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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Some mymycare and mymyrevenge images which haven't been posted outside of the cursed thread yet


>third pic
You Just Know



(evendoe wolves are turkish culture)


yeah they fuck wolves whenever they run out of sand


Get your mind out of the gutter. She's just petting and feeding them you degenerate


I was talking about turks you fuckin moron

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Whats something unusual you HAVE to do in your lifetime?
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>I'm going to go to a nazi rally and unload my entire automatic onto the crowd. Don't worry, I'm just following my heritage.


What for? Modern national socialists do not have any serious political weight. You'll accomplish nothing of importance besides killing and getting killed. Don't waste human life like that.


You are a 16 year old weak faggot sitting in your moms basement who breaks their arm with a 9 MM, only thing you are shooting is yourself you miserable nigger.


Glow nigger is glowing brighter than the sun. Just fucking kill yourself if you’re so mad.


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fuck this shit website
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nooo why are posts being deleted here


kys fnfpedonigger





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Post Coco images
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>Oh, jongens, what a cosy thread


airport one is really cute, she looks like Stocking


coco appreciation


even doe coco is allergic to the cade


blessed nog killer

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New zellig artist dropped on xitter
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>This is geometric abstract style art or however, diabetes


My belief is that art is a piece of media created with the intent to further virtue.
Beauty and excellence are virtues; therefore a sculpture, for example, that communicates the beauty and excellence of the human form is art. The sculpture doesn't necessarily need to have any other meaning besides the persuit and expression of beauty and excellence, however it may.
Now for an example that isn't stylistically excellent. Early medieval paintings usually don't have great anatomy nor use perspective, however that is not the point of these artworks. These paintings often dipict Christ and religious themes. The point of these artworks is to further the Christian virtues. So using the virtue-lens of art, it does constitute art.
Art is good if the attempt to further virtue succeeds greatly, in the medium used itself and in the effect on the audience.


>Cute maya
When is she not?


His arts anyways are goed doe


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>namedropping literal 'cordwhos

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baba win
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stop hatebrowsing the zarty, nusoibaba


There's embedded 'p in the rop right corner


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>get caugth stealing caca culture(because you are contentless)
>post caca hate so you look right


Seething hands typed this post

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Hallo allemaal.
I wrote these 900 words, but I am dissatisfied with them. It feels shallow. If you've any advice on how I could improve on it, I'd very much appreciate it.


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too long
didn't read


tasty wordsalad


I am sad now. And I'm saddened by the fact that Maya would actually dissociate like how you described.


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Hello Everybody, I'm thequestion619 and I'm the creator and Leader of Project OngePunisher.

It's a reimagining Of Issue 21 of the Punisher Comic: Punisher Max. I lead a group of 20 talented artist, We've been stuck developing the server for the past week. But as I post this work has finally Begun on the Comic.

I will post weekly updates on Our project and how things are going, I hope you all will enjoy it.

Just a disclaimer, this wasn't made to spite or get back at Project roy, or Project Ongezellig continuation. This is simply me and my friends having some fun.
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xe's not wrong sista


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Our First Panel ever Has just been completed! I thought you all should have a sneak peak at what we're working on.

I've also included some additonal bonus art of our Favorite Egyptian Ruler Farouk. Enjoy Gentleman



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Howdy everybody, I've returned to give you an update on OngePunisher. Work has gone extremely Well, I worried that the whole thing was going to crumble to dust right in my arms. But despite the lack of structure and overall group enthusiasm everyone has been hard at work.

I believe that it's possible our work will be done in 2 weeks, I wanted to recreate another issue of the comic as well. But I sadly failed, as I didn't wish to ask everyone to do another one. And I couldn't find anymore artist willing to join my cause.



Good albeit I didn't understand anything

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dutch is not a real language
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>only black people say ain't
yup, it's ESL


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Fair cop


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Why are we like this?
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>gaping asshole that niggers are raping
This isn't /soy/, xir. We don't post porn here




>it's not how quotes work because… ummm uhhh… IT JUST ISN'T YOU FUCKING CHUD


unironic 75iq, what a specimen


A retard will think a smart person is dumb because he cannot understand what he is saying

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