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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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File: 1698139988682.jpg (682.42 KB, 1079x1274, Screenshot_20231024_043132….jpg)

 No.2148[Last 50 Posts]

Zelliged and 'rangepilled idea coming from the 'cuck: https://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/140180932#p140199011
(Few have already been taken however)


Why are 4cucks so horny for ongezellig characters? Gemmy idea albeit.


We need to add jaks NOW


much better idea, we should jak every character there


Read the thread and I already feel disgusted, /co/fags really are all the same


>saggy tits
>who has the biggest boobs
What the fuck is wrong with them


make the nigger spade cobson
Yeah, I saw the thread too. Why tf would you do that to Kiki?
Massadonie is taking notes from /co/


/co/faggot idea do not engage


In all honesty, if ongezellig will be known as "the nazi webtoon" It will a 100 times better than being known as "the pedo /co/fag webtoon"


File: 1698150254342-0.png (206.38 KB, 1138x807, 1687104228606.png)

File: 1698150254342-1.png (473.02 KB, 895x1280, 1686083289231-1.png)

File: 1698150254342-2.png (197.2 KB, 572x800, Coco-SS.png)

it will be better than anything else.


RussiaGODS are already using sharty speak in the comments section, so we might as well lead the way for newGODS to fight porn addiction in the fandom and make fun of all coomers




File: 1698167614676.png (27.08 KB, 888x916, Thisisyou.png)

like this?




File: 1698169970074.png (379.27 KB, 417x495, chud laughing.PNG)



alright give me some time.


File: 1698181009826.png (1.16 MB, 1254x651, ClipboardImage.png)

This is what I made. We could do more aryanisation of this picture.


Make xer bald and beaten to shit


That's not what an aryan would do to her slave, but I will try.


File: 1698181627227.jpg (57.56 KB, 430x348, Deel 7 Concept.jpg)

As much as i hate /co/oonery i can't just leave them to make a fool of themselves, so I will be dropping a submission of my own soon.
However I admire the fact that this derailed the current thread from shilling to troons and normalgroids. Very nice.
Slowburn or it wont be compiled


GEM, however it wouldn't fir the square confines.
it's gotta be either C5 or C4 and D5 is already taken


File: 1698182233682.png (236.26 KB, 913x791, ClipboardImage.png)

wtf /co/



Why do you think that any of the shit that I do will be put on the canvas?
No way that the /co/oners will put the totenkopf on the pirate club pamflet or the slave stuff.
I'm doing it for the zarty, not for 4cuck.

They want rule34 stuff.


You are right, of course. I was just hoping to see if we could slide some stuff in


If you want to, you guys can tell me what to put on the pic. After we are done with this zemmy masterpiece, we will send it to the thread as a "gift" from the zarty.


Don't touch Koos cuz I'm gonna do something with him (yes it's exactly what you think I'm doing)


File: 1698183031152.png (1.15 MB, 1254x651, If Massa was based.png)

Here is the beaten slave



Draw on top of this pic.
Send it when you are done, kurwa.


Black sun behind mymy's head is a mandatory edition wherever applicable, so I suggest that


That's a great idea.
I also want to turn Kiki into a SS officer. Should I also make somebody a kike?
I just need the Koos guy to send me the pic.


You can make Kiki a SiSi, it'll probably take me an hour before I'm back home and another to draw over Koos


Alright, I will begin with SiSi and will drop the final solution here. You can later draw on Koos.


You can just combine the 2 images, its trivial so long as both of images have identical resolution


File: 1698187264405.png (205.03 KB, 389x501, ClipboardImage.png)

>it's 1254x651 and not 1920x1080 like in the original


File: 1698187833237.png (1.14 MB, 1254x651, If Massa was based.png)

I don't care about filling the squares. We are sending it directly to /co/ headquarters to show 'em the zaryan spirit.
Plus I just screenshoted it from the 'tube.

Unless you wanted it as a wallpaper. If that's the case than sorry, nigga. :/
Probably you are right.
Also here is the SiSi. It's not great, but it's honest work.
What should we zaryanise next?


