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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1706144595319.jpg (125 KB, 1280x720, Ongezellig miniaturo.jpg)


1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


spainsisters wake up, its out



live yourself


coma yourself


Ermmmmmm… zelligbros why do these say (you) when they arent me

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Sorry for the wait; I needed to fix some grammar and formatting issues. Here is the big Mymy x Maya fanfiction. Enjoy, Zaryans!
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


ev&oe im not a troon


Stop talking like a troon though


keep talking like a troon it's cute


Stop talking like a troon though.


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marge why does coco say "oyy" is xhe jewish
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


oh my fauci….. we need a fanfiction about this so bad………


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i just realised none of the ongezellig girls are actually dutch. they're indonesian, japanese and south african. as a self-proclaimed dutch nationalist why did Massa do this? i think xe has a thing for immigrant girls




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Thought u were slick huh?


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In deel 4, there was a scene where Mymy called Maya an <autistic person>, to which Maya angrily said that she had an ADD, to which Coco suddenly broke into the conversation and asked what it was and what it was being treated for. For many, this scene raised questions like "what? they've been living together for 10 years and don't know about Maya's ADD?" personally, I think that Mymy knew about ADD just decided to annoy Maya, and Coco decided, as always, put on the mask of a naive fool and broke into the conversation to mitigate the situation
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truth fat man and little boy incoming
you arent depessed youre just a whiny bitch
you dont have adhd youre just a lazy little fuck
you dont have anxiety youre just a little bitch
(OCD is real though cuz i have it)


>you dont have anxiety youre just a little bitch
>(OCD is real though cuz i have it)
Bait? or is this satire? I'm too retarded to tell.


you just know this guy is a meth addicted NPC retard who got diagnosed with that meme disease
ADHD literally doesnt exist outside of America, if you think it's real you're more brainwashed than the average redditor


You gotta respect the bait


yeah respect whatever you want
just dont expect that anyone is going to respect a meth addict's delusions, not on any place other than reddit at least

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Finally, someone redid it so that the Dutch flag actually looks good, gemerald


who nose?


kinda based tbh

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Made a script for linuxGODS

soyzellig=$(curl -s https://soyzellig.party/o/)
while true; do
newreq=$(curl -s https://soyzellig.party/o/)
if [ "$newreq" == "$soyzellig" ]; then
echo "No new nuts nigga!"
echo "==New nuts nigga!=="
sleep 60
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I can use this, tho checking every 60 seconds is too frequent, I'd change it to 300 or more


I wasnt aware i could fetch a json catalog


I just checked, you can but not for the overboard


Checks for new posts, probably shouldn't check every minute, not that many posts kek.


…for now! :D

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please give me a break from this self inserting faggot


it could have been so good


Pure unadultrated iron

File: 1706070315586.jpg (119.44 KB, 1080x959, IMG_20240124_072253.jpg)


It's over?


File: 1706071436531.gif (1.66 MB, 142x189, 60949 - SoyBooru.gif)



Marge? Literal who?



Eh, he doesn't seen to be that bad apart from being a complete dramafag and being overall weird


Hope he does better, still not fully sure what to expect of him
Would he be on the Zarty?

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i like ongezellig bc its funny and because i am dutch and also because because its funny

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