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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1732640834232.jpg (438.26 KB, 802x1192, guy begging.jpg)


someone draw a goth girl to Coco and begging guy chudjak


Yep it's xitter


You guys have to learn how to trace over stuff, people have done that for years


the coal that killed massa


File: 1732675392976.png (502.06 KB, 893x989, 6a6.png)


File: 1731591028632.png (642.21 KB, 960x960, ClipboardImage.png)


Sometimes I worry if I ever get a gf I'd lose a lot of my chuddy qualities because then that means I have to "grow up", "do better" and live a "normie" life without a lot of the humor I like now.
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If you have a woman, you can't use this site for obvious reasons, retard


>because you just can't evendoe soot did


snca sharty oldfag or something inside my burger
Larp harder incel




File: 1732607181540.png (175.08 KB, 526x516, 1727043606026j-0.png)

>>>47500 (You)

File: 1732495200102-0.png (246.43 KB, 500x667, Integralistchan.png)

File: 1732495200102-1.png (697.5 KB, 1112x1246, integralist_finger_final.png)

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File: 1732495200102-3.png (1.39 MB, 1420x888, (2023-08) MymyGezocht.png)


why does xhe look like Mimi?
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No idea, but Mimi is way better compared to a follower of Brapzilian mutt "fascism"






File: 1732575053435.png (797.38 KB, 859x513, ClipboardImage.png)

Is she kuruminha?


Facist board mascot on a site called zzzchan (userbases are full of gegbvlls as xhey got mindbroken by soy quotes)
The sharty recently did a small raid on them yesterday so that’s probably why op posted this.

File: 1707032923968.png (2.88 MB, 2000x2000, MassaGraph1.png)


After spending an unreasonable amount of time scouring Massa’s background; getting all of the reference photos I could and tracing the letters in Illustrator, I am pleased to release a recreation of Massa’s font for use called MassaGraph.
You can download it here: soyjak.download/f.php?h=12j7YmFY&d=1
Keep in mind, this is still an ongoing WIP and any letters could be subject to change.
I have not recreated/interpreted all of the special characters like ‘*’, '%' and ‘$’ yet since I haven’t encountered a reference photo that uses those glyphs in Massa’s font (if he ever made them to begin with), I’ve only recreated glyphs I could easily Image Trace in Illustrator or attempt to interpret in his style like ‘[]’ and ‘=’.
Don’t be mistaken, I will certainly get to making those special characters in his style as best as I can, I just wanted cover all that I could do first and have this ready for you fellow Zaryans to use. TWO MORE WEEKS (or however I tardwrangle the object paths in ‘strator).
And if anyone asks,
>Doesn’t Massa handwrite his stuff tho?
He does, for the most part. But if you check his earlier videos like here: https://youtu.be/JAKY-o2m0PU?t=98 you’ll see letters like ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘e’, etc. are clearly uniformal and not different from one another like you’d see in handwriting. Likewise, if you check out his website on the Wayback Machine, you’ll see he has been using this font since 2016 https://web.archive.org/web/20160618012141/https://www.studiomassa.nl/. And the fact that it had no kerning (the space between the letters) back then, says to me he made this himself and changed it later on to look less awful for use.
Have fun Zaryans! Not sure when the next update will be, probably once I make all the characters on my keyboard is when I'll drop it then.
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what the fuck does the filename have to do with anything? why are you telling us this?


File: 1722878626411.gif (2.46 MB, 254x254, 1721775304689k.gif)

>I was just browsing and realized I made both of these fucking posts
>I browse in incognito so (You)s disappear and I have a bad memory (EVIDENTLY!)
>what the fuck does the filename have to do with anything? why are you telling us this?


I oppositefagged myself 4 months after the original post without realizing, both of these files are from my folder as the filenames match
>why are you telling us this
Because I thought it was funny, retard


OP, if you're still here, the link leading to the Massagraph download stopped working


File: 1732399678929.png (11.48 MB, 3840x2160, ZWABAG gold.png)


golden zwabag text
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since you used to it make the gold font, I thought you have it downloaded or something


just upload it here or to the wiki


I did download it, I actually have it both on my PC and mobile



Yes, thank you.