File: 1698191700324-0.png (2.08 MB, 1920x1080, koosy1.png)

File: 1698191700324-1.png (28.92 KB, 1254x705, koosy3.png)

It's more of a matter of consistency and uniformity, as well as some extra space to add details to anything is my bigger concern than the 'cuck square tile redraws.
Anyways I accidentally redrew the part in 1080p before realizing it was in 1254x651. I resized it to fit your canvas, kinda looks like shit but should be fine enough I think


File: 1698192420928.jpg (7.23 KB, 165x192, 1697983425875-1.jpg)



File: 1698192594374.png (1.07 MB, 1909x861, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is it 1254px and looks like it was ripped off of google? Im gonna fix the template right now and ill resize the already done edits


Idea: make the guy next to kiki a kike (like a happy merchant)


File: 1698193015912.png (5.95 MB, 1920x1080, 68wurn.png)

Life hasn't been too kind to him once he made up that AIDS story to fool the public, once Kolyma dissolved everything's been downhill since.
btw here's the 1080p pic linked in the 4cuck thread that anons are using


File: 1698193023677.png (1.09 MB, 1254x651, If Massa was based.png)

I had to draw/edit it a bit, but it looks fine.
Sorry for the weird resolution.
Because I screenshoted it from deel 3 direactly on the tube.


I can give you the file that I have been working on to make your life easier. Give me a sec


Also what kind of software are you using? I will add it to the supported file extensions.


Finished the 1920x1080 template, all previous edits have been kept


Its fine, makes no difference really


the resolution discrepancy makes it look a bit (very) ragtag, perhaps just stick with the lower resolution one?


I presume that the file extension is called .xcf?

Also how is Gimp when it comes to drawing? I've been using Krita for a while and it's great, but I want hear about gimp too.


File: 1698194590160.kra (3.92 MB, If Massa was based.kra)

Here is the file.
If you want to, you can try to upload the xcf file and I will try to redraw the high resolution canvas.

Again sorry for the low quality version.


File: 1698195657034.png (2.24 MB, 1920x1080, new template.png)

Ok, ive done the HD template. Last attempt. I wont do anymore so tell me if this is good enough or not
I have no comparison but i've heard GIMP is more of a photoshop substitute then a drawing software


It's great, althoug you should have edited the Kuz tree.
No matter, I will do it myself. I will also try to aryanise/zartiefy the image more.

Also, Krita is more for drawing than photo-editing, so I might download Gimp. Im a bit sick of Photoshop.


File: 1698198885490.png (2.71 MB, 1920x1080, jude at 10 o clock.png)

My humble contribution.
While I may not be a drawfag, I make up for my incompetence with extreme antisemitism.


i wanna draw kuzzy kuz


bit late on that one, zaryan


File: 1698199935197.png (2.26 MB, 1920x1080, new template.png)


You know what I was thinking? Turn Goot to Moonman.


I was ganna say gemmiest idea so far but all ideas have been gemmy as fuck
Cant wait until this thing is finished


File: 1698200580620.png (207.55 KB, 775x1127, 1682106127514.png)

>I was ganna say gemmiest idea so far but all ideas have been gemmy as fuck


you should color correct the troonjaks hair to be pink


File: 1698201462733.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, kuz and Nedelya.png)

Its hallucinated…


Shining gem


File: 1698202066815.png (2.25 MB, 1920x1080, new template.png)

I see that a chud has already done something to Goot. Maybe we could combine it somehow? If it can, than I suggest we edit the hallucination and turn the girl to look more like sobot.

I did the color correaction tho.


Both are highly glistering
Not sure how we can resolve the conflict


PS if its worth anything, I like moonman and we already have kuz


I didnt even read the goot recommendation until now, but why him specifically? There's one more male that can be edited into moonman.
Also for the book of choice in bottom left, its going to have to be mein kampf or george floyd creepypastas


File: 1698203660646.png (180.14 KB, 426x600, ClipboardImage.png)

>why him specifically
Because of the black jacket and the "punk/greaser" vibe. I think Goot's visual look just screams Moonman pretty well.

