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File: 1696454978080.png (674.56 KB, 1518x1476, ClipboardImage.png)

 No.84[Last 50 Posts]

why dont we decorate this entire corner with ongezellig art


File: 1696455120214.png (1.71 KB, 65x106, mymy.png)

I'm the zaryan making the mymy at X -366 Y 353
This is the template if anyone wants to help me
I'm planning to add a little grave below so Mymy's dancing on 'lita's grave


it will be better if we take turns, since the pixel cooldown is affected by how many people are in planet.soyjak


why her dress grey


File: 1696455478774.png (1.69 KB, 65x106, mymy.png)

Good idea, I have an autoclicker tho so I can spam the coloured areas until they're done, you zaryans can focus on the borders if you wish since they're less tedious

Sorry the colour converter is retarded, let me fix it


how do u use templates btw i never understood it


do you have tamper monkey downloaded?


is it a browser extension?


File: 1696456279090.png (249.82 KB, 1360x1292, ClipboardImage.png)

First download Tamper Monkey

Then download the pixel planet extension

Close and reopen your browser, if done correctly you should see a little box in the top right of your screen on the 'lanet

This is a guide I made for it from then onwards.


File: 1696460394723.png (97.34 KB, 797x617, ClipboardImage.png)

Who's the scriptchad and what is he making


I just realized it's a mymy 'lita holding a waffle nvm


File: 1696460479307.png (11.36 KB, 86x66, Drawing-224.sketchpad (3).png)





File: 1696461842109.png (180.01 KB, 485x515, ClipboardImage.png)

can someone help me make this later


File: 1696462029873.png (628.9 KB, 935x980, 1680149201605.png)

Run that through a calculator


gemmy idea

too heckin' big, let me make it a bit smaller and fix the colour scheme so it looks natural


File: 1696462762248.png (46.57 KB, 947x663, ClipboardImage.png)

I resized it and I'm colour correcting it, it's beginning to look like this, thoughts?


looks great, the zellig corner is growing..


File: 1696470698332-0.png (56.24 KB, 1021x575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1696470698332-1.png (1.88 KB, 85x102, maya mymy impression.png)

Finished perfecting it, I'll be building it at X -301 Y 410 if anyone wants to join in


The cooldown applies to everyone again


meds it's done that for several weeks at least now, during the entirety of the main 'zellig sonnenrad build as well


this may take longer than expected


The Maya?


File: 1696475019151.png (5.4 KB, 356x218, ClipboardImage.png)

I love you too, random Zaryan!


File: 1696475164799.gif (569.83 KB, 384x384, 29988c5736d888a0622823f34f….gif)

I find that gif so funny because Mymy would absolutely hate the source.


File: 1696476658579.png (44.39 KB, 992x720, ClipboardImage.png)

is her hoodie patch supposed to b grey i only just noticed


Yeah apparently, look at the source: >>97


File: 1696476990366.png (33.92 KB, 605x561, ClipboardImage.png)

zaryans, we just won again


huge win
imma clean up some of the junk text around our iconography to make it look nicer


File: 1696477081115.png (63.77 KB, 732x734, ClipboardImage.png)

anyone know the source for this 'ya?


i cant find the source but it would be a huge win if we restorted it, in the meantime should we make a coco?


It has been there for a long time, still no idea who made it or what it was gonna be, but in the /qa/ we will likely find the zaryan


make a post looking for the zaryan and i will bump it for you


A Coco would be gemmy, let's find a gemmy template
In the meantime I might look into fixing the Mymy 'lita so the colour scheme isn't so rough


File: 1696477980491.png (11.36 KB, 86x66, Drawing-224.sketchpad (3).png)

i made that and this was the template i used
cus the soyjak colour pallet is so bland compared to the pixel planet pallet it made the colours icky


File: 1696479266439.png (77.25 KB, 678x532, ClipboardImage.png)

later can someone help clean the lita mess


I was just about to do that zaryan


File: 1696486843357.png (23.21 KB, 413x379, ClipboardImage.png)

frogclitty or 'litacord?


