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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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It's kinda cringe, but I'll post it anyway.
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So trve. Mymymaxxers will always be on top.


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Lol Mymy fap on the captain Cock and is heckin' 'ongoloid, and that yu mean under "aryan spirit"?)


Proof she fapped on the koek.


Last time I posted it I got one of my fingers cut off by zoots modmafia


It's simple lore, I won't prove that.

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raid this dead website NOW
https://thefrogpond.org/(undercover frog DO NOT RAID)
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got banned within a minute clearly its probably a janny trying to trick us


I don't think any zaryan has that as their filename because they should naturally have multiple images of xher


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this xissa

sage this thread now !!!


just saw the server, looks mid as shit


frogs are such amateurs it's unreal

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i'm new to editing, and i want to be a meme maker, so i did this as a test, and also, i'm sorry(not sorry) for this as my humor is SHIT. give me an idea on what to edit next
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Idk, try a "Foto Editor Pro Polish" (in play market or something like it) and "Sketch" (https://trashbox.ru/link/sketch-sony-android) and combine they in depending on the situation.


>mobile editor
>Mobile Legends ad
Fellow PinoyGOD?


Have you thought about buying an actual computer?


He spent all the own money on donations to Massa kek

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>i will never be a dutch woman
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We meming
She will always be my favorite girl doe


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Yeah, right…


Mymy's an honorary Aryan.


>democracy is worth a damn
do cococoons really?


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>Wi ar Honorari Arianz, arn't wi?

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Leaderfriend remastered all of the zellig paypiggy pics with AI and now they're super high-res or whatever, along with some bonus stuff included.
<Zoot mandated arrow
You can sift through and download all of the pics included in the Mega link here (Warning: They are fucking HVGE):
Another warning: in the "Bonusgoodies" there's a folder for genuinely NSFW shit included, just wanted to give you a heads up on that.
'Cuck thread on where xe dropped it if you're curious: https://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/141548189#p141633958
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And they say massa isn't keyed


Wait, holy shit I just remembered he made a video about Nigger Kisses on one of his side channels (even used the same name for the YT title, lmaooo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZfopHF67JE


hershey kisses? Where i live they are called maiden kisses because maidens are black(?) or something


hi, everyone. i'm new here


Welcome to the zarty, newgod.
I hope you enjoy your stay, make sure to read the rules and get educated

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New toss


What is this


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It's basically just xim reading from the wiki page.
>But Marge, why should I care???
I dunno, he mentioned the site.
Go and colonize xer comment section or however the spices are acquired…
>new toss, ev&oe it got uploaded two days ago…



God damn dis nigga is boring to listen to, literally why should we fuck w him if he's shitting out content as low-effort as this? Come back when he's at LIMC levels of obnoxiously popular and maybe we'd do something.


Mr.L video was way better plus it isnt painfull to listen too

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I am under the assumption, that (you) want this place to be active, and able (enough) to conduct raids.
Well ive got some news for you, not having OC is going to make the site die a slow, steady death.

The sharty would’ve died ages ago if it didn’t have OC and inside jokes/gags.
Spamming the same mymy reaction image isnt going to help ze cause,
(You) making oc, and (you) contributing, could be the gem that saved the zarty, so, go on >>>/zellig/ and make some OC.

-Selfish Little Fuck




You are mu OC this year, Zarry


i made some pretty gemmy OC recently but it didn't get much traction albeit


I have several OCs planned but they require a lot of effort and life hasn't been exactly kind…
You seem like a cool guy, I've seen you in a few threads.


bruh, i think that a lot of us are trying to make OC and to share it around.

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Dear fellow Zarty Zaryans

♡ love u
thats all i had to say
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♡ y-you too…


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I love this website and this community and YOU!


ilu too <3



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reddit toss


Reddit gold

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