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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Happy (((Clara's))) (((international))) day, goyim, and good swimming, (((Rosa))).


Joowish invention. But c'mon Mymy would still like being gifted flowers


finally mymy has her patented niggerwiggle on the top of her head

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Planning to post Coco everyday on this thread
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all the same IP btw


So true!


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I looked at the entire thing
I got a few dozen Coco pictures now
Thank you 😊


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long ropey noodle arms

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Would (you) let a orange colored jap-in-denial Dutch Nationalist mock your ethnicity and bully you day-in, day-out of school until graduation?
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If she were to do that, I would firmly discipline her with my left hand firmly on her throat and a Käsekrainer in my right hand. Once I’m done with her, she will be a good, subservient little girl.


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you'd what


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>he genuinely doesn't know about the nsfw board


meds now cob


I could fix her

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>Why is Mymy a don Cossak??
Just because I said so ok??????!
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what uniform is that?




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Drew Maya today


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Should we try to include more things to our culture? For example, would you consider watamote zaryan/lig culture (since Maya is basically dutch tomoko)?
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tsmt. School shootings are zarty culture


What similarities? Even between Maya and Tomoko there are lots of differences kek


tranime will bring more troons


I would say that the base idea of the main character being isolated from the rest of the world is one similarity. They struggle when it comes to interacting with people and their views of how society öÖö functiones are twisted by media/other forms of literature (and lack of interaction with reality, duh)

Sure, there are differences (obviously :p). Their goals differ a bit in the sense that Tomoko wishes to "be popular and sociably desired" from the begining. Maya, however, has made up this illusion of "i will be happy when i am completely alone", while at the same time subconsciously questioning whether or not this is something to be desired (her actual wishes being more aligned with Tomoko's). In a way, you can view Maya as potenitally Tomoko with extra steps.
Also, Maya gets help from others in the begining, while Tomoko is complitly isolated from in the start of her story (she eventually finds "help" from others).

There is the problem that we dont really know that much about Maya (besides what is told to us in the pilot/2 comics) compared to the "more developed" charatcer of Tomoko. So a very deep analasys of these two is hard.

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Does anyone have archives of massa's streams on his dutch patreon only site? I wanna watch them.

Also is it true someone had coco's va squash a melon with here thighs?
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After talking with my friend we've come to the general conclusion you guys are right on this.

Would it be fun to stir the pot and send a bunch of angry haters to massadonia and have them shit on foenkie? Yes with extreme prejudice.

Would it be fun to get the attention of hardcore sharty members and zellig diehards who might dox us? No not at all.

We'll keep gathering evidence untill we feel we've gotten everything we could have possibly gotten. And then were shelving the project, only releasing it once something major happens, or enough time has passed and the video wouldn't serve as a way tocause outrage but rather be a message to the staff and Massa himself to get there fucking act together.

Thank all of you thought for your info, opinions, and honesty on our project.


It also wouldn't be fun to ruin anyones lives or fuck the fanbase over harder than Massa has recently.


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Kys stupid scrub, the time for action is now, if you're not willing to ruin lives then rope yourself faggot


Retard 15 yo cord user woke up


what the fuck did I just read? op smoking crack

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Is this recognizable as Mymy?


A little bit


Yeah but slant her eyes a bit and draw her sidebangs (the bangs either side of her fringe, idk hair terms)


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She looks like squirrel

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hello soyzellig I plan to watch Ongezellig for ten hours straight, if anyone could give me the full 20 min pilot so i could constantly keep watching it over and over and over and over again that would be helpful cheers

- Me


meds will kill this patient



but i dont wantttttt the ai dub


>>12374 ai english dub kills the charm..
here u go


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can it have online multiplayer

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I would like to tell you all that even though Studio Massa has abandoned Ongezelling, we all do not want to let this story die! Together we can continue this amazing adventure through our own creativity. I propose that we write fan fiction, create comics, plays, and even short films together to expand this fantastic world!

I invite you to work together and create something unique! Our passion and the skills we all have can give new life to this universe and make the story continue. Let our creativity and love for these characters and the world they have created inspire us to create and share our ideas together! And let's all show Studio Massa that it made a mistake by deciding to abandon the project!!!

