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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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i just need to understand what Massa was trying to say with this detail


it's the Aryan sisterhood pose for transferring feminine vril energy to eachother to prepare for total jew and nigger holocaust, 100% Hitler approved nothing gay about it


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Massa made quite a bit of yuri ship art on his old DA page and inserted yuri stuff into both Ongezellig and Mayo and Curry. Along with that Mymy and Kiki have dedicated petje art together, including one where they could possibly be on a date at a bumper car arena/arcade. No other characters have gotten this treatment.

Total yurifag victory.


you guys are faggot cord niggers


The zarty has fallen
Zoot just delete the site already it's over


said guy from the nametroon central


oh the irony


i think xhe meant the replies, such as:


uhh marge


Both of them were tired after a long hard day of riding BWC together


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Mymy, being a true dutch nationalist, would reject the chains of Hapsburg/Latinx rule and be a Reformed Protestant like the Dutch who colonized the world


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Chuds… I have le bad news. Judging by Yosack's art (picrel), xhe is a muslim…


>xe doesnt know




yosack jaki would be an aryan if xe accepted my friend request






Die nigger


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zoot ban this, Im tired of random shitcord bullshit being mentioned


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Nuh Uh nigga. The Dutch realised the error in sola scriptura


>the cucktholic shill is back again
oh fuck off tranny


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That Catholic guy is based although Orthodoxy is the truth


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kys o algo

99% of the Dutch and especially of the Boers are protestants, sooo…


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Protestantism will attract a lot more zoomer as it focus on bible and core christian beliefs bring focus as christendom see itself surrounded by enemies. Globohomo will try to corrupt every it can only the true from the source the bible will remain. Orthodox at least are fighting against the nafotroons, Protestant are the standard of what a dangerous christian is in the eyes of the media. But catholics welcome the brown horde dirtying any doctrine or tradition that made then unique. youre not stuck with what you choice.


Meds now mymy would never


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Marge, what the "nafo", what the "brown hordes" (latinos?), what a "dangerous standart of the Christian", what are you even talking about???


this is farcry 5


People on xitter with yellow dog avatars. A boogeyman.
>brown hordes
Economic immigrants, welcomed with open hands especially in Protestant countries.
>dangerous standart of the Christian
Not sure, but it definitely contradicts Christ's teaching.


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Regarding brown hordes — all Christian countries bring it to themselves. There's no difference, except (((Russia))), where "The Great Replacement" is a state programme (it's also helping bring non-whites into the EU, together with Jewish organisations, in particular "Wagner" group).

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