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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1712446666309.png (1.44 MB, 1255x1769, student shart.png)


>the person with the lowest intelligence in the group is black
what did massa mean by this?


'sa is racist. we should share this with his job so he gets fired


Deserved for canning ‘zellig


oh please


we should use this to blackmail him into making more zellig


File: 1712449730094.png (110.92 KB, 743x708, 59994 - SoyBooru.png)

>Cleo has 7 in history
>Mymy has only 6
Wat da foq


File: 1712552482516.xcf (11.65 MB, 1702619157946-0.xcf)

It's supposed to be somewhat realistic


File: 1712555503239.png (247.56 KB, 498x464, have you tried giving up.png)

>zwak tegen flessen
<weak against bottles
>wil professioneel muzikant worden, succes daarmee lmao
<wants to be a professional musician, good luck lmao
vera is wild for that.


can't beleive she confused autism with autism denial disorder


stfu what is wrong with you guys, we're not blackmailing massa. plus this is so small, even the libtards masses might not buy it


marge can anyone translate all of this into english?



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