Best regards and thank you for your attention!
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impossible, we can only dream or something like that


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Two decadent degenerates above me


i feel as if wed recruit more people by doing cool shit as a community like we did with the pixelplanet than doing fanfics


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Numbers counting up and whatnot

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Happy March 8th Mymy!




very cute

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Does anyone have a downloadable full episodes of Ongezellig. Just in case Studio Massa channel gets deleted for some reason or he decide to deletes it (which I doubt)
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/zellig/ - Ongezellig
IAZ and soft NAZ
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/zellig/ - Ongezellig
IAZ and soft NAZ
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Mymy's birthday thread
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Celebratory gems that saved the qveen of japsterdam's party


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Obsessed with Mymy🧡


only way to preserve your honor to mymy is to kill yourself


ok i will write a python script to post the aftermath here

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Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information about what the name of Mrs. Schoppenboer, our main characters' mother, would be. My suggestion would be to name her Anna. What do you think?

There's also the matter of their dad. I suspect he is an Indonesian of Dutch descent, unless he took his wife's surname after marriage.
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she need a indonesian name


tsmt, anna is a really fitting name


why doesnt maya show any chink facial features even though her mom is a chink


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Cuz strong aryan blood won silly asian genetics


You can see both parents in Deel 6 at 3:25, Mr. Schoppenboer has lighter skin and it could look darker than it is due to lighting, I would guess he's white or hapa

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is this place actually shutting down in september, ive heard some rumors, and i hope that they arent true.
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zellig.party and sidson.city


>I did not mean to imply that I will be shuting the site for certain

def shutting down the site in september


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If you do ever shut it down you WILL upload an archive of all the content, right?


Yeah, I will.
Here is another public arch

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All you need is a ball, good comfortable shoes and a few people and you can start playing. The main advantages of this sport are a decrease in blood pressure, loss of fat tissue, and improvement of physical fitness and endurance. Playing soccer for an hour a day will burn at least 600 calories. Stroopwafel has 424 calories per 100 grams, so we can guess why Mymy plays football.

The more you move, the more stroopwafels you can eat :)
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on what team she can play


that is dutch korfball mymy doesnt play globoist 'cry about every injury' soccer


Extra built for hugs and kisses in that outfit


Built for hugs cuddles and being kissed on the forehead gentlu


Sorry, I've been living near Amsterdam for 8 months and I didn't know there was such a thing as Korfball.


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'zellig won and will always win


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glittering gemstone

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Decided to discover watamote after what happened to 'zellig and holy shit its good (even doe tranime), i knew i would like it since Maya is essentially just a dutch Tomoko.
Ive heard the manga becomes dogshit after a while albeit.
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tbf she was niggerbabblin about BJC or just about BC… or just C.

My point was that there were too many dick jokes that were unoriginal, didnt have a punchline and were out of place. I guess they fit, since Tomoko is supposed to be this teenager NEET who's concept of reality is based on all the fantasies (sexual or not) that she has read/watched/heard ect? But again, it felt weird and fourced.


spoiler: she is lesbian


Please tell us more about the manga as you read it


That's partially true. I think whats going on is that she is just mindbroken by porn. She also expresses attraction for the opposite sex.

Will do! I made a thread a while ago about watamote. I may do a review after i reach chapter 100 (there are total of 220+ chapters iirc)


massa def took some heavy inspiration from the 'mote to make the 'lig

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If a high effort zellig game was made on Roblox would you play it?
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how chuddy will it be?


as much as i think i can get away with, there'll definitely be sharty references and some stuff i wanna reveal later


how chuddy can one even get on the 'blox?


if im clever i can get away with some funny shit


who knows. maybe the zoomers will love it and they will carry the torch of zellig into the new era. godspeed.

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someone make this but with maya instead of our beloved (and long-since late) Jean Paul Getty, founder of Getty Oil and businessman extraordinaire; who married, and divorced five times.
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zooooooooooooor where did the posts go


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what the fuck where did they go
i managed to save one though


Maybe xe thought it wasn't good enough or something.


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an eslGOD made these

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I'm making a soyzellig playlist for myself send me yall's favorite songs
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These are just some of my favorite songs by some bands and artists that I like, I limited it to seven because I didn't want to go overboard. Just select the ones that you like the most please, thank you.

