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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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looksmaxer at 12 o clock


WTF why is she Cato now?
Whats the symbol on her tshirt?

Also what did they do to my boy, Goot???


Umm sweaty, he's "Wiel" now and he's a heckkin valid transmxn.


>heckkin valid transmxn
For real, if you look at his previous art depictions, he seemed way more masculine.
Now he is on early HRT.

Also Adam looks like he is begging to be punched.

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I have an idea
This exept with Mymy, already started to work on it myself. Probably gonna finish it this weekend. Does anybody have the "hyperborea 1995" Mp3 btw?


File: 1698344292664.mp3 (7.95 MB, Hyperborea 1995 Remaster.mp3)

Here ya go

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orange website


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>nigger salad will never be zarty culture


Marge, what is a "nigger salad"?


a nigger made out of salad


How is this zarty culture?

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Remember guys, Root is a double agent for the frogs.


liar liar pants on fire


>liar eventho half, if not more, of Root's mod team is frogs


Maya is from the country with the most Muslims ever though


She isn't muslim though

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 No.567[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

why dont we decorate this entire corner with ongezellig art
162 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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zarty's first sage
oooh im so proud


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we've come a long way, zaryan…
this is 'zarty's first sage negation


Zarty's first raid. Can't wait for the first doxing.


Moved to >>>/chive/84.

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Hazzbin ACKtel and Ongezaryan are not the same…


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what are you doing on 'eddit, zaryan?



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yo guys


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Hello, zaryan!




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A day ago somebody suggested to shill our beloved Dutch cartoon to streamers, to which my suggestion about shilling it to zesty jesus got a bit of attention since he is the most based tf2tuber. I d also like to add that tf2 community infamously likes throwing a lot of money at their favorite game, so if we reach success Massa may actually get payed for once. Zesty posts stream announcements to his disscord usually a day before, so I recommend joining and waiting until a stream gets announced. Then we all collectively join pre stream, and suggest watching 'Zellig, please act like normal people, we don't want him to think we are payed shilling bots, and ban or ignore us. If he actually watches it, it's an instant win, he is THE type of guy to like it, and have 0 problems with the community.
De cord: https://discord.gg/2xVsvG96Cq
If you dislike the idea, please suggest a different guy.
If AsocialInDutch reads this, remember, if we work together, we might both win, you and /co/ are not the only ones busy with shilling, not everything related to chuds is bad.

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the science is settled, its execution list


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>execution, like that one song from Friday Night Fcuking, or however the children are groomed and fucked on discord.


>first association to an execution list is a tranny game
It's so over for you its beyond words


Is a stream coming soon, anti-nigger?


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how about "Keelhauled Sodomites"

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schoppenboer = jack of spades = WABAS4BJC?? (japanese)
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


zarty butchering brimstone


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>no freckles
i'm thinkin mine is better


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speaking of which i found the omgsisa face on roblox


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Do you like cheese?


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i'm sure HE does


Lee Kaczynski has went nuts after his 4cuck career


you better hope he doesnt send you any mail

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