Which other dude were you thinking of? The one next to Mymy? I'm alrgith with that, but I think that something else will suit him.

Also I was thinking of Mein Kampf too, but I dunno how to edit it in a good way.


File: 1698203836669.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, new template.png)

oh sorry, I kinda drew over book girl. I could always put the book back if needed.
(if you know what this is, congrats, you naziheart the same weird/obscure thing I like)


Would it kill you niggers to try and coordinate?


Also you sort of missed the memo by not making her sharty/zarty related


File: 1698205544563.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, new template.png)

Quick and dirty Columbine cosplay instead, how's this?


Nigger, we are trying.
Columbine cosplay should have been Mymy tho. Myabe try her too?


File: 1698205822732.png (37.6 KB, 986x1007, 1650408810986.png)

maybe do her face like that.


File: 1698206215358.png (165.51 KB, 676x1021, ClipboardImage.png)

Could make her into the other shooter, but will probably have to wait 'til tomorrow assuming someone else doesn't do it before me. I've got sleep and work so it'll be a long while before I'll be at the computer again.


Alright, dude. Your pixel art looks great.

Good night and God bless.


Hi, if anyone doesnt mind i ll claim catu, to dress her in either DPR or ROA uniform. If you have drawing skills or a better idea i ll step down.


Gem Idea.
I can draw, but I have already drawn/made a lot of the characters already.

Go ahead and draw it. It doesn't have to be perfect.


File: 1698246213685.png (2.36 MB, 1920x1280, Soyzellig collab.png)

Thanks, i already finished it infact. Because i used ms paint there is now sadly a big ass black bar at the bottom, but nothing got compressed so its ok.


File: 1698247170980.png (2.49 MB, 1920x1080, fixed.png)

Fixed resolution and also color corrected jude eyebrows which I missed


File: 1698247422423.png (758.03 KB, 698x715, ClipboardImage.png)

See I fucking knew we could sneak something into this /co/al


gem that saved the zarty



Do you think we can sneak even more?

Ok so we have 5 more characters to draw. We also could edit Coco a bit more. There's a zaryan that is going to pixelart edit Mymy. After we are done, we can send our "gift" to the /co/oners and see how much it takes before they ban us.

Do you guys have suggestion for the others? Or any other detail we can add on the trees/walls? I was thinking of turning Trÿn into Sobot, like how the hallucination dude kind of did. Or anything that relates to the zarty.


File: 1698248866910.png (96.65 KB, 331x385, 1694222208233.png)



Imagine the humiliation, not only did Zaryans finish it faster, we drew it better and with no degeneracy and actually funny jokes.



See >>2272 >>2274

The idea is that Mymy and the other pixel girl are the columbian shooters.

Why not pixel art her? Do you have better ideas?

We still have some work to do before finnishing, tho i can see that we are ahead of them and our canvas is gemmier then theirs.


She's already got the black sun and 1488 knuckle tattoo
Also we gotta come up with something funny for the stoner girl


She does, but I think we can edit her a bit more. We sahll see what the pixel guy thinks.

I have no clue what to do with the stoner. She is in a company of a schoolshooter, a nigger slave and her aryan owner.
2023 Lee Goldson?


maybe make her into a soyjak drinking soy (we gotta have some soy somewhere!)


I was thinking turning stoner girl into Doll or something because she has the pink shirt on her.

Also we need to add rapeson looking out the window or add Sooty Soot in a drawn tree trunk hole or something.


There are only 5 chracters left to edit. We are mostly done.


We could make the guy next to mymy into Doll (or make him into the soyjak)
cant thinkg of anything to do with the two on the left doe
Also I just now noticed the "pirate club" skull


I might do another one
I am thinking of Nenad Tintor (the serbia strong guy), or maybe zoey in the "young pioneers" uniform, which would be less funny.