File: 1696487890636.png (73.66 KB, 611x497, ClipboardImage.png)

What do you guys think he's gonna write? "She was raped by a pack of niggers"? It's too early for mutt timezone bbc shit


i did alot of it except the lollypop


do they think we care?
trans rights r human rights


File: 1696492276611.png (36.88 KB, 792x882, ClipboardImage.png)

uhhhh what r they doing to the cross doe


File: 1696492580576.png (61.62 KB, 1082x738, ClipboardImage.png)

hes getting a bit too close to our drawings


File: 1696499749593.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1326, BK2CLT.png)

>do they think we care?
>trans rights r human rights


File: 1696503514976.jpg (174.44 KB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20231005_055556….jpg)

Some 'clittyer is fucking up the dancing Mymy


Be careful, (((they))) grief the sonnenrad sometimes. They changed the title to yheir website. I fixed it btw


File: 1696529729135.png (158.41 KB, 847x649, ClipboardImage.png)

been cleaning up the tranny's vandalizing


gemmy gem gem


File: 1696541428273.png (607.32 KB, 767x968, 1696468925716.png)

can we draw this coco next


File: 1696542085002.png (17.61 KB, 412x686, pixelplanet--477-108.png)

since i helped with restoring the zellig art and making the black sun can you guys spare my mcdonalds art? its been here for a long time


I won't touch it don't worry zaryan


File: 1696544226657.png (173.4 KB, 1255x873, ClipboardImage.png)

Corner looks pretty good


very clean, is there enough space for a coco or do we expand more rightward


Let me try to resize the Coco and see where it fits


File: 1696545733720.png (104.92 KB, 1322x934, ClipboardImage.png)

u guys mind me putting this here?


Go ahead Zaryan, after all the one that originall wrote there was some tranny vandalizing


File: 1696546270994.png (4.68 KB, 158x53, Drawing-225.sketchpad (6).png)

heres the template and the cords are -452 309
some guy keepes erasing it


Shit my bad I thought it was a troon vandal


im not very good at making templates so the colors suk




File: 1696547461862.png (9.45 KB, 409x336, ClipboardImage.png)

holy mother of Marge


vera i understand the flags part but why is there a jellyfish


File: 1696548670473-0.jpg (1.11 MB, 3074x1728, 1670089243930026.jpg)

File: 1696548670473-1.jpg (1.1 MB, 3072x1728, 1670089306473147.jpg)

File: 1696548670473-2.jpg (1.25 MB, 3072x1728, 1670089368822235.jpg)

Coco is South African dutch
Mymy is ethnically Japanese
Maya is Indonesian
Below are their favourite animals, Coco's favourite animal is the immortal jellyfish, a jellyfish that is biologically immortal


File: 1696552086536.png (2.29 MB, 1488x1382, ClipboardImage.png)

maya looks like shes screaming in agony as shes sucked into a blackhole on worldview



File: 1696559061976.png (5.97 KB, 115x145, ClipboardImage.png)

Can I put this 'co where the Mymy 'lita is now?


File: 1696560371051.png (3.14 KB, 86x109, 1696541428273.png)

nevermind, placing at -218 403, use this one.




i made the mymylita tho


File: 1696606246876.png (25.57 KB, 412x686, pixelplanet--179-468.png)

this one is like 90% done but am tired to finish it off


File: 1696614201033.png (284.97 KB, 899x733, ClipboardImage.png)

Gemmy finished


File: 1696616177408.png (169.72 KB, 1079x759, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm gonna build a Maya on top of the text (I wrote both so it should be okay)


File: 1696618294291.png (1.23 KB, 88x103, maya gem resized.png)

