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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Is there a chance that the fags will stumble across Ongezellig and tear it down? I've been thinking about this for some time. What're the chances of this show going mainstream


I don’t think so bc it mentions Hitler and school shooting, both of which fags are scared to death of


fags don't care about shows with girls


Trannies do because they can self insert larp as Maya and Coco. Not Mymy because she's le hecking evil bigoted rayceist. This is why I'll gladly have a community with 20 autistic chuds than of trannies.


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Some of the Hitler jokes would repel them but we must still be careful. In order to keep our community great, we must be and stay part of National Socialist internet culture. I've already got one of my NatSoc friends into Ongezellig, you should all do the same. We also need more NatSoc fan art of the characters.


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I got some idea: you know, there's rubrics like "MymyAbuse" and "MymyCare", but what about "GeCocoloniseerd"? I believe that if far-right chuds, who aren't familiar with the show, see a blond girl from Zuid Afrika which mocks yellow larper from Japan (or Maya, see «Evil Coco» thread [/zellig/, №13712]) with le reycist overtone, they will be interested in it and will go further (or something). Maybe it sounds obsessed and, idk, "racebaitic" in manner, but whatever.


Great idea but we should have all three of the sisters mocking niggers instead of eachother. This is already being done to an extent and is how I found out about Zellig. We really need more Far Right art of Ongezellig


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I have already drawn something "natsoc". Also, I have expedient list of my ideas for arts. Maybe, I would draw and re-draw them. Maybe. If I establish a personal daily routine.


I don't know, we kinda scraped the whole barrel since chuds (everyone from the sharty et sim) already knows about zellig and they already decided if they wanted to come here or not. We'd most likely trying to find something that doesn't exist or we end up with actual trannies here (but unlikely since IB are very niche by their own nature)


How about 'cuck? It's still pretty chuddy there, especially on /pol/. We could start casually inserting zellig images into posts. Most don't know it exists.


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Ahem-ahem… There's telegram in which there's also a lot of chuddies of different varieties (from westerns to eastern europeans).


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We would get coomers since everyone on the cucks are in their 40s and pushing it by now, we need young people like us

Might be an option

Unsure about that, last time it happened (see something like SG for example) it trickled down to the normies and it got ruined

>Your request looks automated.


>everyone on the cucks are in their 40s
Sometimes I forget this fact.


GEM! We should start posting Zellig stuff all over NatSoc Telegram channels


And link soyzellig.party o algo


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You are a massive retard, its already happening
Look at Massa's official cord server Massadonïe. They literally ban you if you say the word "faggot" and one of massa's female friend is a lgbt pride shill
Also, this is one of massa's art.


Massa's server is too insular to have any influence on the community.


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>Pacifisten droom
DULgod (Dutch as Unexplored Language) please don't spread your incorrect interpretations of Dutch content and let professionals discuss about 'at.


i hope you know that we dont like massa bc he is a faggot

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