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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1709707740978-0.png (553.51 KB, 1920x1080, MymyColorCodesUpdated.png)

File: 1709707740978-1.png (545.74 KB, 1920x1080, CocoColorCodesUpdated.png)

File: 1709707740978-2.png (352.18 KB, 1920x1080, MayaColorCodesUpdated.png)


Here's a bunch of color code reference sheets I made that will hopefully be useful to some of the artists on here.


File: 1709707821104-0.png (521.28 KB, 1920x1080, VeraColorCodes.png)

File: 1709707821104-1.png (598.35 KB, 1920x1080, KikiColorCodes.png)

File: 1709707821104-2.png (676.27 KB, 1920x1080, YfkeColorCodes.png)

File: 1709707821104-3.png (550.17 KB, 1920x1080, HenkColorCodes(Literallywh….png)

and some more


File: 1709708221840.png (605.36 KB, 1920x1080, CleoColorCodes.png)

Whoops and Cleo, forgot to post her


Bvilt for bwc


File: 1709709369179.png (329.24 KB, 971x536, 1692917877536163.png)

What did you use to determine the girls' colors? I assume one of the illustrations or leaks since I have this photo that's been passed around that feature's Coco's official palette. If one of the pics features all three girls and it's correct for Coco then it's probably safe to assume it's correct for the other two as well.


Lined up for bwc


I used Clip Studio Paint which has a nifty feature that lets you check the hex code of inputted colors. In that leaked image only coco's codes are visible, but I used CSP to check the codes for the rest of the girls and get them right. Same process for the other characters, though a little more difficult since we don't have any official images of their base colors.


Your best bet is probably blurring a section of the base colors on the characters in the Klasgenoten pic and then sampling them there since there's a texture overlay that does mess with determining the "true" color of the characters, if you haven't done that already.
Sorry if my message comes off as ESL, it's late but you probably get what I mean.


lol you're good. Yeah I noticed the filter on the class picture so I sampled the colors either from Deel 3 (when you see a bunch of the other students outside with Mymy and Coco) or I just boosted the colors from the Klasgenoten pic.


File: 1709814812039.png (Spoiler Image, 152.67 KB, 676x1021, 52ACBEBE-53D5-4C4A-AF3D-67….png)

this is actually really helpful for my retarded project over on >>11861 so thank you to whoever posted these


coco is taller than me? im a fucking joke


holy shit youre a midget


god left me unfinished


File: 1711532174001-0.png (17.92 KB, 262x1095, rlGPSfAkOn.png)

File: 1711532174001-1.png (68.74 KB, 300x1650, MymyPalette.png)

File: 1711532174001-2.png (265.77 KB, 771x1840, (2018-11) MymyDifferentHai….png)

File: 1711532174001-3.png (356.72 KB, 1001x563, SPOILER_Ava55.png)

You got Mymy's colors wrong.
After spending a good chunk of time sifting through his old artwork, his paypig stuff, and the discord scrape that had all the extra petjeaf artwork leaked, I tallied up all the times I could sample any specific color from Mymy's body that would show up throughout each image. I specifically chose images that I know are clean enough and don't have any lighting filters on them like in the final animation (hence why I didn't use the youtube videos when sampling), anything minimal and in .png is what I went with.
Pic 1 is all the times I encountered a color on a certain section of her, and if I found a color that had the same Hex code as previous images, then I would add a tally. After adding them all up and discarding the minimals, I went ahead and ascertained what her "supposed" official colors are in pic 2. But there are a few notes I'd like to address.
>Her hair strangely flips between #ff801f and #fe7f1f. This was when I was looking at the "Ava_.png" images, and they apparently switch between each scene when I looked, so I don't know what's up with that. #ff801f should be the right one since it shows up the most often, but I added #fe7f1f just as an aside if necessary.
>Some old works had her Tie+Boot color the same as her hair, this was changed later but shows Massa kept those colors around since I think ~2017.
>Skirt color is weird, from the .docx images it's #618fbf but from the few "official" appearances in screencaps it's #6aa2c2, added that as an aside too.
>Leggings and Skirt-Alt are from pic 3.
>I'm pretty sure the tongue and mouth colors are the same for Coco and Maya so if you want to use that you can.
>This bitch apparently has colored hair roots (pic 4)
I'll do one for Maya later but it's late and I need sleep.
<My autism knows no bounds for correct colors.


