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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

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What this means?
An ad in-video is technologically indistinguishable from the content you've requested. Meaning if you actively try and download it directly, you VVILL possibly get ads injected into the downloaded video too.
Why should I care?
Massa has 3 channels up, and if those videos get compromised with ads then that is a big no-no for active archiving and preservation. Considering this dude is possibly dying as well, it should be of utmost importance to archive every video Massa has made in case shit hits the fan and he ends up delete fucking EVERYTHING.
How do I archive?
Your best tools are gonna be yt-dlp and ffmpeg; former is for downloading videos, latter is for file conversions. (Honorary mention goes to archive.today & ghostarchive for general webpage saving)
>yt-dlp: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/
>archive.today: https://archive.today/
>ghostarchive: https://ghostarchive.org/
Thread on the Kiwi Farms for a quick crash course on using the commands for yt-dlp: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/archival-tools.6561/
And if you really do NOT have the storage space on your computer to save his videos, there is always preservetube which will save the video + video descriptions, titles and channel name, however it will only save in 720p or 360p depending on how long it is.
preservetube: https://preservetube.com/
Massa also has an archive.org page for his deleted shit in case you want to download stuff from there locally (and you should because Internet Archive is pozzed and VVILL delete shit if somebody requests it): Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Xis BWC addiction is taking its toll


seriously doe





>necrobumped it even doe its a nothingburger

File: 1724189172977.png (229.18 KB, 1081x809, Screenshot 2024-08-20 2319….png)


>"wasted precious time of my life on a 'zellig game award"
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>wasted precious time of your life as if that's not what most people do with most of their time anyways


what games this


File: 1724159070894.png (935.83 KB, 1080x1355, mymyorange.png)


Ziggers are now Zeggers
Because ziggers are left-right russians and Zeggers are trannies and niggers from xitter, bleddit and DA'COOOOOOOORD.
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you're not fooling anyone, xitter larper


Mymy is so fucking cute


mymy looks like a MLP character in this image, lol


File: 1724332184519.png (61.91 KB, 2048x1803, 1704578183672.png)

everyone knows hes a trvebrqny


>he doesn't know

File: 1724331642344.png (1.17 MB, 2008x1380, coal.png)




Dox hoxitran and make xim delete the sub NOW MY PERSONAL ARMY


Why is her hand red


Why is her arm missing?

File: 1724275121653.jpeg (2.66 MB, 3024x3852, IMG_4287.jpeg)


>ack or something


File: 1724276714415.png (20.27 KB, 427x400, 53065 - SoyBooru.png)

Not my sisa…..

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 No.8821[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


A new petje update released a couple of minutes ago. After "The combination of a burnout, a new life stage, a difficult pitch phase, a limited support and a successful side" and 4 years, Massa is cancelling the monthly ongezellig illustrations, and with it, any and all potential for more ongezellig content whatsoever.

<Thank you again to everyone who contributed. I hope you are still happy with the results that you have been able to make true. Remember, Ongezellig not as a failed pilot, but as a successful short film.
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as long as it'd have to invent new words to describe what i feel after reading your post yeah it's very interesting actually


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And by the way im not 4cuck /co/ immigrant, I was on zarty when it opened, we were gemmier and sharty's /qa/ was ours until Massa cancelled this show. As zarty's veteran I tell you that we must have fun here until the end.
Tsmt, let's do something nice for him instead of waiting for his perish (However, I still hate him for abandoning his fans like that).


What kind of project you mean? Just wish Massa a good luck and happy life in his email.


Too late nigger. I posted the thread on /raid/ so your zoot's gonna pwn your zoomertroon ass.


*Thread link

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File: 1723031709606.png (19.68 KB, 600x800, neutralmaya.png)



The zem that made all of the 'teens seethe


fuck this shit, Mymy's delicious flat chest is better than this cowslop



i agree

File: 1722811936415.jpeg (346 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_8731.jpeg)


This is Mymy’s VA btw

I did it even know she had a Xitter https://x.com/_yuripurin?s=21&t=tPU0epm9VzYuP6WmvYHrBQ
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unironically do this
the zarty will shut down in september anyway, we gotta shoot our shot o algo


snopes verified?



meds and sproke, it's not getting closed



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Drawing of my beautiful wife dressed as my favorite pest exterminator


File: 1724240339510.jpg (197.67 KB, 4062x2097, John Fallout.jpg)

>ok cool nice art

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What would her personality be like?


probably like mymy but less autismo


asian mommy dommy


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this so much this

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(translated to english)

Santiago Martín in conversation with Mass Grave
Name: Mass grave
Place of residence: Roermond, 1994
Born: Roermond
Horoscope: Aries
Education: Currently 6th year Atheneum
Occupation: Student
Dirkjan: hilarious, Dutch, attractive drawing style and not dependent on satire and current events.
Sequential Art, a British webcomic that has everything: humor, style, character and cat/squirrel girls.
Juul's comics on StripSter. Always something to look forward to on Saturdays.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Put this on our wiki instead


Put this on our wiki instead


Actual better idea of zoiets ty for mogging me


Just copy the whole page from soyjak wiki and nobody would notice it


og link?

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Is there a lore reason why Maya's parents didn't give birth to another child but were able to adopt 2 girls? Does he have erectile dysfunction?
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He's working in the brimstone mines, poor man is forced to spent whole days on the froot's sharty.


Thanks For the Name, You son of a bitch.


erm bleaching is based




RetardGODS win

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i have 40gb of unique zellig images
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what are you, upscaling them to 8k? I refuse to believe theres so many zellig images existing that would add up to 40gb


TSMT, only viable explanation, 5gb of all content is more realistic even including nsfw. I think Zoot say on one thread the whole board is like 40gb or so.


