AI cover to have all new AI covers concentrated in one thread

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A defence tutorial for clueless zaryans.

>a 'zellig drawing is being raided but I don't know how to defend it!

First download Tamper Monkey

Then download the pixel planet extension

Close and reopen your browser, if done correctly you should see a little box in the top right of your screen on the 'lanet

Second image is a guide I made for it from then onwards.

>I have the extension but lack the images! What do I do?

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File: 1698020973476.png (18.04 KB, 52x53, gapejak mymy.png)

Swolesome Soyjak holding up Mymy
Coordinates are:

X 114
Y 315

>how do I add this image into the canvas?

Check the second OP image


File: 1698021079616.png (24.39 KB, 51x51, mymy sonnenrad.png)

Sunwheel chud crap Mymy
Coordinates are:

X 101
Y 367

>how do I add this image into the canvas?

Check the second OP image


File: 1698021161677.png (2.61 KB, 80x101, colormymy.png)

Coordinates are:

X 138
Y 411

>how do I add this image into the canvas?

Check the second OP image


ohh my nigger i cant get this to work


File: 1698381557629.png (76.02 KB, 201x243, ClipboardImage.png)

She is ded

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