File: 1732558596443.png (1.78 MB, 1600x1080, 1732036327289.png)


<whats your name? where are you from?
>my name is maya, man. (…) I'm from- I'm from down the street.
< (…)
> (…)
> wanna hit?
< no.
> I'm fucking with it, but I'm not fucking with it, but I am
< what?
> what?
< (…)
> (…)
< are you going to try and not be a socially challenged sad nigger for once and accept that progress requires failure maya?
> (…) unintelligible garble
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File: 1732566639974.png (642.71 KB, 1080x1381, nvzaryancaca.png)

>man, lets turn every babies i see into agugu gems bruh


File: 1732566644684.png (1.18 MB, 859x1200, ClipboardImage.png)




I like these gegeralds


File: 1732567339142.jpeg (24.11 KB, 535x640, 1729461578901.jpeg)

man, lets turn every babies i see into agugu gems bruh

File: 1732538143207.png (344.07 KB, 948x448, Screenshot 2023-11-19 0856….png)


Mymy, Maya, and Coco discovering Grimace shakes


>'cord format
>screenshot 2023-11-19 filename
>jewmace shake
>badly edited
I am calling brimstone baiting on this post


rude bitch above me
I like your post, zaryan


Ongezellig Gooning Network


File: 1732566260622.png (321.49 KB, 775x991, nvzaryan.png)

>bro, im felling like a oldfag after seeing this ancient 'toss or something like that
>first visit of this site: 3 days ago


File: 1732566299776.png (321.49 KB, 775x991, nvzaryan.png)

>>a oldfag
>esl award

File: 1732561642369.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1151, Screenshot_20241125-200606.png)


Should we do something to help this fellow Zaryan? With the increasing number of Zaryans ACKing themselves we may go extinct soon
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Also this guy is 100% an attentionwhore


File: 1732565970471.png (321.49 KB, 775x991, nvzaryan.png)

>ayo guys this guy looks like aryan or something. Like uh… Ku Klux Klan KKK total nigger death and so on…



add the 'gram logo next to 'cord or something


File: 1732566256043.gif (1.22 MB, 250x250, gigatalk2.gif)

>ayo guys this guy looks like aryan or something. Like uh… Ku Klux Klan KKK total nigger death and so on…

File: 1732459470592.gif (9.26 MB, 600x811, deformed (1).gif)


Series creator massa grew to hate the shows growing non-Dutch fan base and subsequently cancelled Ongezellig out of spite.


He looks like a nigger for a while because only a nigger would say that


slvt for wasp wasp wave above me


File: 1732487688152.png (24.22 KB, 1019x105, trvthnvke that ACKed all z….png)



Never goon


File: 1732566095754.png (321.49 KB, 775x991, nvzaryan.png)

>massa never said that, falsenvke

File: 1732488377363.jpg (190.7 KB, 1024x1024, 20126 - SoyBooru.jpg)


>Guys, I'm confused about something. When Maya says that Coco doesn't have parents, it sounds weird because Maya was adopted too, right? Could this be something cultural? In my country, when someone is adopted, they usually don't have contact with their biological parents. So, it seems like Maya is teasing Coco for not being able to communicate with her parents, but she can't either.
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It would drastically lower the quality of their feed there and I'd just like to see what happens really


They have no quality standard already geg, they simply care about numbers


In that case, point 2 still stands


File: 1732565861507.png (321.49 KB, 775x991, nvzaryan.png)

>hey guys, if i troll redditors i will become a woman? Because that video from Instagram reels said so


new pet nigger dropped

File: 1715075271087.png (375.44 KB, 575x504, ClipboardImage.png)


What is the best platform for a suicide livestream?
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Based brother and amen. Christ is king of the universe




>suiciding is pedophilic now


Pet nigger #581, welcome


the december 15th stream gonna be fire af

File: 1732478082472.png (368 KB, 1000x562, SPOILER_Ava64.png)


Is there an image of zellig lo-fi? I need it for something I made

pic' is randomly chosen from massacordscrape


File: 1732478257475.png (165.62 KB, 640x360, ClipboardImage.png)

Idk if this will help


that works, many thanks

File: 1698553277038.png (5.14 KB, 673x59, Wn1QyZ5BdC.png)




botcacas what is this GEEEEG


bumped a year old post award


Marge I still don't get this

File: 1732399939636.jpg (43.39 KB, 1077x223, margelardium.jpg)


What is this


a button that loads captcha


the Zarty has fallen


>Chapcha not needed
Zoot disable it when it is not needed instead of it showing itself


you don't need to click it though

File: 1721965706519.png (75.79 KB, 1080x1147, IMG_2678.png)


