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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Another new 'cordclitty shit nobody cares about OC




Moved to >>>/qa/4608.

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i'm a stone cold incel CHVD and it angers me greatly when i see w*men in the ongezellig community
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zero effort award


if mymy abuse is so great then where is mymy abuse 2
mymy abuse 2: coming soon




aryanspeech that foretold mymy abuse 2

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So have any of you found your one true Maya or Mymy GF yet from here?
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back when sharty was raiding duolicious i had soytan ERP with someone on there and it was really hot


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this image looks so ai generated


That was obvious


but why is it relevant


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its full of feds, theres no one around me in 10 miles

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new soytan dropped


vantablack niggerstone that will kill the zarty


soytan if she was less built for rape

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Canon art!! (JK)
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Even doe Kiki fucks Axel


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mindbroken by sandnigger war award


Vantaniggerblack antimatter brimstone from the depths of niggerhell

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By deel 6, Mayas room loses the broken mirror and gains a bookshelf, with books neatly arranged upon it.
Supposing there is a point to this change, what books would she have? Would it just be her school textbooks, or would she procure books about a particular hobby or interest?
In a broader sense, what interests would she have besides porn and video games? What hobbies could she pick up, if any? There was one image of her with a guitar(I think) case, but what else could she pick up?
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Finally someone grasps the full genius of Massa
continuityerrorcord btfoed


>Mymy seems to have her VoC flag about there
Falsenuke, the flag is on the wall perpendicular to the on separating Maya's and Mymy's room. Also
>no window behind the monitor in the first deel
>window suddenly appears in deel 6
That would need to be a major overhaul of the house, not just some renovation.


marge both the curtain and flag are on the separating wall


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they are not though


>blackpilling because of Spengler

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Autism does NOT exist.
Being diagnosed with autism means absolutely nothing at all.
Getting a diagnosis, if anything, is a detriment under certain circumstances, like if you're trying to apply for a job and are subject to medical examinations. Any mental conditions get you filtered out.


Trvke btw


>Da jooooos are the reason i'm autistic


'Autism' is just a side effect of being a genius.


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You have to have a really shitty and sad life to threaten people just because, for example, someone made a homosexual relationship between a cartoon character and your waifu.


Take your meds schizo


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>threatening people just because someone made a homosexual relationship between a cartoon character and your waifu


I do this and look like this


People who say this looks like this

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Repost since other thread is bugged and I want all my works in one place




Post anti gooner one more time and you finally become a real woman


Deboonked by peer reviewed soyence study; abstract: never goon, never troon



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Sorry to be le doomer but can someone remind me what there is to live for?
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To fix your life you first need a job. This will secure an income and a future for you. But also this will improve your mental health as you will no longer see yourself as completely useless. It will also expand your social sphere and make you feel as if you are actually contributing to and participating in society.
>as i feel as if i wouldnt enjoy any of them
Currently this doesn't matter at all. You just need to do SOMETHING. Doesn't really matter what it is. School has brainwashed us to think that you need to get the power to do the thing, but often you need to do the thing to get the power. Not everything has to be fulfilling or enjoyable. In fact about 80% of my waking life is not enjoyable, but I still do it anyways because I'm a duty driven man. That's how heroism is born.

In regards to mental health the other two essentials are social life and religion. You need to have a good relationship with your family and peers. So work on fixing that. Living just for living's sake eventually runs into problems as life often sucks. Therefore you need some other transcendent justification to keep fighting. If you do not find any of the claims of any religion to be convincing then you just need study philosophy in general. After that you should construct/find a worldview which justifies living and fighting in some way. For atheists the common justification is mankind's collective ascension through understanding and technological progress. Though religion is still superior to atheism in both utility and veracity.


Knowledge of the Clarke's third law has made me unable of believing in any religion, even if I saw miracles happening with my own eyes.


non sequitor gem




The glory of God.

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