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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1702219584781.png (1.11 MB, 919x919, (2023-11) SatanistMaya.png)


>Maya is satanist
Marge, what did Massa mean by this? Is Ongezellig a satanic anti-christ show now?


"Het is geen fase mam!" is "It is not a phase, mom!" I'm guessing he's just making fun. Also unrelated, Maya looks better with hair down.




fake news, all the zellig sisters are canonically roman catholic.


>fake news, all the zellig sisters are canonically roman catholic even doe the Netherlands is majority atheist.
keep coping, christfag. The zellig sisters are canonically new atheist. Maya is even shown to be a fan of Richard Dawkins; she procrastinates by reading The God Delusion in Deel 4.


made up nonsense, kys redditor


zoot I demand you 'nish this nigger for his blasphemous tongue


pls zoot whack this man balls


File: 1702252140082-0.png (806.17 KB, 599x800, image_2023-12-11_014820111.png)

File: 1702252140082-1.png (3.19 MB, 3062x1718, (2020-07) Propaganda.png)

Ummmm… we all know that the sisters are eastern orthodox, zaryan.


Marge where's 2023-10


Maya shampoo comic is (2023-10) artdrop


Please send


File: 1702465140635.png (477 KB, 1440x421, 1701323410023.png)

I think he's talking about this one


File: 1702505960073.jpeg (48.62 KB, 570x556, IMG_6341.jpeg)

jesus got blacked by swarthy nigger cock before dying and never resurrecting like the kike he is


what did stonetoss mean by this?




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even doe he did 1/2


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File: 1702521798498-1.png (537.99 KB, 800x778, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1702521798498-2.png (644.91 KB, 798x799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1702521798498-3.png (56.36 KB, 800x199, ClipboardImage.png)


pretty nifty, question remains, was he blacked




genuine question thoughbeit, what is likelihood of jesus getting blacked

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