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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Whats something unusual you HAVE to do in your lifetime?


If you mean by "HAVE" something must do or face harsh repercussions, be they legal, fiscal or physiological, there is nothing unusual that you have to do, because everything you might've done becomes usual, since everyone does it lest they face consequences.

If you mean by "HAVE" something you do not need to do to avoid hardship, but is worth doing for other reasons, I guess watching Ongezellig is one of those. Not many people watch it, but it's a very good piece of art in my opinion.

If the emphasis in "you" is on me personally, and not the individual in general, then nothing.


i meant like a bucket list


Magdump an automatic firearm


kill a nigger, jew, and a muslim at least once


Bucket lists are subhuman replacement for living a fulfilling life. Just live your fucking life, do what you find enjoyable and good. You don't have to do anything just because it'd be interesting, you should do something because you find it the correct course of action for you to take.
Ticking things off a list means you only care about having done it, and not about the thing itself.


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pardon me for wanting to plan some adventures in my life


>i meant like a bucket list
Dont have much desirables on my coooonsumer list, everything feel like a waste of money and most companies are lgbtjewqbz maxxed.
>travel: germany, russia, netherlands, peru, antartica
>vehicles: harley-davidson and ford-150
>house: a big mcmansion on the suburbs


Kill all niggers



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find hy brafil


I'm going to go to a nazi rally and unload my entire automatic onto the crowd. Don't worry, I'm just following my heritage.


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>I'm going to go to a nazi rally and unload my entire automatic onto the crowd. Don't worry, I'm just following my heritage.


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The information i've acquired from the sharty, zarty, and 4chan is that nazis are the true parasites to the world. I wanted peace and salvation among all walks of life, for no man to live through hell simply because of what race or identity they were born into. Nazis want to reject that ideal, and thus put whites on a pedestral among all those they've subjugated and massacred throughout history. They put the Negro, The Jew, The Muslim, the Asian, all of them through suffering and now they want them exterminated. They should've been extinguished along with their dysfunctional country in 1945 and their current miscreants are emasculated, repulsive, socially inept cattle that deserve expulsion from this mortal domain. Read and weep.

Picrel semiowbfuscated so I don't get fedded.


>killing a bunch of Mexicans and feds


I'm also planning on shooting up a pride parade once fagmonth comes around. Not saying where or when in case glowtroons can pinpoint my location and detain me from there.


holy geg these niggers are brainwashed by the jude… the zarty has seriously fallen


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>I'm going to go to a nazi rally and unload my entire automatic onto the crowd. Don't worry, I'm just following my heritage.


What for? Modern national socialists do not have any serious political weight. You'll accomplish nothing of importance besides killing and getting killed. Don't waste human life like that.


You are a 16 year old weak faggot sitting in your moms basement who breaks their arm with a 9 MM, only thing you are shooting is yourself you miserable nigger.


Glow nigger is glowing brighter than the sun. Just fucking kill yourself if you’re so mad.


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