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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>sharty faildox of a pedophilic smut "artist" lead to him drawing poopson and soon he will draw zellig
I place full blame of the current events on the jews, and partially on foodists
24 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>posted 10 seconds ago
damn nigga
But yeah, victory if he follows trough (unless its a psyop so we'd leave him alone)


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xer wasnt drawing mymy btw


west saved


>Drawing is recent which means that he DID NOT turn himself in


>eventho /co/ has gone bananas with the 3d models.

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>Doctos I broke my skull!

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I think 'zellig has some inconsistencies regarding some of the interactions between the xisters and specifically Coco's characterization. I know the pilot was released over a large period of time so that might explain some changes due to evolving visions or whatever the fuck but I think when the show returns, we may see some differences in personality / dynamics.
The first time I watched 'zellig I was under the impression that Mymy and Coco had just been adopted recently, because the dialogue and their interactions with Maya seemed to imply as much. The xisters have been together since they were very young, but if that were the case, why is Coco asking "What does ADD stand for?" and "Can it be cured?" Why is Mymy asking "Where do you sit during break?" and "Who are your friends?" These are questions that realistically they should know the answer to by now, considering that they lived together for years. It should have come up in conversation at least once before.
I also think Coco's personality specifically is a little confusing. This isn't necessarily a criticism, but I don't get it. She's the type to be very knowledgeable in landscape painters from 1920, but she also can't spell properly in her text messages? (Maybe that's just her being bad with technology THOUGH) She possesses the social awareness to try not to hurt Maya's pride and to recognize when Mymy is saying something that may hurt Maya's feelings, but at the same time she's oblivious to pretty much everything else, like the barricade in front of Maya's door, or why showing le octopode in class is a bad idea.


Coco best girl regardless


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File: 1702689419845-1.png (8.68 KB, 482x99, redditspacing.png)

Putting a blank line between paragraphs is not reddit spacing. Putting two lines between a paragraph is reddit spacing. This happens when a redditor automatically hits enter twice due to being used to reddit's formatting.


Putting two lines between a paragraph is actually hitting enter 3 times doe


Although now that I think about it, this doesn't really make sense. Hitting enter twice would just add one whitespace, but I remember it being defined as two spaces on 8chan. From glancing at some longer reddit posts it seems people only use a single white space. You would need to hit enter three times to get two whitespaces on here and four on reddit. On image boards you can have a new line without a whitespace.
I guess I'm wrong, but using white spaces is common in formatting and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Yeah you're right.


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According to a Finnish meme wiki reddit spacing is putting every, or almost every, sentence on it's own line. This also seems to be how (at least some) people on twitter use the term.

I guess this could make sense. When the redditor wants to make a new line for the sentence he would hit enter twice leading to every sentence being seperated by a whitespace.


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Zelligxisters, our response??????


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albeit Dutch is backup English. When white world order comes to completion the ESL proles will speak in English and the EFL upper classes will converse in Dutch.

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theres a roblox r/place called Color Place. this game is fairly unpopular with like 30 players BUT the canvas is pretty small and you can place a pixel every FIVE SECONDS.
do we 'lig it up?
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send the link you slf



im not home rn but if anyone can find a spot and get a reference that would be great


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were gonna rape and kill pomni, posting reference border one with small text one with tall text
if anyone is a good pixel artist pls help (only use colors on the left)



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Not the best news but the search suggestions are our saving grace
43 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


We rape niggers here sir


they're baby niggers doe
Have you no mercy?


It's T ND if you forgot…
But the gore is off of the front page, now it's an Easter egg


it's back on the first page after leno bought a new domain doe


First page but no longer the first result
even on yandex its the second result
acceptable albeit

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Also try using Google Translator, i think xe pays more attention to korean comments


tell him the characters are underage and if he draws them hes a pedo


Already did that multiple times, also told him that the people talking about it are trolls, but the constant spam made him notice it anyways.
Not sure if he will draw zellig next or not.

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coal although zarty mentioned therefore gem.
>Maya has social anxiety
how the fuck is this iceberg material???????



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>rather no friends than no parents


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>Maya is satanist
Marge, what did Massa mean by this? Is Ongezellig a satanic anti-christ show now?
15 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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even doe he did 1/2


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pretty nifty, question remains, was he blacked




genuine question thoughbeit, what is likelihood of jesus getting blacked

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