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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1709758420620.png (546.71 KB, 1027x747, 1706555259897664.png)


Is it true Coco's VA (Merel) came to one of those "Massa Meetups" and smashed a watermelon with xer thighs? What the fuck?


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true, i made her do it


Only a zurban zegend. It was Trve that coco doing so was DRAWN, and yes someone DID bring a watermelon for such purpose to massameet (think minecon but only for Dutch petje lig fans), but she never did and so far I’ve heard that she and massa became uncomfortable (or something Troon terminology).
This was researched by Zauci btw


so legend says it didn't go through?



File: 1709766638193.png (35.7 KB, 255x255, retardation 1.png)

>randomly inserting z into words is zarty culture


File: 1709767208879.png (531.79 KB, 736x862, ClipboardImage.png)

randomly inserting z into words is zarty culture


Foenkie confirmed it indeed happened.


>Foenkie confirmed it indeed happened.

Can I get some proof cause that sounds fucking hilarious. I have to see this.


File: 1709837986515.png (2.57 MB, 1920x1674, 20231108_182601.png)

>Haha yeah, it'd be so hilarious u guize. I hope someone posts pictures or video proof of her doing it, it'd be so funny, so laugh out loud amirite guys?


Call me a coomer but I must see those thighs crush them melons, or a actual sc of foenkie saying it's true. Show us Zanon.


are you ok man


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yuck nigga


i heard that one of the actresses once admitted to fucking a nigger, i hope its not true but i need snopes to fact check it


If you've ever seen the Coco VA's instagram you would know theres no way she would do this


>If you've ever seen the Coco VA's instagram you would know theres no way she would do this


>i heard that one of the actresses once admitted to fucking a nigger, i hope its not true but i need snopes to fact check it

What the fuck?


does massa go to those massa meets though






Thats the 'gram handle


Screenshots? I didn't download this normieshit


Use picuki. Also its ik_drink_inkt not ik_drinkt_ink.


We must protect the girls from nigger hands


Just gib da link, ok?


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