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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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We should advertise the Zarty by writing the site link on bathroom stalls and walls or something.


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there is a one in one billion chance that someone sees said shilling while also having any interest in such a site. nigger.


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there was literaly a guy who came from the godaddy forums. nigger


It's now on allchans.org btw.


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he made like one post and showed up because zoot went around trying to get help setting up the IB with his tech illiteracy. nigger.


I still browse here, i just stopped tripfagging as i learned it isnt accepted anymore. It was normal in the circles i was in, circa early 2010s…


Doesn't matter, fact is someone saw the site and actually joined it, so writing in random places wouldn't be that out of the question for new people to see it. Faggot


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>nigger nigger nigger faggot


if you want to autistically spread a niche dutch web cartoon to a presumably english speaking community via writings on walls then by all means go for it


I really don't see why not. It's just a text on a wall. It will be funny for us to meet randomGODs. They may also like the show.

We could also do stickers.


we should make a tiktok and say that you get free robux


it didn't work too well for the sharty lol


that was the whole joke lol


Hyperborea zellig edits are still up for the taking if we're planning on putting them on the 'tok




We should buy an ad on sharty


How much do those cost?


Don't know, maybe it's around $5 - $20 per month. Go ask them on the email: soyvertising@goatse.email


That is a great way to get 'p raided!


I think if we are willing to give 20 doller to sharty, we should just purchase a times Square add like /co/ did, except it will be chudzellig basedeel 8 or something.


To advertise the zarty? If so, consider this:
>Time Square
>post video advertising the IB to a crowd of normalfaggots in jew york
>hardly any of them would consider joining some random site, and if they do they'd probably be deterred away from the chud shit we've got going on here.
>The Sharty
>ad banner at the top exposing the IB
>chuds and soyteens are already familiar with our sense of humor here since we're one in the same
>they would not be deterred from our site unless they dislike zellig.
Only downside is the potential raids and 'p spam this could open up if more insane people are aware of this, but that's sort of the consequence you have to accept if you want any IB to get bigger.


You are right.


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Times square advertisement? I know just who to call..


that is such a funny idea

okay but it would be VERY funny

another very funny idea

okay but a times square ad would be funnier


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times square would be impossible. the restrictions are too harsh for us to post a hyperborea/chud zellig edit. The original from /co/ had to remove the scene where Mymy is about to shoot Vera with a NERF gun, because it "promoted violence".

Mutts really think that a toy gun is ganna make people on the streets go berserk and save the white race or smth.

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