X -300
Y 300


File: 1696624767773.png (195.76 KB, 412x686, pixelplanet--334-335.png)

new toss added to the corner




File: 1696627083807-0.png (143.2 KB, 434x575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1696627083807-1.png (100.48 KB, 596x419, ClipboardImage.png)

zelliGODS cant stop winning
can we draw a vera next


File: 1696628043482.png (34.83 KB, 717x607, ClipboardImage.png)

zelliged idea, fixing it a bit now


File: 1696628490641.png (493.29 KB, 1572x972, ClipboardImage.png)

where can we draw next


File: 1696628850170.png (175.79 KB, 1236x634, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe we can do something like this?


thats good


are u sure its not too teeny timy


File: 1696631358139.png (8.61 KB, 90x172, pixelplanet--471-423.png)

new 'toss
-512, 340


is this the template



shit wrong post


File: 1696640840879.png (16.85 KB, 354x542, veragemmy.png)



File: 1696644674393.png (12.97 KB, 354x542, veragemmy.png)

Gemmy colouring finished
All left is resizing


vera is this the template


No this is the big version, I resized it on paint to the size of the one currently in use and I'm fixing the missing lines and little details to make it ready. It's about 5% bigger than the current one doe, but it will look better


File: 1696647028089.png (2.48 KB, 91x138, ClipboardImage.png)

It's done


Working on the template with the other stuff moved


File: 1696647695047.png (3.6 KB, 98x172, almostgemmy.png)

Don't worry, got you covered


Replace "pixelplanet.fun" with "planet.soyjak.in" in the overlay script to get it to show up on the 'shinny planet


File: 1696660160814.png (434.55 KB, 1580x934, ClipboardImage.png)

the frogclitty raided


File: 1696713874998.png (224.2 KB, 1204x1188, ClipboardImage.png)

wait we found the source?


File: 1696714208543.png (352.07 KB, 620x586, ClipboardImage.png)

what if we do another megaproject and colonise the other corner with a giant coco


File: 1696715253423-0.png (87.95 KB, 297x299, tracedd.png)

File: 1696715253423-1.png (4.69 KB, 156x195, maya.png)

File: 1696715253423-2.png (4.24 KB, 156x195, mayacropped.png)

No, it's all me.
Cords are -191, 323 if you want to help out, I might redo the hair since it makes her head look fucking massive.


gemmy but the hand wouldn't work with the border


i just wanna make another huge drawing cus the sonnenrad went fairly smooth


File: 1696731203098-0.png (3.37 KB, 156x195, mayafixedcropped.png)

File: 1696731203098-1.png (4.07 KB, 156x195, mayafixed.png)

New 'toss


File: 1696737027991.png (113.95 KB, 731x718, ClipboardImage.png)

working on this rn


I made the flag, if you colonize cobby instead I'll help with tools


File: 1696742305906.png (161.13 KB, 423x475, 1668938867435.png)

zelliged gem


File: 1696742905586.png (96.97 KB, 834x819, ClipboardImage.png)

possible location


File: 1696743280170.png (189.45 KB, 611x484, ClipboardImage.png)

Why not make Coco's hand in the black border instead so the 4th wall effect can be made fully?


File: 1696743289883.png (6.12 KB, 192x284, 1694818342399.png)

Here it is, but don't start until we hear >>185 out. How can you help us with tools?


I have a tool that lets me do the lining and the colouring pretty fast and smoothly to the point I could do either or both alone and I have enough time to spare in it, I'm also the zaryan that did the mymy dancing on the frogclitty's grave, the maya above the pillow maya and I've cleaned up the templates for most of zellig corner's images as well


File: 1696744015566.png (223 KB, 609x463, ClipboardImage.png)

I propose the coordinates X 180 Y 228, with further plans towards the rest of the bottom middle colonizing the area currently held by 'plier


File: 1696744064903.png (6.14 KB, 192x284, 1694818342399.png)

agreed, but use this one.


File: 1696744133493.png (115.77 KB, 966x719, ClipboardImage.png)

would look like this


gemy gem


Thank you, I've started




nvm i mouse positioned, should we start the hair outline?


X 180 Y 228


I feel like we would end up making the hole canvas zellig themed


coords: X 180 Y 228
come join!


