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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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By deel 6, Mayas room loses the broken mirror and gains a bookshelf, with books neatly arranged upon it.
Supposing there is a point to this change, what books would she have? Would it just be her school textbooks, or would she procure books about a particular hobby or interest?
In a broader sense, what interests would she have besides porn and video games? What hobbies could she pick up, if any? There was one image of her with a guitar(I think) case, but what else could she pick up?


They look more like boxes to me, not books.


File: 1715452017576.png (38.48 KB, 316x165, ClipboardImage.png)

The screenshot was taken very poorly, but I think the one on the second shelf looks very much like a book. The red ones on the bottom shelf have a white stripe on their top, which is why I think those are books.
But supposing that they were boxes, what would she store within them?




Maybe it's just Massa's laziness at drawing. The one on the top shelf is a book. Still the idea of Maya reading anything sounds absurd. She has 15 sec attention span at most.


my request does NOT look automated


But if in an unexpected event she did pick up a book, it would be some fanfic or a story how an average woman gets kidnapped by a billionaire vampire or something and he falls in love in here. There is apparently a whole genre of such books targeted at teenage girls and bored middle aged women.


One of those books is Mein Kampf


She read Spengler and is depressed now because the west is falling.


She exclusively reads Julius Evola, Rene Guenon and Oswald Spengler.


Thanks for giving actual answers.


I'll just pin this one as "purely decorational" and not something Maya has intentionally for herself. I know my parents' house has a couple of random books strewn about on some shelves and places just to add some "deco" around the place and not make it look so empty. Maybe something similar for Maya's parents when they first got the house.


I love how the only plant in her room is a cactus because she would surely kill any other plant that needs more maintenance that occasional watering once per 3 weeks.


Also why is there a curtain next to the mirror? It cannot cover a window, as there is Mymy's room on the other side.


Mymy seems to have her VoC flag about there, maybe it's there to cover up some hole in the wall or something, potentially left over from some renovation of the house they did.


Finally someone grasps the full genius of Massa
continuityerrorcord btfoed


>Mymy seems to have her VoC flag about there
Falsenuke, the flag is on the wall perpendicular to the on separating Maya's and Mymy's room. Also
>no window behind the monitor in the first deel
>window suddenly appears in deel 6
That would need to be a major overhaul of the house, not just some renovation.


marge both the curtain and flag are on the separating wall


File: 1715459567255.webm (838.87 KB, 1920x1080, flag.webm)

they are not though


>blackpilling because of Spengler

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