There's probably videos and AI audio included too saar
Along with /co/ shit that's not brimstone porn


>12465 files
>~3 mib per file

File: 1724070811759.gif (585.51 KB, 253x253, spinning-mymy-ongezellig.gif)


what a dead nigger of a website
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nuzartycaca shitted up with citing


gringo award


what a live aryan of a website


i think hoplessposters need to die


What an alive aryan website

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New 'stone just dropped


New variant to defeat Cobsom


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File: 1723982829309.jpg (84.15 KB, 943x1024, Fa9wGfWXwAAUM_L.jpg)

>no I'm just a nigger


This could be perfectly the jimmy arc in gta 5


op here im a nazi femboy :3


Xhe removed all xis zellig related media


Another one bites the dust

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Accurate depiction because he's a fucking clown


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>we pests are zaryans


it's funny how 'teens speak in random bits of english stitched together and cut apart yet le hardcore dutch fans' clitties start leaking when you butcher muh precious dutch language just by saying 'zellig


bumping this coal

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Here’s my attempt at creating our perfect orange tulip in Crusader Kings 3. The next step is annexation of Belgium and gaining independence from the HRE.
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Xhe looks somewhat tranny kek


CK3 is trooncore. Real gamers only play CK2


>[slop i dont like] is trooncore. Real gamers (like me) only play [slop i like]


CK2 is trooncore. Real gamers only play with themselves


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>[slop i dont like] is trooncore. Real gamers (like me) only play [slop i like]

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If the Zarty does get shut down, why don’t we all just move back to /qa/?
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>didn't sage


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File: 1723861584395.webm (416.39 KB, 408x480, it weren't us who changed.webm)


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Is there a canon weight of all characters? I know they have their height said somewhere but do they have the weight defined?
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nigga I know a bitch who is taller and fatter than coco and she's ~65kg. they're all skinny bitches, drop at least 5 kilos off each of em and make vera 20 because of her smoking-induced hollow bones.


Muscles weight more than fat THOUGH


Dutch height genes.




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Maya smoking da ZAZA





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Probably because I am a genuine schizo and a retarded loser, but Mymy has genuinely made my life better. I started going to the gym around 8 months ago. I have cut out a lot of unhealthy shit from my diet. I have been meditating every day to help clear my mind of sin. Anytime I am in a situation when im being a lazy fucking bastard I think "What would Mymy say to me" and she would say "Get your fucking faggot loser ass up!" Kill mymyabusers. Behead mymyabusers.


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>>35915 glad to see zaryans in the gym, theres no reason to be unfit as a male


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SAME! I love her so much


truth mymy is gift

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We should get this guy to do a chudbob version of the zellig girls, or something. Dude seems to have the editing skillz for it.
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maybe the necrobumping but fortunately I have no sexual attraction to a 16 year old school girl


Love yourself aryanbumping cocoDEITY


File: 1723850670818.webm (3.89 MB, 256x144, gay erb.webm)

>maybe the necrobumping but fortunately I have no sexual attraction to a 16 year old school girl


File: 1723858742646.webm (470.32 KB, 1280x720, rigma-.webm)

>>maybe the necrobumping but fortunately I have no sexual attraction to a 16 year old school girl


File: 1723863026929.webm (203.47 KB, 640x360, oh nigga you gay.webm)

fail quote

File: 1723845526619.webm (978.9 KB, 480x524, skibidi marston.webm)


Howdy sigmas
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then sit there lol
this geg


if so, then we are the same
Shemmy is cool but Zarty is better


File: 1723849564108.png (116.8 KB, 884x490, Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 0….png)

Twice the shemmy's pph btw


Geg, shemmydeities uses our site, i guess


What site

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I stole their GET GEEEEEEEEG.
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nah blud they mad ahhh hell


L rizz ahh vibes


what thread?


nvm found it

good job king

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NAS win albeit, but still, Zaryans literally cannot stop winning






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File: 1723808341099.png (948.21 KB, 1004x772, Maya_searching_for_goon_ca….png)

But what we are undestanding as gooning?
Is this simple masturbation once a day or two a week or is it stroking dick for 8 hours everyday?


Any and all sexual self-pleasuring, in this context, is gooning.


sexual stuff is for making babies so masturbating is a selfish sin which some consider to be really bad sins, in a way its worse than having casual sex because at least casual sex could result in a baby.
i remember reading about this in an old christian book but they worded it much better than me


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>But what we are understanding as gooning?


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i love fans
i love the feeling of a fan blowing at my skin, and also the sound is very calm and relaxing
for like, 5 years now i havent been able to get a good nights sleep without a fan on
i got a brand new one the other day and im happier than ever

(no this isnt a fetish, i just really like fans)
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File: 1723748690762.png (799.01 KB, 800x1132, GTOVumyWcAAchyW.png)

i love fans too i always have mine running 24/7 im addicted to white noise


Glistening Gemstone 💎


Cringe daydreaming BRIMSTONE

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Now. Who amongst you is an edger, and who is a gooner?
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I guess I could. The reason I don't is just because people seem to hate namefags


we can tell its u doe


File: 1723755221787.jpg (109.15 KB, 1170x611, wth you talking about cowp….jpg)

It's called avatarfag, it's practically the same as namefag


He recognized me from the way I type or maybe from the GDL poster. Not from my IP. I use a VPN anyway so my IP changes multiple times a day


>/zellig/ pph rise thanks to shemmyDEITIES after shemmy's /zellig/ is locked
Another zarty win

File: 1723753614670.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 297.16 KB, 897x1689, IMG_0687.jpeg)


i look retarded



are you a man or woman

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