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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1718144308165.png (830.53 KB, 891x1786, ClipboardImage.png)


'zellig is dead because i said so and the novelty wore off or something


File: 1718144424956.png (848.52 KB, 1079x719, SoytanEnthusiast.png)

>'zellig is dead because i said so and the novelty wore off or something




Zellig is dead because twitter pedophiles clowned on the whole community, even in this echochamber.
I have spent two months obsessing over Ongezellig, and there is simply not enough to keep going on. There isn't any interesting conversation about the show or its themes, the fan projects are getting pushed back and revamped over and over again to the point where no progress is being made on them.
There is nothing left but to obsess over marrying and raping Mymy, depending on which cancerous website you choose to engage with.


What do you mean by "zellig is dead"? The show? It was dead since the first minute Massa started working on it. The community? Discord ate it like many others.




doomercord work up

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