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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Has anyone ever painted a gun to look like Mymy’s, I have been thinking about buying a cheap gun to paint to look like hers. I would probably use a ruger 10/22, as it looks visually similar to mymy’s. I would be able to complete this by early april 2025. If this generates enough interest, i will do it. I am 17 years old, and my 18th birthday is mid march 2025, so thats the earliest i would be able to buy the gun.


Would be Interesting to see, you should do it if you want!


As long as it takes zelligbro i'll wait


If the Mymy color scheme takes off(blue+orange) i might make a Maya and Coco color schemes, red and white for Maya, and I don’t know yet for Coco. Anyone have any ideas? I have about a year and a month or so to come up with something for her. Once im done with them, I might auction/sell them and donate some of the profits to the zarty. Also, I made a tripcode, so anyone particularly invested in this should probably write it down somewhere.


I’ll post a new update on how i plan to build/ make the gun in about 10 hours, im tired and its 12:30 AM EST. Expect it at 15:00-16:00 UTC(10:00-11:00 AM EST)


Is it legal to modify a real gun to look like a toy?


Probably not


>Guys crazy thought here, what if I bought a real active firearm and painted it like a nerf gun, wouldn't that be gemmy and all?
I love autism


Colorscheme for Coco? Perhaps brown and yellow (maybe vanilla color instead of yellow will be better) would fit but I'm not sure about this


Upd: yellow and white would look pretty


What youre planning to do is a crime. Under US law, it is illegal to paint a real gun to look like a toy. Zoot, delete this post now and IP ban this guy before he gets us in trouble. This is the second time someone on the zarty has planned to commit a crime and you have not done anything. Stop being a retard and do something zoot.


There is absolutely no law against such conduct.
If there is present it then.
Stop being such a fear mongering nigger, if anything he should ban you for always stirring needless baseless drama.


Yellow and white looks to be the winner for Coco. So thats settled.


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>>11888 I did my research, and the only thing that would happen if law enforcement found these weapons would be a long seething rant on why I am retarded and that I shouldn’t of made them, but still, its not illegal. Also, its funny about the amount of seethe generated by this zaryan. Also, nice trips


For how I plan to make them, I would first sandpaper the wooden furniture to remove the original finish, and do the same to the action and barrel to remove the bluing on the steel. In terms of paints; I was thinking a blue latex paint for the stock, and other wood furniture. For all of the rest; such as the barrel and action, I would use a high-temperature orange spray paint. Also, I would use a blue high-temperature spray paint for the front sight and muzzle device.

Also, remember to write down and save my tripcode somewhere safe


im trans btw


>Also, remember to write down and save my tripcode somewhere safe


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Oh, youre labuin…cant believe zoot hasnt banned you yet. Fuck off retard. I hope you amd zoot emd up in jail rotting.


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im not labuin, i was just posting without my tripcode on.


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Holy fucking ESL shitskin


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Anyways, what would I even go to jail for? Painting a real gun to look like a toy isn’t illegal. Like I said in a previous post; if a cop found it while I was transporting it, i would probably get a seething rant from xim, but I wouldn’t be arrested or anything. I would store it in a proper gun safe when i’m not using it, so no laws broken there.(Even though in Pennsylvania there are no laws making you do this). I know my rights, and I know this is legal as of now.


Why would zooty zoot go to jail for the actions of his zaryans?
When the fappening happened on the ‘cuck, moot didn’t go to jail. When Patrick Crusius posted his manifesto on 8chan, Jim Watkins didn’t go to jail(even though it was the coal that killed the chan).


nobody looks like this


you look like this


i don't though


Yes you do


no source however


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I do doe


oh my science how cute




>established on the nuremberg trials
we must punish those evil nazi chuds, or however the jews are gassed


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>you MUST punish them




big yellow marge

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