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File: 1732387064846.mp4 (2.59 MB, 640x480, 1722687567104.mp4)


File: 1732388810468.png (34.52 KB, 948x1547, 1732300504880-2.png)



File: 1732389018647.gif (6.06 MB, 230x374, funny horror soy dead.gif)



margestone gif


File: 1732399893418.png (867.12 KB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1729671882945.jpg (67.36 KB, 1080x1543, enjoy-an-ongezellig-comic-….jpg)


A zigger faggot off-siter zelligger animated the Maya's Sweet 16 comic
<embed doesn't work award
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Bait or mental retardation, call it


It feels as if appachessi or ledplous from reddit wrote this leaking


Lots of people are mindbroken by us, expand your options… it might as well be someone from Massadownie


Yeah maybe, but speech patterns of the post seem to be of typical smug redditor



File: 1731507471324.jpg (653.83 KB, 1290x715, IMG_2625.png.jpg)


Unironically, what do you think the sisters would think of our top guy?
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holocaust jokes and calling others subhuman doesn't mean you like hitler though, people can joke about whatever they feel like, and others had ideas of racial hierarchies


She's obviously a play on the chud archatype (before chud was a big meme)
edgy humor, nationalist, hates tranime, jokes about the holobolo etc.


okay but when exactly does she show she's only joking and isn't serious?


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File: 1730775882405.mp4 (1.38 MB, 640x360, 1726614886974.mp4)


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File: 1732036356090.png (152.65 KB, 640x360, Maya squirreljak.png)

<floor detected




proof mymy is built for BIC


File: 1732237588054.jpg (9.35 KB, 233x216, 1731520289045711.jpg)

>yuri thread spammed and deleted
>BLACKED thread up and intact
What did zartykikes mean by this?


report it to the jan jans if you want it gone

File: 1732153317326.png (21.98 KB, 840x77, Screenshot 2024-11-20 7.32….png)


Mayafags, it's over. I was wondering why Maya looked like a Cheeto, and with my superior intellect, used the power of the Internet to look up her TRVE origins. The results were shocking. The chink is not Dutch not Belgian, but an island poojeet and chink. Something tells me Massa is some glownigger or something, I have to do more research on why he made the only white Aryan girl (Coco) retarded and Dutch ultranationalist orange (Mymy).
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File: 1732232994938.webm (3.02 MB, 1080x1920, gigachud.webm)

Holocaust jokes won


File: 1732233453200.png (434.74 KB, 665x900, ClipboardImage.png)

This stooopid wiki got it's info wrong. Maya isn't from belgium, the joke that she's from belgium is just that there are two provinces in both countries that share a name


That's why the Ziki is superior


Truthnuke but still not self-inserting as Maya.


File: 1732234451415.png (1.75 MB, 1170x1325, ClipboardImage.png)

>Maya was born on September 21st 2003 in the North Brabant province of the Netherlands

>2003ers were 15 when zellig was released

File: 1732223678763.gif (1.38 MB, 255x255, 1732020360859h.gif)


I showed this site to my friend (he is a fan of 'zellig). He said that this site is used by freaks and retarded people which is the reason why this cartoon is cancelled.
Can I redpill him and prove the opposite?
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also im trans i hope thats fine with you fellows


>mingling with goyim
You gotta kill him, man, you gotta put him out of his midwit misery


File: 1732232275778.png (5.95 KB, 190x290, 1717867985960p-1.png)

>it's like YouTube purposefully doesn't push Ongezellig these days
As if there's a specific reason they should?


>Because it just needs to do that ok


shouldve made your own new deel at the height of its popularity on the shardee

File: 1731909178340.jpg (30.12 KB, 716x309, Screenshot_20241118_005201….jpg)


Wasn't the view count at 500k like a week ago or am I just schizo?
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share those pictures with the class. the ones on the right side specifically.


