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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Well, I don't know… We all want Maya to be happy, but is it a good idea to pair her with Adam?


Maya would almost certainly fall victim to emotional blackmail if she had friends or people close to her, and Adam looks like he kills household pets for fun.


Marge, she wouldn't even get that far, let alone manage to strike up a conversation to pair up with Adam


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I was inspired by this artist:

The artist presented Adam as a shy, taciturn and secretive person.


Geg, this is just the the old purple guy, Vincent. He only misses the ponytail


Why does nigga make his characters heads so small


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Maya is for Adam
Mymy for Sjef
Coco for Axel


I think its important to point out that nobody is actually fucking named "Sjef"


and mymy is a name that's popular only among american negresses


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>sapport my fanfic yuri niggershipping saar or u r bigot


*only among negresses

I've met a """""german"""" Mymy myself. She was a mutt


Had seen turkish Mymy award


She was half black, and guess what. Her father left her mother as soon as xhe learnt she was pregnant. The socio-economic factors NEVER fail.


>She was half black
As I said…


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t50 black haired shitskins


Maya is happy playing the Sims 2. Let her die alone.


Meds none of these are yuri ships


Everything I don't like is yuri


Goebells doe


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i dont think they would be in a relationship together, but itd be cool seeing them as friends


Cam is that you?


'em in the 'plies

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