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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1713639987086-0.png (29.5 KB, 1023x1243, Mymy Tarrant.png)

File: 1713639987086-1.png (83.24 KB, 754x1175, Mymy dressed up as william….png)

 No.19044[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Im planning on doing requests for ongezellig fartart. Feel free to request anything except for gross yuri lesbian gay ship retardation.
I'll do them at my own pace and post them on this thread/twitter(yosack jaki) or something idk. maybe il do a good job
241 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1716047993013.png (46.37 KB, 1030x933, Mymy Caca.png)



shiniest gem of the day


darkest coal of the day


File: 1716050726773.gif (3.35 MB, 534x640, bjørn-guttebarn.gif)

File: 1711165967869.png (69.35 KB, 800x421, Untitled419_20240313164738.png)


"Living moving forward
Might party leads:
The Boer people march
And you are their banner, Coco!

For all Boers, like light,
You've been burning since your mouth
Leading to where there is no grief.
Where is joy, Coco!

Years go by, year after year
You protect us from adversity
And the distant sky is visible
You top, Coco!

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File: 1715960026243.png (5.1 KB, 236x202, 9bf2556b60e49762051777a0f4….png)



Photoshop also you're supporting a tranny go back to xitter


total r_terra anathema


File: 1715968488223.png (26.64 KB, 380x311, ClipboardImage.png)

Even more ultrameds


Happy birthday to R_terra btw

File: 1715879806562.png (160.81 KB, 307x416, ClipboardImage.png)



Do you play on soycraft? There were ongezelland and zartytown


I did long ago before there were zellig factions


zartytown, colloquially known as zellig hq


Yeah, one time I thought it was part of Brap Farm


This prolly isn't gonna happen anytime soon but immagine a zellig mc server. I would play it

File: 1714891878001.png (97.23 KB, 653x656, 1714889907830622.png)


The main animator of Friday Night Funkin' drew Maya
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File: 1714922047919.png (157.7 KB, 664x411, stage 6 cancer.png)

I can't find a VOD of it but here's the full mural where the drawing is from


Did he watch Ongezellig?


No he was taking requests and didn't know who she was until he looked her up




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Guys have you heard of this new anime called Ongezellig? I've been planning to watch it ever since it released, but had no time. Is it good? It kinda deviates from normal anime style, so it might be interesting.
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How could you say that?! It even has a unrecognizable language!


File: 1715274545811.jpeg (6.28 KB, 164x192, 1710192112905.jpeg)

Is it a filthy sodomite joke made by niggerpilled belgkike or a serious request


Looks like some trooncore shit. Stop shilling your garbage on this site.


Kys pedophile freak


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Pixel art I made


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I improved this one

File: 1715978604517.jpg (103.66 KB, 826x476, Screenshot_20240517-134057….jpg)


Shitty pixel art I made on pixelplace.io


im the person botting zellig images btw


North Antarctica. Also you're a legend for botting those images. I would bot but I don't have a computer


File: 1715986266069.jpg (100.95 KB, 901x283, Screenshot_20240517-153956….jpg)

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so what does this picture actually portrays? why are they crying in the back??
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They are crying because mymy is being too obsessed with captain Koek
Like creepily into kaptain Koek
Idk who the third girl is perhaps Mimi


fail award


because mymy has shit taste in cartoons thats why theyre crying


their daughteru is a dishonorable weaboo for whitu piggu



File: 1715983743531.jpg (112.92 KB, 917x700, Screenshot_20240517-150528….jpg)


I took over iran in pixelplace.io

File: 1715975127360.png (894.44 KB, 967x762, bobby.png)


how do i set up the program that's used to make the ongezellig ai covers or whatever


File: 1715977518949.gif (1.07 MB, 536x706, slf.gif)



Ancient sorcery that literally like 2 teens know about


zoot help me


Use Applio
There's an easy installer, then just download a model from huggingface.co


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