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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Well, I don't know… We all want Maya to be happy, but is it a good idea to pair her with Adam?
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i dont think they would be in a relationship together, but itd be cool seeing them as friends


Cam is that you?


'em in the 'plies


Untrustworthy physiognomy, avoid.


this, she needs me.

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who is your favourite side character? mine is henk
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maybe it wasn't bait, maybe it was supposed to be funny


Yfke because I can save her


bluds a crackpot


Kiki because she is a funny pirate girl and I like her goofy stone face. Also she is the only side character with somewhat of a confirmed personality and relations to the main cast


Cato cuz she built like mymy but seems less clinically insane

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 No.27561[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello Zaryans, This is my gift back to the community, an unofficial soyzellig minecraft server. This will be anarchy, using speedhacks, or flying is just going to stop the player, but ESP and wallhacks are enabled. This is going to be an Anarchy server, every Zaryan must fend for himself. You can make alliances with eachother and make groups and bases. Spamming will be automuted. I will NOT be admin abusing in any shape or kind and will be RARELY using my operator for fixing slight things or banning people who lag, or make the server unplayable. I don't know how this will turn out so
heres the IP:
>Whispering to people is /tell
Tell me your opinion about this
Have fun Zaryans
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i look like this



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Not dead it was just 4 am

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Easter Egg from Massa?

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Lola. That is all
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Abla appreciation thread when?


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fyi, her name is Anke



Are there accessible scripts like these for other scenes?

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Am interested in purchasing this site.
Am willing to return to the soysphere if the public calls for it.
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Nope I forgot to add to that kiwifarms post that this thread and the one on shemmy are the exceptions.


kuz and soot both let us have bmt threads
just 1 discorder who pretend to moralfag so they can smear the other


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Erm why did you never reply to my question earlier


Post this on the 'arms or you are a lying tranny


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>Am willing to return to the soysphere if the public calls for it.
I hope you revives some older projects like 9chan or splinters, since there is lots of potential in the imageboard world.

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Well, it’s time

Goodbye everyone

Time to meet the ‘zelligs
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do nunewfags fall for bait this easily




Why the fuck are you killing yourself when OUC is about to drop


>Shit nobody cares about enthusiast


give it some gumption

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Zaryans, our response?
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>94% on turkey
Zaryan I don't think this map is approved by snopes…


6% it's Schoppenboers btw


I can't believe yurifags won


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Swarthy subhuman shithole eurocvck country, FRFR 🤣🤣🤣

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>Sharty caught shitting with its pants down
>Froot and co. had plans on taking down the Shemmy and Jarty with DDoS
>Hardly any mention of the Zarty
>Soyzellig managing to stay out of retarded cordnigger admin drama with Shittycvcks
Zaryans, we could not have won this fucking much.
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geg it was a perma but i guess they walked back on it because of how insane that would look


Even more of a reason to jump ships, I kinda knew this day was coming, shitty has been on the decline since the last few months if not earlier


Big if true. I wonder what (if anything) Zoot knows of me.


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today i will proudly wear my favorite award, the "posted out of context screenshot" award


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