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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

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Am interested in purchasing this site.
Am willing to return to the soysphere if the public calls for it.


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Don't worry about Maximov he's long gone.


Pay for a new animation studio so we can make Ongezellig 2 happen, then we'll talk.


hey kuz hows the aids treatment going


wtf is this real? is this you kuz?


die out pedo obessed brimstone shartycuck discord gooner pedo


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yeah nigger


Well I'll trust my instincts this time and not the snopes, please save us


meds how do we know this is your trip?


If you buy the shemmy, will you keep leno as dev?


Why were u using an Australian ip?


Trust the soyence, goy


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I'm open to it
Going well.
It's funny how this is all newfaggots
think of me in froot's sharty.
Nows my chance as there's drama going on.
Never got into drama with leno, we just stopped talking, so sure
I'm not writing why here. Maybe I can explain on kolyma.net.


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>xhe thinks xhe knows me personally


Also hi zoot.


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>imposter sus like amogus


How much are you willing to pay?


>hello i am totally discord pedo and i will totally save the party from discord orange or something trust me


>larping as kuz


For zellig party 1k. 1.5k if the jannies don't leave.
For soygem 1k. 1.5k if Angeleno/the jannies don't leave.
These sites can be incorporated in a network and still have their own regional administration.
Email me?


koooooz you are my favorite sharty admin, what do you think of the crick meme


is isn't Kuz retardGOD


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I'll even take a fake kuz opinion


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Watching the debate rn.


ev&oe im kuz


got my old trip from soyjakwiki.net award


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What are the odds that you'll take over the 'arty again, or has that ship sailed?


Froot is a fucking tyrant, I was never this restrictive, and at least I had a business to run. I don't know. I might go the route of decentralizing soysphere


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Your era was my favorite. Even doe I'm not a huge fan of some of the imageboards you have dealings with, you never let our IPs get leaked like Doll. You never shielded freaks like Red for months. You never let Discord psyoper like Root pay to become admin like froot. Albeit, whether you buy all the splinters or start a new imageboard, you will never create a new sharty. Unless you can reclaim the Sharty, I don't think there is much point in reentering the soysphere.


Please make a website that is free of doll, thank you kuz






fail because it's a Q and not a V not the same thing


fail because it's a Q and not a V so the same logic doesn't apply here


holy fail vro thought Q works like that



I want to know where this is going, Zoot please let us know




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kuz posted on the 'farms that anyone claiming to be him on any other site is fake, very likely as a response to this gemmy larp


Nope I forgot to add to that kiwifarms post that this thread and the one on shemmy are the exceptions.


kuz and soot both let us have bmt threads
just 1 discorder who pretend to moralfag so they can smear the other


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Erm why did you never reply to my question earlier


Post this on the 'arms or you are a lying tranny


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>Am willing to return to the soysphere if the public calls for it.
I hope you revives some older projects like 9chan or splinters, since there is lots of potential in the imageboard world.

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