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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1704974246319.jpg (36.92 KB, 467x960, 416679779_721191493535334_….jpg)


i'm new to editing, and i want to be a meme maker, so i did this as a test, and also, i'm sorry(not sorry) for this as my humor is SHIT. give me an idea on what to edit next


make TND edits





Idk, try a "Foto Editor Pro Polish" (in play market or something like it) and "Sketch" (https://trashbox.ru/link/sketch-sony-android) and combine they in depending on the situation.


>mobile editor
>Mobile Legends ad
Fellow PinoyGOD?


Have you thought about buying an actual computer?


He spent all the own money on donations to Massa kek

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