Make the clown dude mymy talks to into Colorjak since he's a pretty colorful fellow


zoey is the pixel columbine doe
But Nenad Tintor, I am confident to say, IS the gemmiest idea of the thread


Sorry i thought the girl in yellow shirt was Zoey.


File: 1698254514665-0.jpg (102.91 KB, 1274x702, 45417 - SoyBooru.jpg)

File: 1698254514665-1.png (439.19 KB, 1880x939, Zellig_Banned_2.png)

I have an idea. Why don't we turn them into a frognigger, sneed, janny or whatever, who are seething?
Also we could change the monitor to the AI banned page in commemorance to all the fallen soldiers during Doll era sharty.

Plus we gadda put a grafiti of the zarty.


its 4cuck theyre all coomers


yeah, but i'm kind of worried that there may be coomers amongst us too, especially with that 'orn game.


we could do that, but where does the zaryan put Serbia strong guy? does he make the stoner girl into serbia strong guy? he could draw her with an accordian instead of her drink
Also IDK if 4cuck has rules agaisnt advertising IBs, rather this thing stays up for as long as possible. We can just say "the Zarty sends their regards"


There is a group of flase zaryans on /qa/ who made a thread about Koikatsu party and 'Zellig. Koikatsu is basically this coomer game where you make you own "waifu" to fuck, because you are a sad virgin looser who gets no bitches, and doesnt shower or go to church. Thera are already multiple screenshots of 'zellig characters there, i gotta admit, failthfull recreation, exept everyone has childbearing hips.
I am already working on the serb guy, dont worry. I decided on that girl with a backback. Gonna replace the backback with an acordion, the hat and uniform are already done.


Dont think those shmucks would even consider themselves Zaryans, theyre just coomers who happen to like zellig


>the Zarty sends their regards
sounds good


there are these dudes on the sharty that are interested in this hentai game, koikatsu party i think? You can put custom models in it and people have been posting some shit of the zellig girls. I think there was a horny post here that got deleted pretty fast.


>because you are a sad virgin looser who gets no bitches, and doesnt shower or go to church.
being a virgin is good, especially if you are going to church :D


Virginity is good, but these mf are virgins not because of religion or their poor social skils, but because they are braindead coomers and people activly avoid talking to them.


Yeah, well let's hope that they turn to God and his church. I used to be like that too. It was hell.


File: 1698266309067.png (2.35 MB, 1920x1080, Soyzellig collab serbian.png)

>God is a serb
Serbia strong edit done, also added the novorosyan flag to Catu's backpack, confident to say she is Катя now.


excellent, just 4 more


File: 1698266870655.png (2.35 MB, 1920x1080, Soyzellig collab serbian.png)

we will probobaly be done tommorow, just noticed i didnt colour a small bit, so i fixed it


We will be, If we know what to do with the other 4.


I still mantain the stoner girl should be a soyjak


1. Janny
2. Soylent drinking stoner girl
3. Orthodox priest
4. Lee
5. Trump
6. Zoot himself
7. Soot
8. Confederate coco
9. Boer coco
10. Ww2 German soldier


we already have enough hitlerism in the north west


Ok these are some good options.
We could do Zoot
Soylent drinking girl
Lee talking to Moonman
and an Orthodox priest
Conf Coco also sounds cool


whats zoot's jak anyways?


actually, I am sad to say that nothing fits an orthodox priest. But we could go for the janny next to Mymy.


Yeah, but those are still ideas with would be fitting, and would annoy /co/ users even more.


File: 1698269387415-0.png (417.32 KB, 560x570, 1684249872915.png)

File: 1698269387415-1.png (127.05 KB, 800x750, ClipboardImage.png)

Somebody already did a perrojak edit of me.


we need some men on the eastern front too!


Tintin looking guy would fit, altho i d like the colourjack idea more


Ok, who is going to do what?


