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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1718163699668-0.png (1.45 MB, 1255x1769, (2020-04) Student File.png)

File: 1718163699668-1.png (1.48 MB, 1400x2000, Pagina15.png)


I noticed a legit continuity error, according to the student file ,(included) Maya's birthday is September 21st, 200x, BUT, on the Maya's sweet 16 comic, the last panel(also included) depicts the weather as being cold and overcast.
Cmon massa we know you can do better


File: 1718163978241.png (58.07 KB, 605x379, dvtch weather.PNG)

according to this 5 second google search, the weather in the netherlands is NOT cold, and is NOT shit, so this is a legit error that should be rectified


File: 1718164754045.jpg (48.21 KB, 1024x766, IMG_20240315_110624_191.jpg)

African coon just can't imagine that there may be cold during autumn


File: 1718165011699.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.32 KB, 546x470, 127 - mymy nigger official….jpg)

meds now it would be september 21st, 16 degrees is NOT cold you dumb nigger


File: 1718172135439.png (206.55 KB, 683x660, 1718143341140q.png)

<Another proof of climate changing


File: 1718172339793.jpg (20.94 KB, 494x255, 1718135652938896.jpg)

Bait or retard……..
Sad truth……..


I just translated the footnotes of the students. Vera isn't wrong but what a bitch.

Also you see where it has those things circled arount rhe "profiel" part what does that mean


In the Dutch education system, students have four, five, or six years of middleschool/highschool depending on the level of the education they follow. At the end of the third year the students make a decision for which specialisation they want to follow in the next year(s), this is their profile.
There are four profiles (although combination is possible):
C&M, cultuur en maatschappij, culture and society.
E&M, economie en maatschappij, economics and society.
N&G, natuur en gezondheid, science and health.
N&T, natuur en techniek, science and engineering.
Something interesting is that we see Maya having wiskunde C, which is the simplest mathematics course out of A, B and C and is only given at the highest level, vwo, pre-university education. This means that the sisters all do vwo, so they will be in school for six years.


File: 1718207114931.jpeg (8.91 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

oh wow that was very informative thank you zaryan


are you dutch or do you just for whatever reason know the dutch education system


take your meds, dutch people don't exist on the dutch cartoon imageboard


Actually this.

They're all too busy getting replaced by muzzies


File: 1718304373694.jpg (85.37 KB, 1080x1013, Screenshot_20240603_134709.jpg)


File: 1718334045870.png (27.3 KB, 255x192, 1706055804676.png)

stop denying us

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