Gruff Rhys - Celestial Candyfloss
Ian Brown - Dolphins Were Monkeys
Super Furry Animals - White Socks/Flip Flops
The Beta Band - Easy
Blur - Far Out (Beagle 2 Remix)
Suede - She
Yard Act - Petroleum





right now i have

Ik ben het maar and auf der heide bluht ein kleines blumelein, and all the other ones people put


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cocofags, this is your mindset


>Not killing the nigger instead



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What did Massa mean by this?
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please man i just want hope i just want hope so bad



This mf




Holy shit this is so kino. I was hardly expecting a fnaf x ongezellig crossover but I'm here for it.


Excellent post

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Do you think she stinks?


NEET girlsmell……


prob really dirty

even sexier for a femcel


she probably showers but nothing more and occasionally forgets

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From pic related, this is what she says (Google Translated):
>Hi Sam,
>Maybe this attempt at drawing reminds you of something. At least, that was my intention. I can still remember the very first drawing you ever made for my birthday, and now that there is a definitive end to Unsociable, it feels like the circle is coming full circle.
to portray Maya when things don't work out according to a script written by you with passion as a driving force, Who else can make me empathize with a character like this,
>that I have to shed a tear at the end of every viewing session?
>I have recently reflected a lot on the role that my participation in Ongezellig has played in my development over the past 6 (!) years. This way I was able to transform a clumsy leisure activity into a Skill that I can perform with confidence. I also met several people who are dear to me to this day, and I have an overwhelming number of positive memories of portraying an introverted Brabant girl who prefers to be left alone. I am extremely proud to be a part of Ongezellig, and there isn't a single cringeworthy Al cover that can take that feeling away from me.
>So the ending of Unsociable is unfortunate, but there are no regrets. Actually, it's not a shame at all. In short, I don't like it at all
>It's not hyperbole when I say you changed my life.
>From compliments on my acting that have stuck with me to this day, to offering a level of understanding of my circumstances that not many others ever experience, I appreciate the warm welcome you have given me from the start offered, and I always feel at home with the calm, humorous and pleasant (ha ha) atmosphere that you manage to create when we finally manage to see each other.
>In the coming years, I can finally label you as just a good friend, instead of "technically my employer". In the coming years, you can finally focus on finding a satisfying balance between creating passion-driven YouTube. videos and a job that can be demanding here and there. As far as I'm concerned, that's a better ending than 16-year-old me could ever have imagined.
>I wish you a peaceful recovery, Robin
Mainly this pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Maya or Robin?


For some reason, I had the impression that zellig wasnt very important to the voice actors. It was like 5 cumulative minutes of voice acting spread across numerous years. But it's actually gender-affirming to know that they cared about zellig as much as we Zaryans do.


I don't know, I'm not seeing anything for the other 3


Yeah but I'm sure they all feel similarly. And if not, I'm still satisfied with just one


heckin' wholesome

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Maya needs to carry on



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mayaralds, suggest more
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Why would Denmark capture Maya THOUGH


I second this


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I expected that it would be very cringe but whatever


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I’m not a commienigger doe.
Zarty Zaving Zemerald zough..

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We should do another collab draw thing but with the new student name cards art drop, or something.
I used AI to upscale the piece because 1037x583 on the original looks like shit and is too small.
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repost of the texture used for the overlay of the characters so that it's Xtra accurate


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Just google blue photograph background and so some color correction



We'll use it


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i wanna put xim in but idk how to draw xher in zellig form

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I have 70 subs I should be fine. I will credit the zarty if I ever go through with it


Nawwww zawg posted zellig from OHIO ☠️☠️☠️


go back, then kill yourself


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The halfassed lyrics I promised


These are my autismo lyrics here:

Woah ooh ooh ooh oh oh Story of Ongezellig!
MAYA: Mollusk senpai, man i love this guy, Coco says ‘hoi’, Story of ‘zellig!

COCO: Please help Maya, I need it alot, you know computers and I do not. About it alot. Na na na Know it alot. Do you think it would be better, to make presentations together? Together? Nah nah nah together?

MAYA: Ik zit vast, i think im lost, i wanna place out of here.

I’ve got my problems, and you’ve got yours, I can deal with them on my own. My ADD is all you think of me, you know, I’m better off alone. I’ve got my problems, and you’ve got yours, I can deal with them on my own. My ADD is all you think of me, you know, I’m better off alone.

My own island, gemmy, diamonds, i wish I was there, MYMY: Gekoloniseerd!

My presentation and VOC, there's no way that i won't be, class rep me, empress of all land and sea. My presentation, it was the best. VERA: Yea no, Mymy give it a rest. You and Maya, my office, na de les.
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