File: 1711621039062-0.png (22.02 KB, 242x750, MayaPalette.png)

File: 1711621039062-1.png (31.15 KB, 428x1010, kkekYVTC5l.png)

Will do other characters next


Holy shit thanks a million. I made a lot of these color sheets quickly out of boredom, and I suppose I didn't look as deep into them as I should have. This is insanely useful regardless so thankyou.


passport photos?


thanks dataGODs. Wish I had this earlier for the community animation project.


File: 1711671417849-0.png (318.45 KB, 3840x2160, (2018-05) Passport photogr….png)

File: 1711671417849-1.png (309.55 KB, 3840x2160, (2018-05) Passport photogr….png)

File: 1711671417849-2.png (349.1 KB, 3840x2160, (2018-05) Passport photogr….png)

File: 1711671417849-3.png (316.93 KB, 3840x2160, (2018-05) Passport photogr….png)

You're welcome. I think you pretty much got Coco's colors right, but I'll be sure to double check later.
See attached pics


File: 1711679402669-0.png (37.81 KB, 242x1369, CocoPalette.png)

File: 1711679402669-1.png (7.24 KB, 159x170, MymyPajamasColor.png)

File: 1711679402669-2.gif (20.71 MB, 1000x563, image45.gif)

Ok yeah, first 4 colors are right, the rest just needed some correction.
Forgot to include Mymy's nighttime dress from Deel 6, and "estimated assumption" means that I'll do my best to get the color as close as I could, but just know that it won't be "official".
In this case I used .gif attached to get the girls' shirt colors. It's fairly close already, but the way the gif is exported kinda fucked with the colors just a tiny bit, you probably won't notice a difference unless you put the actual colors up against the ones from the gif. But yeah, I'll probably do some things to get the colors as close as "official" as I see fit for the other characters.


download the part from 'tube and get the colors from there? is there a reason that shouldn't work?


File: 1711680783683-0.png (1.24 MB, 1321x733, W8RAjQ3Il6.png)

File: 1711680783683-1.gif (3.42 MB, 1001x563, image30.gif)

Lighting, filters, compositing, video compression, etc. are things that would mess with getting "true colors" from characters. Notice the yellow tinge Vera has on her whole body here from video compared to how she looks from this gif.
I know that to the average 'igga it's a bit of a "who care's?" thing as long as it's "close enough", but like I said I'm an autist when it comes to perfection and trying to get the right colors for characters on this show.


is there a reason the screenshot and gif have slightly different colors?


The gif comes from the .docx scripts for paypigs, which has a bunch of images and gifs that shows scenes without any filtering or lighting.


File: 1711767322247-0.png (27.06 KB, 242x1667, VeraPalette.png)

File: 1711767322247-1.png (211.23 KB, 1920x1080, image5.png)

File: 1711767322247-2.gif (4.87 MB, 1001x563, image35.gif)

File: 1711767322247-3.png (776.73 KB, 1000x563, Ava8.png)

Vera's done.
Pic 2 and 3 + the gif here >>14751 were pretty much all that I had to work with. Getting her eye color was a complete shot in the dark, but I settled to work with pic 4 by doing some color and light correcting using pic 1's colors as a reference + some manual adjusting on the eye color itself until it looked somewhat accurate enough.
The bottom heels of her boots I almost considered adding as a 3rd boot color, until I realized Massa just used a Multiply layer and painted overtop the heel (if you don't know what I mean, I'll make a separate post about shaded color palettes Massa used later, jvst trvst mv brv).


how tall is coco then? it's obscured


Are the color codes listed here different then what I would get if I opened a PNG from the deels in a program and used the color picker tool on the image


with video compression, most likely it would be slightly off and inconsistent





holy shit


autismcord woke up


File: 1714912517139.png (212.28 KB, 1528x1018, ClipboardImage.png)

i don't know how i did it, but i managed to reply to someone literally OUTSIDE of the thread, below the entire page. i guess at that moment my Aryan bloodmemory kicked in. the replying method was so Aryan that it obliterated the post. this is truly how our Aryan ancestors from hyperborea used to reply in imageboards

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