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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1703049979557.png (2.61 MB, 2160x3840, Mymy_Nukem.png)


<It's time to kick belgium ass and chew stroopwafels, and I'm all outta stroopwafels…
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1703116811394.png (370.36 KB, 863x865, 1702641684404.png)

<<It's time to kick belgium ass and chew stroopwafels, and I'm all outta stroopwafels…


absolute glistering gem


old but gold


File: 1703120957131.png (515.36 KB, 640x480, ClipboardImage.png)

><<It's time to kick belgium ass and chew stroopwafels, and I'm all outta stroopwafels…



File: 1700769855800.webm (25.03 MB, 2560x1440, video2.webm)


Imagine this
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File: 1701039276252-0.mp3 (1.13 MB, FNACoco's_power_down_accor….mp3)

File: 1701039276252-1.mp3 (1.39 MB, FNACoco's_power_down_music….mp3)

File: 1701039276252-2.mp3 (1.11 MB, FNACoco's_victory.mp3)

I added a reverb sound to these gems, using Audacity (MuseFX -> Reverb -> Ethereal). I did this to give the "empty hallway/halls" effect from the original songs.


can I contact you in anyway, mario?


Sure i added an email to myself


bumo, suggest secret characters (they will be randomly spawned by shadowmario or if certain conditions are met)


its over, projects too big for just an ucn reskin, might do an unique fnaf game in the future

File: 1703141943201.png (370.36 KB, 863x865, 1702641684404.png)


Do you think a second season of ongezellig would kill 'zellig or revitalise it
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File: 1703152542972.png (32.06 KB, 520x268, !! I AM A BLACK FERAL NIGG….PNG)

our queen denies this


Same nigga who asked nsfw artists to join their discord so he can show their art to Massa btw.


This guy is insufferable, how come /raid/ hasn't even tried doxxing him?


>>5812 people outside 'zellig only know massa and not foenkie


there was a /raid/ thread 12-13 days ago actually
not much has happened tho

File: 1702660211504-0.png (526.37 KB, 1080x602, Maya_Black.png)

File: 1702660211504-1.png (91.53 KB, 500x500, 2021-12-29_natsoc.png)


kankerneger vs überaryan
who would win?


Is this even a question


The one with parents



File: 1703105188883.png (405.21 KB, 1148x649, zvo.png)


Mymy's immediate reaction to Maya's service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Gemerald that you VILL post on /qa/


Maya had no choice…


File: 1703135149343.jpg (141.95 KB, 666x977, Mymy_'sich.jpg)


File: 1703121520622.png (244.29 KB, 1129x1408, Mymy Cute Soylita.png)


><<It's time to kick belgium ass and chew stroopwafels, and I'm all outta stroopwafels…
6 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1703123012635.png (398.92 KB, 674x462, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1703123428940.png (6.68 MB, 6658x2918, ClipboardImage.png)


what the fuck


File: 1703132712967.gif (544.07 KB, 600x600, 48691 - SoyBooru.gif)


even doe you can clearly see the stealth sneeds

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File: 1702957926700-0.png (1.75 MB, 1165x791, 5285475_300646_thatsnf_unt….png)

File: 1702957926700-1.png (422.96 KB, 1500x651, 5285475_300665_thatsnf_oc-….png)


8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1703010608613.png (1.5 MB, 1887x1175, ClipboardImage.png)

But we already have a 4th xister for the group


she is only the biological sister to Mymy


i like it


Holy mother of all coal someone needs to dismember xer with a hacksaw


File: 1703119563681.png (180.2 KB, 860x838, 14.png)

>Holy mother of all coal someone needs to dismember xer with a hacksaw

File: 1703019362356.png (1.14 MB, 964x1678, (2020-01) CocoBoer.png)


How tall do you guys think coco is?


As confirmed by the official character reference sheet, Coco is 175cm, Maya is 160,and Mymy is 155.

File: 1703013983328.png (132.19 KB, 1080x1138, soyboy wojak maya (124).png)


Classic coco hours

>No parents

>Unwanted advice
>Computer illiteracy
>Coaly board games

Might as well shut the site off and turn it back on when mayARYANS wake up


File: 1703014758297.png (80.85 KB, 775x849, mymy_cobson.png)

Classic Maya hours

>No friends

>Sodomite tranime
>ZERO social skills
>Coaly computer games

<Might as well shut the site off and turn it back on when mymyARYANS wake up

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