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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Why is this shit entirely in Dutch? Is massa trying to spread his language and culture? Or is he too esl?
And yes I know there's an english dub.


Because Dutch people are the target audience? That there's an international fanbase at all (let alone a sizeable one) is incidental.


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It's like a deliberate handicap
ENGLISH is where the moneys at, as well as the community and a possible producer.


English speaking audience is also a bunch of faggot niggers who would take up arms over the Hitler joke or mymy being racist.
It is an Artist's Prerogative to realize his project however he sees fit. Not everything is made for the english speaking world or an international audience and not every creative effort is about maximizing profits (which would more likely hinder creativity).


If Massa had been American he would have been doxxed by Twitter trannies. (Even doe Massa obviously supports gay community)



twitter is for the weak


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old 'toss

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