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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>Sharty caught shitting with its pants down
>Froot and co. had plans on taking down the Shemmy and Jarty with DDoS
>Hardly any mention of the Zarty
>Soyzellig managing to stay out of retarded cordnigger admin drama with Shittycvcks
Zaryans, we could not have won this fucking much.


And people will start migrating too, which means, you've guessed it, new Zaryans


sisa image


Thank god. zellig is peace, zellig is love


Maybe going to do a /calm/ 2


kys fnf pedo


tsmt xister




Marge what happened


frootcord janny went rogue and leaked screenshots of their 'cord. it does not look good


elaboration NOW


what's the worst part
all i could see is one of the retard mods was ddosing the shemmy at some point


Marge what did i miss


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Looked into it and apparently
>They were posting gore and animal gore in the discord and laughing about it
>Froot said the only reason bmt was banned was because of registrar issues, they don't actually care about the moral implications of it
>They are unironically datamining users
>There was a good amount of seething over Kuz in the 'cord
Posting about this on the sharty or wiki gets you banned btw, they tempbanned one of their most active wiki contributors because he tried to make a page about it


>they tempbanned one of their most active wiki contributors because he tried to make a page about it

Huge signal to GTFO for any 'teen left on there


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datamining happens everywhere. Zoot himself hysterically checks everyone's posting history 7/24 while foaming at the mouth, manually notes down every IP and every post they make, he prints out controversial posts and tries to connect them to previous posters on his evidence board. he even has a collage of his favorite and least favorite posters on his wall


Schizobabble 'cord just got a ping


geg it was a perma but i guess they walked back on it because of how insane that would look


Even more of a reason to jump ships, I kinda knew this day was coming, shitty has been on the decline since the last few months if not earlier


Big if true. I wonder what (if anything) Zoot knows of me.


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today i will proudly wear my favorite award, the "posted out of context screenshot" award


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