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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Did any zaryans catch the Eclipse today?
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What about the eclipse pissed Coco off enough to kick a Zaryan in the balls?


>ev&oe people have predicted and tracked eclipses since the dawn of history


timmy thought he had a chance with her with his twp and coco had to remind him his place



Xe's right doe

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Can any 'cord troon explain why soyjak related media isn't allowed in the massadonië discord?
Is it really because of the extremist views such as racism, abuse, homo/transphobia and other shocking content?
<Your request looks automated; Post discarded.
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Yosack I have a question, do you think that raycism and home of phobia is le bad?? And subsequently the esoteric fascism/nazism that makes up a significant portion of this boards userbase??


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>spins wheel because I cant make decisions
Idk I guess not


I'll take that as a no, good to know you aren't a 'cord tranny.


he is


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Does anyone have the George Floyd Creepypasta videos? I want to download them but I can't find it


there was a telegram channel for them but i think its gone now


nvm i just found the collection on rumble


thank you

File: 1712510533921.webm (Spoiler Image, 5.7 MB, 358x360, Running-in-the-60s-Liedje….webm)


I cordially invite all Zaryans to listen to the song by Running in the 60's

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Yeah that's me you're replying to, lol.
Yeah colab links and voice generation tools can die off pretty quickly given how things change and develop, but the links above are the ones I've been using so far.
As for problems like
>it was the original vocals with a pitch-shifted cover layered on top
That seems to be a CoverGen issue, wereas Applio will attempt to take in any audio and convert it into AI vocals. For some reason CoverGen will just discard parts of the audio if it detects it as "not vocals" when generating.


No wonder the covers you posted were so good! I spent all of yesterday trying out what you suggested. I definitely agree, the Applio does seem to give better results but yeah those wait times can be unbearably long. One of them took twenty minutes I think. As a backup I'll probably keep using the WebUI colab link since while the no UI one was faster it was a bit more jank. I'll keep experimenting.
Unfortunately I'm sad to say that the experiment of doing voice covers of custom AI music might be a bust. The output of Suno is simply too compressed. When isolating the vocals, they simply don't have enough information for it to build off of since some words will never be understood properly. It's most obvious when running the vocals through something like Adobe Enhance where you see the same problem words get garbled by different software. It's a shame because I've gotten really good as prompting Suno over the last month and it'd be a great source of custom 'zellig music. I'll probably just have to develop a workaround like making the vocals separately somehow, maybe pay an actual singer on Fiverr and do a cover of their vocals instead.
If you wanted to see yourself:


i feel so retarder for using weights ai


Little extra tip: If you find that the voice jumps around way too much between pitches using rmvpe, trying switching to crepe/mangio-crepe and set the hop length really high (like ~450). This will make it so that the jump between pitches will be much slower and won't be so drastic. You can then cut out jumpy parts from the rmvpe voice output and splice in ones from the crepe/mangio one. And if you know or have something like Melodyne or NewTone from FL Studio, that could definitely help with fixing pitch issues if needed, but it is a bit tedious.
I've also got this Google Doc that details the best tools for things like vocal/instrumental isolations currently available; updated frequently: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17fjNvJzj8ZGSer7c7OFe_CNfUKbAxEh_OBv94ZdRG5c/edit#heading=h.roiuj54hzww3
But mainly I've been going to this site for my voice/instru isolations for the sake of convenience: https://mvsep.com/en/home
(Requires an account, but I'm sure you're smart enough to know how to use burner emails)


another gem

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Originals can be found here: https://archive.org/details/stripster-archief
Please let me know if there's any dialog I completely fucked up and could make better translations at, I am entirely relying on DeepL to carry my 0 knowledge of Dutch for me.
>Comic Book (italics): https://www.fonts4free.net/comic-book-font.html
>Showcard Gothic: https://www.fontyukle.net/font/Showcard%2bGothic
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baited everyone award


some of these read like dobson comics


bumping this gem


'toss gem



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>the person with the lowest intelligence in the group is black
what did massa mean by this?
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>zwak tegen flessen
<weak against bottles
>wil professioneel muzikant worden, succes daarmee lmao
<wants to be a professional musician, good luck lmao
vera is wild for that.


can't beleive she confused autism with autism denial disorder


stfu what is wrong with you guys, we're not blackmailing massa. plus this is so small, even the libtards masses might not buy it


marge can anyone translate all of this into english?



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Drew something weird, once again


i thought you hung yourself


This is epic! :D

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Becareful not to spill your soylents, because it's here.



I almost convinced my wife's bf to make it. No need to thank me! ;D
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Would've been funnier if you did open the board, but it's locked with the only post being a sticky saying you're reporting our IPs for clicking


>reporting our IPs
nuzelligcacas are really this braindead


Niggers tongue my anus


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based GET

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>making and bumping nothing burger threads to ignite resentment and infighting on the sharty
kill yourself falseflagging fnf pedo nigger shadow mario neganigger discord tranny offsiter migrant faggot


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been practicing making maya ai covers. still cant get the robotic crap to stop but eh


File: 1712594471407.mp3 (4.58 MB, MKMAYA.mp3)

Maya sings MK Ultra Support group

Im convinced an AI sounding good depends more on the the song youre trying to convert then any settings you have for the conversion since Im not training these models

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