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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I am under the assumption, that (you) want this place to be active, and able (enough) to conduct raids.
Well ive got some news for you, not having OC is going to make the site die a slow, steady death.

The sharty would’ve died ages ago if it didn’t have OC and inside jokes/gags.
Spamming the same mymy reaction image isnt going to help ze cause,
(You) making oc, and (you) contributing, could be the gem that saved the zarty, so, go on >>>/zellig/ and make some OC.

-Selfish Little Fuck




You are mu OC this year, Zarry


i made some pretty gemmy OC recently but it didn't get much traction albeit


I have several OCs planned but they require a lot of effort and life hasn't been exactly kind…
You seem like a cool guy, I've seen you in a few threads.


bruh, i think that a lot of us are trying to make OC and to share it around.

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