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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1698352719675.jpg (43.36 KB, 1026x583, 1698351496571683.jpg)


Babe wake up, new AU just dropped
15 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1716259493649.png (665.29 KB, 1000x1400, gezelligmaya.png)

Another one just dropped


go back to reddit you faggot


go back to soyzellig you aryan


File: 1716289944838.png (390.39 KB, 1141x1080, theyre_minors.png)

>Texan ip


File: 1716662878355.png (497.34 KB, 1000x1400, crazycoco.png)

Another vantablack coal AUtism thing here

File: 1716639195247.jpg (27.96 KB, 736x414, JAA.jpg)


anyone has this image in higher res?


File: 1716639934490.png (2.44 MB, 3068x1654, (2019-11) SchaatsMymy.png)

this seems good


thanks nigga

File: 1716319817611-0.png (139.87 KB, 374x234, Face dox.png)

File: 1716319817611-1.png (78.95 KB, 281x299, R Terra hanging.png)


Zaryans, R terras face got leaked on der cord omgsisa beautiful trans latinx
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Too many bad faith actors out there preying on vulnerable (young, inexperienced, isolated, depressed) people grooming them to score points in whatever retarded culture war they believe they fight in.


File: 1716559577197.png (360.24 KB, 768x623, 1694110497914.png)

Total r_terra love and understanding


Xhe's gonna end up trooning out and killing ximself doe


>now… say my name.
<you are a literal who
>you are goddamn right


i never saw him posting troon shit so i don't see where this whole thing originated from

File: 1716307400114.png (29.25 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)


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File: 1716491530139.png (454.52 KB, 1280x1061, ClipboardImage.png)

You made a really gemmy Maya and I hope you keep going in becoming a drawGOD


kys and bleed out


Live yourself and heal in


nigga they are gemmy.. draw more pls i like it a lot


The epic beginning of a drawGOD

File: 1716079764978.jpg (275.68 KB, 1080x952, Screenshot_2024-05-19-03-4….jpg)


Not going to twitter again
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People get aroused by way worse stuff, it keeps getting worse and worse.


i make the roblox hairs and this is what happens?
What the fuck.




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File: 1716587595097.jpg (412.13 KB, 1080x1611, 1716578673308.jpg)

he says it like massa doesn't resent these roblox gooners any less than us GEEEEEEEG

File: 1716356540818.png (57.85 KB, 1651x1928, Decadent_Oriental_Mymy.png)


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File: 1716384550746.png (140.37 KB, 1867x845, 43mississipi42mississipi41….png)

Zarty is going to be alive as fuck this summer… can't say the same about poor mymys… mymy hunting season starts in june. #stopmymyabuse



File: 1716479335272.png (102.05 KB, 1074x2709, 1716372874173e.png)

idiot is what you are


geg i noticed that too

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File: 1716575840018.png (369.4 KB, 1017x935, 49413 - SoyBooru.png)

YOU do it


File: 1716501959660.png (62.24 KB, 1200x800, IMG_6509.png)


We should donate a CoCo’s statue to Orania


do this




marge what is orania and how we will make the statue

literal what


Afrikaans ethnostate in south africa where only they are allowed there
idk how we can make a statue though

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Mymy and Chud thread

File: 1714259590707.jpg (32.87 KB, 400x400, zaTZlyrK_400x400.jpg)


Art gods, please draw Maya as batman and mymy as the joker. And if you got the time buff coco as bane. No sexual shit please. Thank you
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1st pic is glistering gypsy gemerald


File: 1715986973062.png (155.46 KB, 581x442, IMG_8007.png)

New Gem, today was a sad day my fellow zariyans. But with sadness comes happiness, as it's the only way left to feel after.


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File: 1716522004279-0.png (146.33 KB, 739x442, Batmaya2.png)

File: 1716522004279-1.png (149.16 KB, 676x442, BatMaya3.png)

File: 1716522004279-2.png (18.64 KB, 427x201, BatMaya4.png)

File: 1716522004279-3.png (121.64 KB, 248x441, BatMaya5.png)

BROTHERS, I GIVE YOU 5 PIECES OF ONGEBATMIG ART. I apologize for the long delay, but daddy is home.

I am thequestion619. And this has Been ONGEBATMIG


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