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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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what if the antizelligers are right..? what if we're nothing but autistic retards obsessing over a failed tranime? what if we're nothing but niggers larping as nazis? what if we're nothing but a pest to the sharty? i think a mass suicide is the only option…

>failed tranime even though we're the most successful chuddy community keeping troons out as much as possible
>niggers larping as nazis even though we've made so many shining glistering gems compred to the rest of anti-zelligfags
>pest to the sharty even though our histories have always co-existed side-by-side and we'll always be soyteen by heart
Yep issa falseflagger, may God change your heart for the better


Demoralising false-flaging coal that baited me and will probably bait others as well


Hello, admins? I'd like to order a shipment of meds for this person here


Marge, I'll die for this gem of a show


Antinigger mad xe didn't get the GET on the bald man with glasses website award


meds im not an Antinigger


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dropping the larp and embracing exciting and authentic forms of expression like making mymy suffer is unironically the true way to get zellig enjoyment in the post-massa era you may not understand this now it's ahead of its time but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right

Bro's entire post history is Mymy abuse aw hell nah


>my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right
Hitler would have had you shot


how about you cry on the sharty and not here


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>how about you cry on the sharty and not here


you're a faggot


Are (You) an autistic retard, nigger and pest?



Then who is?


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guys maybe disprove xis claims instead of calling xim names


which claims?


Janaryans…. I kneel


>what if antizelligers are right?
About what? Falling for an affy falseflag 'cord coordination with false info that they """totally""" think they actually got the dox of?
>what if we're nothing but autistic retards obsessing over a failed tranime
Not wrong about being autistic and/or retarded, but who's to say our dutch anime isn't a fail? If our community's still going strong then by all means we're still winning. If this show had no attention and dedicated people coming to it, then that’s a failrald on all counts.
>what if we're niggers larping as nazis
I'm not a nigger and the "larp" as "nazis" is just for comedic effect and not taken seriously.
>what if we're nothing but a pest to the sharty?
'Lig is sharty culture and always will be (See 300000 GET on /qa/)
>I think a mass suicide is the only option…
Yeah for >>25590


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We're gonna start cracking down on subversion and demoralization posts on the Zarty after the seetheralds the sharty /qa/ 300k GET got. We don't want any of that stupid nihilistic and downgrading coal in the site, we're sick of postmodernism killing society already.


Thank you. It's nice to see that the administration still cares about the site.


>obsessing over a tranime made by a guy who made fun of shitler acking xerself is chuddy or however I am a subhuman nigger who should hang


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>We're gonna start cracking down on subversion and demoralization posts on the Zarty after the seetheralds the sharty /qa/ 300k GET got. We don't want any of that stupid nihilistic and downgrading coal in the site, we're sick of postmodernism killing society already.


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>>>25590 (You) (OP)
>>obsessing over a tranime made by a guy who made fun of shitler acking xerself is chuddy or however I am a subhuman nigger who should hang


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obsessing over a tranime made by a guy who made fun of shitler acking xerself is chuddy or however I am a subhuman nigger who should hang

So you admit that you're a subhuman nigger after all? And I thought we jannies do it for free XD


I might be retarded but you will still hang


>calling yourself a nigger
zelligsissies what is this

And I thought the projection award isn't rewarded anymore.


can this (((admin))) kill ximselves


Coal. Ignore this shit

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