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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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In deel 4, there was a scene where Mymy called Maya an <autistic person>, to which Maya angrily said that she had an ADD, to which Coco suddenly broke into the conversation and asked what it was and what it was being treated for. For many, this scene raised questions like "what? they've been living together for 10 years and don't know about Maya's ADD?" personally, I think that Mymy knew about ADD just decided to annoy Maya, and Coco decided, as always, put on the mask of a naive fool and broke into the conversation to mitigate the situation


Fax, Coco only act like a fool. Its like that starwars theory, where Jar Jar is a sith lord or smth.


This is only my thoughts


it might be that she doesnt have actually ADD
internet addicted redditors love to self diagnose shit to cope and it's a fake disease anyways


can’t someone be diagnosed with ADD at any age? if xhe got diagnosed a few months prior it would make sense that xher xisters wouldn’t know


bad bait


triggered fake disease haver


>Opinion I disagree with = le bait


well yeah she's autistic


It's not an opinion.
If you think ADD is a hoax please take your meds.


truth fat man and little boy incoming
you arent depessed youre just a whiny bitch
you dont have adhd youre just a lazy little fuck
you dont have anxiety youre just a little bitch
(OCD is real though cuz i have it)


>you dont have anxiety youre just a little bitch
>(OCD is real though cuz i have it)
Bait? or is this satire? I'm too retarded to tell.


you just know this guy is a meth addicted NPC retard who got diagnosed with that meme disease
ADHD literally doesnt exist outside of America, if you think it's real you're more brainwashed than the average redditor


You gotta respect the bait


yeah respect whatever you want
just dont expect that anyone is going to respect a meth addict's delusions, not on any place other than reddit at least

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