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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Self explanatory I think.
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gemmy satanic quads


I ll find her one day. She loves me, I know it.


animationDEITYS and drawGODS btfo by irlBVLLS




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austinball.. your response?
21 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Posted out of context screenshot award


What context would make it appropriate?


No context would, we should def tie >>26730 to a pole and set him on fire


austin has such a gentle and tender feminine voice, I would personally love to pull down xer small pink panties and admire xer tiny texan girlcock


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>ongezellig mentioned
Hi fed
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




marge what is this?


Something from CIA and ongezellig mentioned here


haha this is fake right



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Efteling theme park 🌷🇳🇱🎡🎢


Assuming that the pilot episode and the comic book "Maya's Sweet 16" take place in 2019, our main characters in the picture showing them as children must have been around 9 years old at that time. Therefore, they would have to be in this park in 2012.
I happen to have a link to an advertisement for this park from that period.


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Will this be the gem that saves the zarty or toddlerslop?
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Nothingwaffle albeit


impossible to grab IPs ingame
they have restricted NetworkPeers to RobloxScriptSecurity permission( level 6, impossible to achieve without exploits, and even with exploits that would only be client-sided so its literally impossible)


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>spade fence

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May I please have a water
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>ma'am please, there are children on the plane

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Here's Foenkie as angryjak. What do you think?
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Cheese I know you were told to do this by question. You're supposed to be making more of your pizza tower rip-off


discord namedropping as expected from discordzellig.party


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>unironically obsession browsing


Holy fucking kek

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This guy is so obsessed bruh 🤣💀
These comments are from deel 1+2 btw
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did theQuack choose this nickname so we could call him theCuck when making fun of him?


Subhuman voice



da evil hencking 4chian sharty is the reason why massa got cancer or something like that yeah


Guy conflated three mutually hostile groups into one to create a super boogeyman that killed something that was never alive. Do we have any information on what companies Massa shilled zellig to? Or maybe he did nothing and just expected it will be picked up thanks to the sole virtue of pilot existing.

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I want to join


how do i draw?


select a color


how? there is no palette


do you see a black square ? click it and select the color

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Meds now mymy would never


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Marge, what the "nafo", what the "brown hordes" (latinos?), what a "dangerous standart of the Christian", what are you even talking about???


this is farcry 5


People on xitter with yellow dog avatars. A boogeyman.
>brown hordes
Economic immigrants, welcomed with open hands especially in Protestant countries.
>dangerous standart of the Christian
Not sure, but it definitely contradicts Christ's teaching.


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Regarding brown hordes — all Christian countries bring it to themselves. There's no difference, except (((Russia))), where "The Great Replacement" is a state programme (it's also helping bring non-whites into the EU, together with Jewish organisations, in particular "Wagner" group).

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