>even doe the east has a totally defeated Kuz


I see zoot as more of a wholesomejack, zoot is a nice guy.


yooooooo gemmy idea:
just write
zaryan ## zoot
over coco


why not
==Zoot ## Admin== ?


Or that I dont remember how it goes because he doesnt namefag


>he doesn't namefag eventho /q/


>/q/ even doe /q/ doesnt count and no one posts there


File: 1698273463732.png (2.47 MB, 1920x1080, zooty zoot.png)

Whats the consensus?


File: 1698274032159.png (35.96 KB, 356x71, ClipboardImage.png)

I will make the boy next to Mymy to a janny, if nobody minds.
Also the name is barely vissible. Put it like this instead.


File: 1698274320943.png (2.47 MB, 1920x1080, zoory zoor.png)

Tried it already but thought the other one looked better.


Personally, i think that the second one is better. It's easier to read.


File: 1698281542000.png (2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1698274320943.png)

Pixel guy from earlier here, decided to make Mymy look more like the comic I've replied to, topped with a very shitty lookin gun in place of her waffle.


Pretty fucking gemmy


File: 1698285498983.png (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, tree.png)

The tree has underwent alias therapy


File: 1698286015730.png (165.54 KB, 319x352, ongezelling1.PNG)




File: 1698288431857.png (85.47 KB, 632x756, ClipboardImage.png)

Who's the moonman flirting with, doe?


maybe we should've kept the kuz one, that solves the problem


File: 1698337361903.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, mutt at 4 o clock or somet….png)

Maybe he's talking to soytan? idk, the zellig sisters are really the only Sharty related girls (aside from the gapejak girl)
Also I added an american or something


no we really should have kept the kuz hallucination one, when i look at this compilation i see 4cuck oldfaggotry and larp everywhere, is this zarty culture? nobody posts this stuff even if its oldCHAD gemmies. meanwhile we cant even get a good solution at the top right since moonman doesnt have a love interest. on top of that the kuz hallucination is pretty well drawn and fits well, though


Can we get a consensus on this? Im a newfag, (You)ll have to clue me in on what is giving the 'cuck vibe.
If we bring back the daydream, we only have 2 characters left. One of which can be a soyjak and the other one for which we are still shit outta ideas.


>(You)ll have to clue me in on what is giving the 'cuck vibe.
It just does, ok?


Well Im convinced
ZOOT! Execute the guy who drew moonman on charges of dual allegiance and infiltration! (DO ignore the fact that I endorsed it)


If i executed the guy who made Mooman, then there would be no more zarty.
Anyways, just go for the kuzzy hallucination. I just thought that Goot gave the Moonman vibes really well. But i see that it caused more problems.


File: 1698344302446.png (25.46 KB, 133x255, 1694826497934.png)


File: 1698345143353.png (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, oh my hecking jak at 9 o c….png)

did as was to be done and also made the stoner girl a soyjak
If you think you can jak her better than me, you're probably right and you're welcome to




Im out of the loop on the whole 'fe thing, (You) will once again have to clue me in


File: 1698347686416.png (267.77 KB, 600x633, ClipboardImage.png)


perspective doesnt really match up for a simple copy and paste, Ill leave it to a more experienced drawfag


Why tf would we put her on the canvas?


Sharty/Zarty culture overlap with the /qa/fe or something




File: 1698350070769.png (30.03 KB, 775x1127, mayason_feit.png)

Actually, I think that Cobson can be a better pick. Cobson WABAG. Guess what else WABAG? Zellig.




File: 1698360775566.png (2.23 MB, 1920x1080, rapeson at 11 o clock.png)

we should add some environmental details
I added rapeson and the alleged sharty flag
We could add something to the grass too


I think at this point there is nothing we could do to this woman. There are no good ideas.
Maybe we could make her confused (and her head turned infront of the camera), as she is the only normalFAG in this giga-based school.

Let me know what you think.

Also lets put the "Zarty sends their regards" in the grass.


