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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

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Not the best news but the search suggestions are our saving grace


Huh, it's really gone…
Well I have no idea how. Maybe botfags can do something about it?


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Bots? I was just ganna spam search it


It's probably due to 'ki domain change. Thankfully, if you search 'zellig on Bing AI or Bard, they still list the 'ki as one of the sources.


The unforeseen consequences of the domain change have been catastrophic for the zelligaryans


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Is it going to work tho? Doesn't it also track if the same IP has been spaming the searchbar?
Gentlemen, we can fix this. We have the technology.


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>We have the technology


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The fandom can be a substitute (for now)
After all, we've done stuff with it before. Its just another wiki until we find out how to restore soywiki to google's front page. I think its been completely removed, its not on any other pages either


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Holy mother of no fun allowed
4cucks have zero spirit or soul


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This is a sharty shitpost, not related to Massa's work in any way, shape or form and should be promptly IGNORED!!!!11


I look like this and say this btw


Idk how that wiki works but if possible we should try to overtake it and make it soywiki 2 (but more subtle)


Do this, but make it more subtle and unique since we don't want to take traffic from soywiki
Just so if they can't find their way to the wiki, they can't escape our influence


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strike back


We should create our own zarty wiki but masquerade it as a legit zellig wiki


would be kinda funny but the soywiki already contains most of the zellig lore and we are trying to overtake the >>2678 which will have a similar purpose of being a covert Zaryan wiki


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a zarty wiki could be a cool idea, when the site become a bit older.


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/co/omers need to chill. there isn't even anything remotely controversial to yet again "ruin Ongezellig and Masa"???


Unless they already saw the deel 7 edit, in which case geg


the video is silly at best. for real they need to chill. they act like we are not apart of this community.


We are the supperior part of the community becuse we dont draw porn of teenage girls. One nigga wrote rapeposts but nobody liked that.


rapeposts ARE funny doe


No they're not.


Trips of TRVTH


I got reported and banned for vandalism (saying mymy ran from home and saying snopes fact checked japsterdam as being a real country) idk if we can quite take it over




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Someone uploaded DNBs on deel 7 page of the wiki


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All I see a cute japanese girl. IDK what are you talking about.


I said page for deel 7, not page for mymy


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Are you talking about the pilot? It looks fine to me.


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Ok I see what youre doing
But understand, NOT a good look for us!


I didn't do anything, nor do I think any zaryan did it. The Deel 7 page was a gem. Maybe we should try to restore it?


I would've done that already had I not been banned for "vandalism"
funny how that fucking works


You too? :D I think mine was because of a comment I did or something a while ago.
I was thinking of making a new account.


yeah refer to >>2824


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I wrote the deel 7 article, i didnt make a backup and the fandom isnt showing any way for me to reclaim my lost work. Too bad, they deserve the DNB for dilating over that gem on their wiki and calling mods


Well that sucks
fucking /co/omers just can't let their precious normalfag wiki be a little fun



It was a gem tho. What do you mean it isnt showing?


The records of my account even making the page at all have been completely scrubbed
btw zoot I SEE YOU making those edits and your account will be blocked by tomorrow too, probably


Hahaha would be sad if they did that. I only tried to help. I even made a comment, trying to ask for help to restore the pre-tnd article.
Let's see how blinded by rage are they.


Btw the ban I got does expire, 6th november


I don't know how to remove the thumbnail


We rape niggers here sir


they're baby niggers doe
Have you no mercy?


It's T ND if you forgot…
But the gore is off of the front page, now it's an Easter egg


it's back on the first page after leno bought a new domain doe


First page but no longer the first result
even on yandex its the second result
acceptable albeit

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