File: 1732130379305-0.png (112.37 KB, 1059x1081, ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 1732130379305-2.png (99.04 KB, 250x381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1732130379305-3.png (192.06 KB, 814x735, ClipboardImage.png)


I meant the "contacts" picture and screenshots in general, they're very low resolution in the video. also can't see most of the pictures on the bottom behind the chud and mulato, but thanks either way.


esl op, post discarded o algo


File: 1732221989894.png (8.99 MB, 3000x3588, 6 - 500_tags_award 50_gend….png)

nvm, found on booru

File: 1732177808827.png (75.15 KB, 217x244, 1709098190557-2.png)


This website has become the rotting corpse of a dead nigger, this place used to be gemmy, alive (relatively) and Aryan, but now it's just coal with some rare gems, only proving that 'zellig as a whole is slowly dying and the brimstone often being posted here isn't helping
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TSMT, pointing to perceived problems without providing solutions is female behavior


For example a solution would be to get on the 'planet and finish the Mymy and the top drawing




whatever the situation is - keep posting agugu


>5 little gugus jumping on the bed

File: 1732142443511-0.png (567.44 KB, 607x802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1732142443511-1.png (414.48 KB, 1186x597, 1731971862764h.png)


>random zelliger found in the wild on troonsky denouncing porn to a tranny
Oh my fauci the west has risen, billions must colonize
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erm, ngmi is 4cuck lingo, sweaty


this site's janny team uses discord though


>using the troon version of X
2 weeks and he get banned for bluecuck for not being leftard enough.


Is the girl on the right supposed to be Coco chan?


coco true form devourer of bibisis

File: 1732023849976.png (89.19 KB, 598x800, 89280 - SoyBooru.png)


I knew something was wrong with those three Italians. Fuck you Froot, Root and other shitalalalian shitskin for killing zooty zoot
>Any post that continues this "debate" will be deleted for derailing the main topic. If you still want to cry about the site focusing a bit more on NAZ and OC stuff, there's /q/
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Zoot, the owner of the site, wanted to make an OC animation collab but the people didn't want to and it devolved into a shit-flinging contest, now we blame Froot for it because he's a commiepedotroon


No, he only wanted it to not be related to zellig and Zaryans felt like why would they make a project not related to Zellig


no he specified OC but based on the Mayamails which is why people thought it was retarded so that's why we started a TRVE Mayamails collab


can you stop leaking over drama in the 2 ppd board of the 12 ppd site on the main, 9 ppd board? thanks.


wrong wrong and wrong

File: 1731612488186.png (74.88 KB, 1080x1147, 486 - agugu binky drawing ….png)


This is MY DAUGHTER and you VVILL respect her!
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Zemmy zem zemeraldo


very zem very soopwafel



File: 1732142099017-0.png (778.99 KB, 1080x1147, gugu plush.png)

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File: 1732142099017-3.png (825.39 KB, 1080x1147, confusedplush.png)


File: 1732142150670.png (627.32 KB, 1144x748, the 5 sad gugus.png)

File: 1730937334359.jpg (309.68 KB, 1147x1371, Screenshot_20241106-184756….jpg)


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File: 1732114527952.png (886.8 KB, 1704x2037, 1732114458121.png)

Lazy faggots


File: 1732133841034.png (623.92 KB, 1147x1371, tukrmenistan.png)



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File: 1732128351171-0.png (11.12 KB, 187x270, ClipboardImage.png)

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What if the 'zellig girls met the Rape Monster?
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File: 1732130143722.png (33.74 KB, 679x558, 1719594844845.png)

>Xitter thread recognizable from a mil-ACK!




File: 1732131133865.png (14.68 KB, 365x400, ClipboardImage (3) (1).png)

>the rape monster
you called?




smallest fucking image award
lazy bait award

File: 1731841741969.jpg (83.25 KB, 735x664, e1808ef51e083fee4dbe40aa1c….jpg)


goth mymy
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All asians look the same so is easy to find a mymy doppelganger


Dutch people look NOTHING like Asians!


SISA regardless


looks like gem


File: 1731587356810-0.png (Spoiler Image, 427.7 KB, 640x777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1731587356810-1.png (Spoiler Image, 31.74 KB, 708x747, ClipboardImage.png)


so, wasn't this your favorite country?
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I confirm it's 1488% true as a MymyGOD.


Great, you curbed my outrage


No, I think being dutch is the worst part of the show


But they sound funny when they talk >THOUGH


No, it was Japan, South Africa and Indonesia.

File: 1732069585771.jpg (20.02 KB, 371x366, 72e8f9dbae541b3769dd531c56….jpg)


why does Mymy drink stroop out of a juice box


it's a meal replacement shake akin to soylent


>mymy is a soyboy


Mymyfags just CAN'T catch a break


its stroopwafelsap

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