Someone said that she could be the 'fe kween >>2390


File: 1698361807582.png (175.69 KB, 881x1049, 15162 - SoyBooru.png)

'Fe queen is not related to the zarty tho. Show me ONE WOMAN that uses the zarty.


That does sound like a plan! (for someone who can actually draw it)

Also I figured the "zarty sends their regards" would just be the text part of the post, not on the art itself


I will draw it. Give me some time.

We could also do text with a "white marker" like it's a photo.


File: 1698363561517.png (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, plagerism at 11 o clock.png)

yoooo! nevermind! In a stroke of brilliance I realized I can just plagiarize the newest paypiggy art for a front facing face!


that being said, it was lower resolution (meaning it is blurry) so if you still want to draw it go ahead


File: 1698363878438.png (81.86 KB, 450x107, ClipboardImage.png)

like this? font is dancing script btw


It looks like "Sayzellig.Party" thoughie


Cursive is retarded, not my fault
Ill look for a better font


File: 1698364646303-0.png (207.4 KB, 985x231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698364646303-1.png (188.25 KB, 973x216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698364646303-2.png (142.28 KB, 817x184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698364646303-3.png (130.92 KB, 808x159, ClipboardImage.png)

theres this one
and this autistic one
and this fat ass one
and this one called DJ gross


Third one is best


File: 1698365048100-0.png (72.16 KB, 448x100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698365048100-1.png (70.54 KB, 371x114, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698365048100-2.png (66.33 KB, 387x111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698365048100-3.png (89.45 KB, 613x90, ClipboardImage.png)

Personally I like the 4th one best. I fancy the irregular fonts, but not the cursive ones
Here are some more notable fonts


File: 1698365752060.png (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, rapeson at 11 o clock.png)

I like the second one
Also I'm done with the girl


File: 1698365840338.png (51.87 KB, 200x200, 1684720215231.png)

Hahahahahah disregard that, I suck cocks!


not so fast, maybe its better that we use this one instead of the copy paste one
SOVL or something


I did a bit of a bad job at drawing it (the lines are a bit shaggy). But it's up to the guy with the text to decide.

Also are we going to add anything else before posting it?


File: 1698367980783.png (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, Soyzellig, yours truly.png)

Why, that would also be me
I chose the 2nd font because I it seems like a compromise between the other 2, and I chose my confused girl because less hair = more rapeson
I added an antjak too
Anything else folks?
PS. I was skeptical about the removal of the moonman, but I have to admit the kuz part is the highlight of the image


Alright then. The less hair version looks a bit out of place, but I agree that More Rapeson = More gemmy.

Maybe change the text to "zarty sends their regards" since i am not sure if this counts as site advertising. This might mean a bit more minutes before it's taken out. If somebody asks what a "zarty" we can explain in a subtle way.

Maybe we could add a refrence to the AI threads and sharty's /zellig/ too. These are a part of zarty culture.


File: 1698370791245.png (2.23 MB, 1920x1080, the zarty sends their rega….png)

The best idea I could come up with is a botjak in the window, which is kinda marge
(also sorry for raping your server with these, zoot)


>which is kinda marge
why did you add it then haha


throwing shit at the wall, seeing what sticks


Well, I suggest that if we can't add anything meaningfull, then we should send it to /co/.


File: 1698371851593.png (2.22 MB, 1920x1080, the zarty sends their rega….png)

Well here it is in that case.
I advise we wait until the rest of the zaryans have seen it before posting it (dont worry /co/ aint catching up to us any time soon)


File: 1698372118219.png (53.02 KB, 228x279, bd9e80d84e78b75801212cf481….png)

Yeah, let's wait for the others.

Also holy shit, they are indeed very slow. How are we done before them???


I'd say the fact that they divided it into so many small pieces.
Not only does it necessitate more contributors, but also, who the fuck wants to work on a single square?
We have been much more productive, with people doing multiple characters, rather than single squares
Also notable, like a third of the done squares are the ones with breasts, so we know where their priorities lie


>Also notable, like a third of the done squares are the ones with breasts, so we know where their priorities lie
Classical /co/omers :D


>>2445 >>2446
We definitely need total /co/omer repentance
Also do you guys have the new 4cuck link? This one >>2148 expired


>total /co/omer repentance

also i found the new thread
It has 'p (as always). The hentai party gamers have even migrated there too.