File: 1696790885957.jpeg (92.19 KB, 1130x1800, IMG_4265.jpeg)

Now that's huge. I will work on it a bit.


File: 1696791191861.png (233.76 KB, 318x446, image_2023-10-08_215258680.png)

ummm zaryan, the template is too small for me?


What site


File: 1696792578100.png (6.14 KB, 192x284, 1696744064903.png)

Holy Marge idk why it did that, use this one


File: 1696792809606.gif (264.34 KB, 255x255, 1696078140738-0.gif)

it works






File: 1696825859341.png (200.13 KB, 425x485, zellig2.png)

the 'lanet needs more orange fucker


theres a greifer can someone help


comin' right up


File: 1696862555798.jpeg (210.11 KB, 506x596, 2EC5357F-A098-46C5-A38B-3….jpeg)



if you ever spot anyone greifing in live time you can just turn on an autoclicker and it clogs up the timer so no one can build till you stop


hes back


File: 1696873351055.png (28.82 KB, 412x686, pixelplanet--372-271.png)

coco is getting griefed !!! get in here now!!!!!!!!


File: 1696874651987.png (10.82 KB, 256x256, image_2023-10-09_210350538.png)

x -500
y 60


the planets is bugged, I cant paint


its because everyone shares the same cooldown now so maybe you will be able to place later


Not, it's like i don't have internet/cant connect to the site. The nigger already made Coco into a troon.


File: 1696889839830.png (70.81 KB, 322x220, image_2023-10-10_011707093.png)

zaryans, we need to restore


File: 1696897025767.png (278.24 KB, 1022x1302, ClipboardImage.png)

ill try help


File: 1696900827275.png (111.09 KB, 575x577, ClipboardImage.png)

its all fixed now


File: 1696901032773.png (98.43 KB, 1672x190, ClipboardImage.png)

Frogcacas think were botting lol


when all they can do is bot, they cannot fathom the possibility that "real people" can work together to achieve great goals


repairCHADS woke up


File: 1696915654461.gif (703.12 KB, 400x300, 4B957E61-9F85-4400-A537-05….gif)

wait the soyjak.in earth is still up?


hahaha I'm pretty sure I saw that nigger when I was repairing since I started cleaning up on 59 limit and saw someone start to grief again after waiting and they suddenly stopped


File: 1696929464687.png (34.57 KB, 794x745, 1696508053171.png)



File: 1696950769091.jpeg (354.82 KB, 1284x2054, IMG_7566.jpeg)



File: 1696961686372.png (23.4 KB, 499x797, ClipboardImage.png)

spent too long finishing the upper


File: 1696967573730.png (19.93 KB, 605x553, ClipboardImage.png)



my pic doesnt have that


She IS a pure blooded A24 White Aryan and she WILL be MY tradwife


now that coco is finished can we make a even bigger one?


File: 1696970658084.png (58.44 KB, 657x857, KKKoko.png)

check em




File: 1696971120990.png (21.24 KB, 412x686, pixelplanet--173-469.png)



We cant stop winning


vera what imageboard is this




Frog alarm, repairgods wake up please




File: 1697035055435.png (9.69 KB, 481x540, ClipboardImage.png)

nigger, that's the wrong skin color


File: 1697341654094.png (12.35 KB, 216x277, ClipboardImage.png)

Could some pixelartDEITY fix this up?


File: 1697415336644.png (24.09 KB, 216x277, 1697341654094.png)

Polished a bit but im not an artist


File: 1697593968482.png (561.97 KB, 683x603, image_2023-10-18_045227058.png)

Frogs are up to some shit…


File: 1697594353634.png (117.9 KB, 384x378, 424 - apu blue_shirt holdi….png)





File: 1697599127227.png (82.13 KB, 604x800, 1687398101094.png)

zarty's first sage
oooh im so proud


File: 1697599322720.png (289.33 KB, 600x742, 1671144269122.png)

we've come a long way, zaryan…
this is 'zarty's first sage negation


Zarty's first raid. Can't wait for the first doxing.

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