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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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'zellig is dead because i said so and the novelty wore off or something
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Zellig is dead because twitter pedophiles clowned on the whole community, even in this echochamber.
I have spent two months obsessing over Ongezellig, and there is simply not enough to keep going on. There isn't any interesting conversation about the show or its themes, the fan projects are getting pushed back and revamped over and over again to the point where no progress is being made on them.
There is nothing left but to obsess over marrying and raping Mymy, depending on which cancerous website you choose to engage with.


What do you mean by "zellig is dead"? The show? It was dead since the first minute Massa started working on it. The community? Discord ate it like many others.




doomercord work up

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Now your day is ruined(we have to ban you or something)

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i like to look under mymy's dress in the model, it makes me feel great, when i'm in the bad mood, i always do that, i recommend you to do the same, i want to run her over with a car while singing EURO-PA-PA, EURO-PA-PA and wave european schengen's flag around.


End your life this once


looking under mymy's dress coal, but mymyabuse gem


mind jumping off a cliff nigger?

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I cannot believe people are still passing this video around.
now post the toilussy vid


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that video mysteriously disappeared from my hard drive so have this instead


ongezellig if it was good


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I posted this innocent and 'zellig-unrelated image and everybody on the chat started freaking out and a mod threatened me. These niggas are literally paranoid geg
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congrats zaryan, you completed the rite of passage


Massadonie mods keep tabs on the zarty a lot, you would have probably fine if you hadn’t made an entire thread complaining about it lmfao


It's still retarded behaviour though, especially when he hasn't done anything remotely wrong. It's like saying someone is guilty of a crime because he thought about it


Xe posted le soyjak, which is a heckkin nazi dog whistle and they don't tolerate prejudice bigot chuds in their server sweety.


The West has fallen o algo

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issa trvkeGET though

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>>26949 fuck yeah


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Horrendous idea that will probably work


Horrendous idea that we should DO NOW


Great idea we should not execute


>>26959 It must be done for total zaryan victory

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I do wonder why this is the case.

Your 'sponse, Zaryans?


Technical response: there's clips on xitter and xeddit showing this part and they're the most popular zellig clips
My response: im looping this part 24/7 becase my clity gets big from it o algo


Because it's a funny sequence


come on we all know the unfortunate truth


millions yearn for the maya x mymy bdsm lezdom yuri fanfic



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>Posts until GET (77777777): -55178
>Estimated time until GET:-1073 Minutes

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Are the buildings in the background based on an actual location? Can we geolocate them? Also, what is Zoey reading?
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File: 1717955782708.jpg (73.92 KB, 992x1060, GOhE9yDW8AAcM3e.jpg)

PoleGOD please don't be such a moskal (don't confuse the "r" with "p" you know)


Churches with distinctive architecture like the one seen in the photo are often found in the southern provinces of the Netherlands, such as North Brabant and Limburg. These regions are known to have higher numbers of Catholics, which may influence the style and frequency of such churches. Moreover, Protestants predominate in the northern part of the country and on the coast, which may also have an impact on the local architectural landscape. As for the specific style of the church in the photo, without additional details it is difficult to determine its exact location.

Satisfied, will you continue to moan?


Wouldn't it be simpler to just ask Massa where exactly the action takes place?


YES, I am very satisfied! YES, I will continue to moan!


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I think I found something.

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