Zelliged idea


As degenerate as always, why do they talk like this
They're acting immature




File: 1698395877011.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080, new_export.png)

Added some more shit just to fill out spaces and whatever else I could think of.


ZOOOOT Please post it


kiki is serbian theory


You edited the normalfag girl
made the zigger blue (?)
made zoot blue (??)
made soyjak blue haired (???) and added doll on xir shirt (kinda gem)
and added a bunch of irrelevant filler
An overall colossal downgrade (in my opinion)
Also, I was thinking about the white text, perhaps it would be better if we got rid of it, and only wrote "The Zarty sends their regards" in the post (having it on the artwork makes it seem like we only did it for them)


File: 1698408086183.png (75.62 KB, 598x800, IMG_4667.png)

autistic brimstone
>made the zigger blue
its calmjak newGOD


you cant just paint her blue and call her a calmjak, retarDEITY


geg keep trying even an autist could recognize the intent of the other autist who made it ???


the, for whatever reason, now blue coco.
not when he painted 3 separate things blue


Coco is Zoot here


>gem ev&o >>2442


I honestly think we should post the previous option, since we are done I think it doesn't need all that filler, we aren't /co/, we don't need all the irrelevant low effort shit for it to look good, because it already does.




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File: 1698414241437-1.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080, new_export.png)


The last version has some gemmy additions. I personally like:
1. Soot
2. Calm Cato (she is drinking a can-o-bear, ofcourse she going to be calm)
3. The soyfish (Mymy's unofficial pet)
4. Coco being blue (she looks like a deviantart OC made by a 12 y/o back in 2012)

I don't get:

1. Why is the soyjak stoner girl purple and trans? (a bit of an overkill)
2. Why did you touche the normalfag firl? (the point was that she was the only thing normal in this nordic-ss gigachad school)
3. Froot (he removed /zellig/)
4. Poopson wuz here
5. The mole and the cat

Let's keep what is gemmy and remove what is coal and ACTUALLY POST THIS ON /CO/!

Men, we are artists. An artist KNOWS when his masterpiece is finished and doesn't need more details. Even God, with all of his power and glory, knew that on the seventh day his creation was finished and was perfect. He could have continued to expand on his work, if he wanted to. So let's stop. We have reached the perfection of our work.

Good job.

Also, I'm not sure how well it would work as a banner. I will try to add the final version to the banner list.


If we are going to keep the fish as mymy's pet then it should actually be near mymy, not in the corner


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1.Yfke being purple and blue was because I felt like adding Doll to her shirt there since she was already purple.
2. She's colorful since colorjak has some association with zellig like in picrel (there's a better example of her being colorful and creepy, but I can't find it atm, it's on the banner if you see it)
3. I figured once I added soot and doll I might as well add the other admin in the picture (+that one autist making all the frootist NWO 'ganda), but considering what he did to /zellig/, it may not be necessary.
4. No matter what IB it may be, poopson is always nearby and it could be the brimstone that kills it.
5. The cat in my mind is just a very slight reference to the fact Maya has/had a cat herself, but pretty much that and the mole was because I felt like adding stuff to empty space (if antjak was there, then why couldn't the rest of the animals?)
Overall feel free to add or remove what you feel is necessary for the picture.


1.*well pink, but you get my drift.


Oh and as for why I made coco blue, I figured if she's going full-aryan then making her dress blue would be a nice touch to match her A10 eyecolor, or something.


world champion at mental gymnastics ITT


Just explainin' my reasoning brother


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she is BEGGING to be deformed like a good little colourgirl


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1. Understandable

2. Alright, but still colorjak is connected to Mymy specifically. Normalfag girl being confused fited very well with the absurdity of the image. It was also funny that she was so normal, that there wasn't really any way to zartify her in a meaningful way. She is the normalfag

3. Technically, Doll should also be removed, since he removed the zellig banner, because it was "contreversial". He also ban 'lig on /soy/ (while allowing ponies and BBC) and didn't do much about the deletion of zellig threads on /qa/.
We could instead replace it with torned out frootist propaganda, but again I don't wish to add more stuff.

