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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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A day ago somebody suggested to shill our beloved Dutch cartoon to streamers, to which my suggestion about shilling it to zesty jesus got a bit of attention since he is the most based tf2tuber. I d also like to add that tf2 community infamously likes throwing a lot of money at their favorite game, so if we reach success Massa may actually get payed for once. Zesty posts stream announcements to his disscord usually a day before, so I recommend joining and waiting until a stream gets announced. Then we all collectively join pre stream, and suggest watching 'Zellig, please act like normal people, we don't want him to think we are payed shilling bots, and ban or ignore us. If he actually watches it, it's an instant win, he is THE type of guy to like it, and have 0 problems with the community.
De cord: https://discord.gg/2xVsvG96Cq
If you dislike the idea, please suggest a different guy.
If AsocialInDutch reads this, remember, if we work together, we might both win, you and /co/ are not the only ones busy with shilling, not everything related to chuds is bad.



Sounds like a plan. Just make sure to notify the Zarty of the stream in advance


Sounds like a plan to me!

>If AsocialInDutch reads this, remember, if we work together, we might both win, you and /co/ are not the only ones busy with shilling, not everything related to chuds is bad.

Why are you sucking his dick dude?


Not sucking his dick, I just want him to fuck off for once.



>not everything related to to chuds is bad
>implying most things are


Could have just said: "Zoot, vaporize this man for treason".
It's just that he thinks everything related to us le bad. I think most things we do are good actually are good, the only thing that can actually hurt our reputation is that " Deel 7" Video. I dislike how he acts like our community manager.
Sorry if I sounded like a traitor.



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Why do you care if he thinks we are le bad? We are from the sharty and he is from /co/.

>hurt our reputation

By which standards? We cater to chuds, not troons. If some nigger gets butthurt that we dont abide by the "status quo", it's their problem, not ours.

>I dislike how he acts like our community manager.

When? He posted two times and than he presumably went silent. He has almost no influence over us.


Maybe he does in /co/ but who cares. There is very little spilling into the soysphere zellig
also I exhausted my call-for-execution tokens


File: 1697904566672.jpg (114.51 KB, 1279x720, 1684579714343.jpg)

You have been given +5 call-for-execution tokens by:
Zoot ## Admin


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most excellent news! I cannot wait to call for someone's death!


Any newGOD would think we are retarded incels if they watched deel 7
I mean like, have you seen it



ZOOOOOOOOT! Execute this shmuck for his baseless slander of the revered Deel 7


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You have used 1 call-for-execution token.

Please wait, while we call:
Zoot ## Admin

Thank you for your patience!


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Thanks for calling me. I see that the situation is really bad…

Congratulations! You have just won the "niggeriest opinion" award of the year! You also get a cash prize of ₪10000, so that you can pay your HRT bills! WOW!!!!

Listen up, kike! Deel 7 is the gem that saved Massa's carrier and solved all the problems in the world. I indeed watched it the first time i learned of the ᛋharty and I though that only ultra-based BWC nordic ᛋᛋ GIGAchads would have came up with such a masterpiece.

Only a cringe brimstone /co/omer would say the words that came out of your mouth. In fact, I have never seen a creature that is able to crap out of his mouth before. I am impressed!

Because of your ((((opinions)))), I'm therefore fourced to PERMABAN you from the face of Mother Earth, in order to save OUR beloved Zaryan Homeland from the wolves in sheep's clothing, such as yourself.



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splendid! good show! Thank you kindly for ridding our image board of this scum.
I wish to suggest, if I may, an execution page, dedicated to documenting all of the executions and banishments that occur on the Zarty, similarly to the one the Sharty has


Will we raid zesty doe? Or are all of his opinions shit by auto after deel 7 slander?


I believe we should consider the dangers this operation may entail. The Zarty is a spectacularly niece and autistic place. With our esoteric history and puzzling culture, assimilation would not be easy to any newcomers. That combined with our small userbase makes it so any sudden influx of newcomers would threaten to completely distort and warp our culture. We ought to thread carefully, lest we be displaced


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I can do this rn actually. Just let me finnish something and I will set up a public ban list.

Continue with the operation. It's gemmy.


Thanks, i suppose i can post the anouncement once the stream notification goes up.


you worry too much. Those who cannot assimilate will just leave the zarty.

Besides, our plan is to shill zellig, not our IB. You have to do an effort and look around to actually find our website. The potential newfag waves will be small enough for us to handle.


Zoot, will you at least uncall me a bigger if I ll put the soy zellig party URL somewhere on pixel planet.
I deserved that for slandering deel 7. Would never again.


Only once I get banned I finally remember that the zarty is small enough for you to actually read posts.


You are right, of course.


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If you make a gemmy template for pixelplanet, than you will be unniggerfied
Let the nigger redeem himself


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And now NECROMANCY is being tolerated by the authorities!


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>uncall me a bigger


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click to dabble in necromancy yourself


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>zesty jesus


This thread has become a congregation of witches and shamen.
May this tower of babylon crumble under the weight of its own sins


>Why are you sucking his dick dude?
This is making compromises to reach a higher goal


>congregation of witches and shaman or babylon or something
>or however the wicked bitch is melted with water or something along those salt lines yeah


call him a smaller.


dubs therefore
zoooooot call him a smaller


Zoot should unban the nigga so he can make it that every time he posts his name is permanently "smaller".


mandatory namefag this bigger


New level of public humiliation.


There is now a ban page. It's not very interesting, but we will be just like the sharty or smth.
I only need to add it in the board menu


whats the link?
/bans.php doesnt work
/banned.php works but its not a ban list




There is one guy who got banned for posting cp,did he post the swede?


it was a pic of a naked young girl that led to a link to 'p


No, iirc he posted a tiktok of some girl doing yoga.


you unimaginative simpleton. How could you go trough the trouble of creating it and NOT name it the execution list?


Niggas getting lynched.


gemmy idea, changed it


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I propose the "lynching list" Name.


the most i can do is change the url to executions.html
I will have to check how to edit html files, since they will keep resetting


Maybe even the "keelhauling list"


Marge what happened in this thread


try reading retard


the science is settled, its execution list


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>execution, like that one song from Friday Night Fcuking, or however the children are groomed and fucked on discord.


>first association to an execution list is a tranny game
It's so over for you its beyond words


Is a stream coming soon, anti-nigger?


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how about "Keelhauled Sodomites"

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