4. Fax

5. Understandable


Maybe red would have suited her better.


In the case of Admins being biased, should we remove Soot too? I like it, but from what I heard he really fucking hated Zellig on /soy/, so for the sake of consistency and Zarty culture he could be removed if needed.


Meh, I've heared that he didn't really care at all.
Soot created the sharty. He made a platform for teens to develope. I dont think he should be removed.


He is angry though, so thats in character for soor. But getting rid of him is doing major injustice


File: 1698431354979.png (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, the great revert.png)

Since it seems no one wants to step on anyones toes I took the liberty of stepping on everyone's
removed random crap from the bottom
removed blue coco as it conflicted with her being Zoot (besides it was merely color correction)
Made normalfag girl normal again
And I dug up a fitting FNWO poster and tore it up
Also removed the text because no one responded to >>2465 (You) and I see that as no objections
If no one has any more objections
ZOOOT post this in the /co/ thread with the accompanying text "The Zarty sends their regards"


I think that the zigger being a /calm/jack kinda clashes with her shirt being the same colour, I suggest removing the /calm/.


File: 1698431904778.png (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, the greater revert.png)

Objection acknowledged


Alright sent it ZOOTY


*send, nigger



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Alrgiht, here goes nothing.


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Can't wait for 4cucks to either seethe, or move to the Zarty because we are the functioning ones.


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Taking bets on how long the post lasts before it gets jannied


I think that it can last for an hour.


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>the zarty sends their regards.


Thats the exact impression I was hoping we'd leave


We sadly did get any direct reactions yet. I suppose we ll wait.


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First W of the zarty.
Screenshot every seeth, we shal upload them on the zarty wikipage.


Surely that is just comical timing
No way the art mindbroke him


meds and english dictionary now


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>meds eventho its going to be gemmy
>ED eventho ESL rule this site

I think it did


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Kuz is the fucking highlight, every time I look at that part of the image I like it more


it is indeed 50% of the reason why issa gem


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/co/oners advertising their /co/rd


Yeah, I saw that too. Should we check it out and see how bad it is?


TDD though


not fond of 'cord or 'p


We could raid them though


Me to man, me to. Why does noa allow this?


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Make up allegations against their discord so they either have to leak stuff or deal with less people joining due to slander.
We have the moral highground, join the zarty or die.


from what I have read, their cord is already kind of dead, since they only had the goal of shilling.

Also don't spread fake news. That's kikery shit.


why excuse me! I didnt know we had another propagandist on the site!


In joined it, talked to people. Probably won't check it tomorrow because I hate Noas's rules about soyjacks and 'p. Also foenkie is there, which proves my theory about Massadonie jannies being in every single corner of the community, even here.


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>noa's rules on soyjaks and 'p
What are his rules on 'p?


No "extreme sharty lingo", even doe there is a channel dedicated to 'p. He told me he dislikes it, but made it so degenes will be occupied, which i disagree with, we should just not allow them in the community.


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Total Lolicon Death, and then some


people always talk about "containment" not realizing that containment is stupid with the option of outright banishment. Having a containment board/channel just signals that you are alright with them


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what do you mean by "'p"


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Pornography with zellig girls.


File: 1698444497555.png (42.18 KB, 768x719, 1690341022856.png)

>4cuck decides to make a voiceover
>creates a discord
>creates a porn channel


How mindbroken are these /co/omers




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Blud seething that jaks helped make xheir show popular ☠️☠️☠️


File: 1698459682971.png (111.81 KB, 956x140, image_2023-10-28_052114520.png)

yep i think that the seething started


Moved to >>>/chive/253.

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